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speaker357 (212 KP) rated The Cabin in the Woods (2012) in Movies

Oct 15, 2018 (Updated Dec 16, 2018)  
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Horror
Great story. (1 more)
Love the angle it took.
I wish there were alternate choices the viewer could make. (0 more)
Instantly fell in love with this movie.
An amazing story that misleads you by showing you a group of guys getting ready for work in an underground environment, complete with light humor. Moving on we have a group of friends getting ready to embark on their summer break, however, something is a foot as you are shown a team tracking the friends for an unknown reason.

I love this movie because it answers questions that hardly any movie tends to even come close to touching. To me this movie could be limitless, as long as the creative team doesn't get lazy.


Thank you.
Forever Mine
Forever Mine
Elizabeth Reyes | 2010 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
3.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Never have I been more pissed at so many characters in my life. They're either unrealistically sexist or so fucking weak that they can't even stand up for themselves until something really bad happens. Also, I felt it should've ended at a certain point because after Angel found out the truth about Sydney, the whole ending with Sarah seemed out of nowhere. I have to read this book as research for one of my creative writing classes, and I really wanted to stab myself in the eyes because I hated this book so much. Like good God! Who thinks that making a guy so old-fashioned as "girls and guys can't be friends" is a good idea? Welcome to 2018, moron!

DOUBLE SPEAK STUDIOS (8 KP) created a post

Jun 17, 2019  
Hey guys WHAT TO STREAM THIS WEEK is back. DJ and April give you 5 streams that you should not miss this week and 2 streams that only a crazy person would want to watch. Thanks for all your support and as always the TIME HACKS are included below so that you can check out the whole show or just look into the streams that you were already eyeing. Make sure you share, like, and subscribe to everything that we are doing. Have a great week streaming and we will catch you on the next one.

THE JINX-30:00

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
2010 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
I like this storyline as it's intriguing, fresh and it can hold your interest (0 more)
That's it guys, getting better.
I don't feel the acting is as forced as it is in new moon and there are some funny moments that seem more natural than with previous attempts with humour (with Jacob it's still stupid but I guess you have to think of him as a 16/17 year old boy which he is supposed to be).
The fighting bits in it are cool especially since it's the first real action you see in the saga.
Watching it now, besties Edward and Jacob are having a cosy chat in a tent so I best go and carry on watching!! #teamedward #manimsad
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    The Debug Log

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