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    Surviving Creativity

    Surviving Creativity

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    Brad Guigar, Scott Kurtz, and Cory Casoni have been making their livings creating online content for...



    Games and Entertainment

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    The city is being overrun with terrorists, taking hostages and robbing banks throughout the land....


Faris Badwan recommended My Way by Black Flag in Music (curated)

My Way by Black Flag
My Way by Black Flag
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Album Favorite

"Yeah, back to Raymond Pettibon again. This was one of my favourite images along with the Sonic Youth cover when I was 16. It's cool how he was doing all of the Black Flag artwork as well as Sonic Youth because I guess they have a similar feeling, similar aesthetic. He's also been doing the sleeves for another band called Cerebral Ballzy who supported The Horrors on tour last year. The other guys aren't really into hardcore. I always liked Minor Threat probably a touch more than Black Flag. That decision is probably swung by the fact that Minor Threat did that Wire ‘12 X U' cover which was great. I like Wire a lot."
