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The Alphas Pack (Kit Davenport #6)
The Alphas Pack (Kit Davenport #6)
Tate James | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing RH!
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This was a fantastic ending to a beautiful series! Kick ass female lead, a hot group of guys, supernatural powers and romance! What more could you want?
It was nice to see Kit confront her demons, and her mother. And she gained a father figure in return. And its amazing to see the group really come together and defeat evil, as cliche as that sounds. And Lucy!!! Plot twist of the century! I could never have seen that coming if her halo hit me in the face! The whole series was a rollercoaster and I literally didn't put my kindle down for 3 straight days! Work be damned! You get so enthralled in her life and you want to know what happens next, even now I need to know about kids and life after!

Tate is a fabulous author and an amazing person (I've met her, so i know its true!) I love all of her books. Check them out!
Help Us Stranger by The Raconteurs
Help Us Stranger by The Raconteurs
2019 | Blues, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The appeal here is exactly what we were talking about with the last song - it's just pure rock and roll and it sounds so good. It's what I call 'lake music'. I don't know if you guys go to the lake out there, but in Texas, that's what we'd do. The lake was about twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes from my hometown, and the whole way there, you're blasting exactly this kind of music - loud, raw, uncompromising rock. I love anything that makes me feel that way. There's nothing subtle about this track; those massive ringing chords that it begins and ends with? Come on, you only have to hear the chorus once before you know it, but I still love the lyrics - what a great way to write about a place that you loved, but have left. ""I'm Detroit bored and razed / but these days I'm living with another."" That's so well put."


Dave Mustaine recommended Lovedrive by Scorpions in Music (curated)

Lovedrive by Scorpions
Lovedrive by Scorpions
1979 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Come on, 'Another Piece Of Meat'! What a great song with a cool solo. And 'Lovedrive' itself has such a great attitude. When you listen to Klaus Meine's lyrics on this record, they were probably the coolest of all of theirs. When you gravitate to love song-type lyrics, you run the risk of alienating part of your fan base if you go there too much. Not a lot of guys want to be hanging out and lifting weights to love songs. A song, to me, should be something that makes you want to fight or have sex. It should make you feel so charged that you need to let it loose. Visually, from the second you looked at the cover, you knew it was dangerous. Virgin Killer went a little too far maybe – a little too gnarly. But using controversial artwork to help sell your album when your music is that fabulous… I'm all for that."


Jason Dohring recommended Ishtar (1987) in Movies (curated)

Ishtar (1987)
Ishtar (1987)
1987 | Action, Comedy

"It’s so funny, I was literally laughing out loud. I heard it was on Quentin Tarantino and Ed Norton’s list of top movies ever of all time, and I didn’t even know what it was. I’d never heard of it. I heard it was a huge box office flop, and then I saw it and wondered why it isn’t more known. I think people just don’t know what it is or don’t understand the idea. These guys are in North Africa, in these awful situations, with the mafia involved. It was totally over the top. For me, it was so funny. Such a great story, so original, just hilarious. I have very rarely laughed this much in a movie. I have no reason why it wasn’t a huge smash success, in the top five funniest movies ever. It’s Dustin Hoffman — I could make a Top Five just around him. Like Rain Man. Watch that again. It will touch your soul."
