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    Hey YouTube! Welcome to SASitTube. My name is SAS and I love making videos :). Not just any...

    The Rybka Twins

    The Rybka Twins

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    Hey guys! We're Sam & Teagan, twin dancers and acrobats from Australia!! We LOVE fitness, beauty &...



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    Hey Guys I'm HRVY from London England. Im a Recording artist signed to Universal Virgin EMI in the...



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    Halo sahabat! Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke channel saya dan menonton video2nya. Channel ini saya...

The Marksman (2021)
The Marksman (2021)
2021 | Action, Thriller
6.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Liam Neeson (1 more)
Older Man helps kid storyline
Antagonists (1 more)
Very Basic, but still Enjoyable Enough
You know, I actually enjoyed this film. Yes it’s predictable and doesn’t do anything that hasn’t been done before. AND it feels like a typical Liam Neeson film. Not to mention the one dimensional bad guys.

But I can’t help but love Liam Neeson. And I’m a sucker for those “older man helps kid” storylines. I find the film heartwarming and it somehow struck a cord with me. Plus it wasn’t too long so it didn’t feel like it dragged on. Not an amazing movie by any means, but I found myself fairly engaged.
Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
By and large, films based on video games are never that great, with the odd exception.

This isn't one of those exceptions
While I have played a few of the MK games in my life, if you'd asked me to name any of the characters I'd probably have a hard time, beyond the 'big names' of Scorpion, Sub-Zero and (maybe) Jax.

Cole Young?

Never heard of him.

Fighting games also don't - generally - have all that much in the way of plot, which carries across to this: something about a tournament (d'uh!), and the fighters needing to train for it whilst the bad guys ignore the rules ...