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    Vidya Vox

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    Kandee Johnson

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Bite Me  (Kitchen Gods #1)
Bite Me (Kitchen Gods #1)
Beth Bolden | 2018 | Food & Drink, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great, easy read, with some food porn thrown in!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of Bolden's work, I sure hope it isn't the last! She has a way of not giving you the full picture about something and you aren't quite sure if you missed that bit, or it wasn't mentioned yet, or what?? And I really LOVED that!

Evan and Miles butt heads, right from the start, but equally, they have attraction, powerful attraction. And I loved watching them both ( because we hear from both guys) fight that attraction. Right til they both realize that their jobs are on the line, and they could lose each other too. THEN??? All bets are off and these guys give in to the inevitable.

It's amazing watching Evan come out of himself, watching Miles peel back the layers of Evan's outer casing, to the man inside.

It's not a complicated plot line, nor is it a difficult read. It's very well written and flows beautifully from the butting heads to the get the picture. It's not very explicit though, and I really REALLY liked that it wasn't. There is no break up/make up. It's just a really great read!

Back to that not getting the full picture thing. It's about a certain thing that Miles does when he is drunk. Which I found hilarious, but when we get the full story of what was contained within?? You understand why the hints are there, you put the pieces together. Can't say anything else, cos of spoilers, but I really did enjoy not having the full picture thrown at me all at once!

Oh! You'll probably put on about ten pounds just reading this, cos, food porn or what! Miles is, after all, a pastry chef! But, love that the recipes in the book are give as links at the end. Might have to make myself some alcoholic macaroons!

This is billed as book one in the Kitchen Gods series. But some characters pop up who already had their stories written. I'd like to both go back, and forward, with these guys. I love the way Bolden spins her yarns.

so, a perfect Sunday morning read, that kept me fully engaged and I read it in one sitting.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
Smart action flick with a tremendous Denzel performance
I really enjoyed the first EQUALIZER film. Based on the TV show of the same name, it followed the exploits of Denzel Washington as he "righted wrongs". I nicknamed this film "how to kill bad guys with things you find at your local Home Depot", for that is what happens. Denzel's character improvises traps and weapons to dispatch the evil-doers.

So...I was "all in" when they announced a sequel to this flick. I figured that Washington and his frequent collaborator, Director Antoine Fuqua (both Equalizer's as well as helming Denzel's Oscar winning performance in TRAINING DAY) would make things "bigger and badder" as often happens in sequels - bigger stakes, more bad guys, bigger - and trickier - improvisations - this time, perhaps at a Walmart!

But I was wrong - they didn't go bigger, they went smaller and smarter - and the movie is better for it.

In EQUALIZER 2, we get more personal with Denzel's character, Robert McCall. There still are plenty of bad guys getting the punishment they deserve, but it is the toll on McCall and the reasoning behind why he is doing what he is doing that is at center stage in this film, putting the weight of this film, rightfully so, on Denzel's more than capable shoulders. He comes through - as he always does - tremendously well. There is one scene where Denzel is trying to get a teenage boy to walk away from a gang. I was amazed that I was watching an "Academy Award" level scene in the middle of an action flick, but that is absolutely what it is.

Now...make no mistake...there is plenty of action, chases and violence in this film, but Fuqua shows great restraint, giving the violence a purpose instead of being gratuitous. Even when they have a final battle in the middle of a hurricane-level storm, Fuqua rightfully focuses on the people element of things - and not the spectacle of the elements and circumstances.

Both Fuqua and Washington make some smart choices in this film, which makes it a smart movie, well made with just enough action to please all.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)