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Since I read this after reading book 3, it made a lot more sense to me than the 18 months between book 2 and 3.

Anyway, I'm glad that Sarah finally made her mind up and chose Michael, he'd always cared for her so for them to end up together has made me happy for them. Team Michael!

As for the rest, everything that had been building up over the previous three books was brought to a head in this and we see the final showdown with the Council and some of the other Vampires. I'm glad a lot of it fell on the good guys side.

If you're going to read this, you should read them as closely together as possible to get the full affect of the story.

I've seen the author is planning on a fifth book, but I think the series has ended well enough without it so I don't think I'll read it if it does come out.
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Horror
I really enjoyed the original and far better Zombieland. It felt like a fun new take on a tired genre, it had a cast and director that cared and made it work, and it had that amazing Bill Murray section. Surprisingly, because it feels like yesterday, it took 10 years to make a sequel, by which time all the best ideas along these lines have been used up, everyone is older, wiser and less energetic (including the writers, who are also the same guys). It looks like they are trying to act like it’s fun, but no one has their heart in it, especially Emma Stone, who 100% phones in an uncharacteristically lacklustre performance. It is all just the same jokes, the same beats and the same ideas, only worse in every case. The character of Maddison, played by Zoey Deutch, attempts to create a new angle but is more annoying than funny. It is more or less watchable, I guess. But probably only once.
12 Strong (2018)
12 Strong (2018)
2018 | Drama, History, War
12 Strong tells the story of the first Special Forces team deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the leadership of a new captain, the team must work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban.

This was definitely a film for the guys... and I say that because it was me and about ten lads in the cinema for this screening.

The cast of actors were brilliant, and it really felt like the story was performed with respect. It showed the sides of missions that we can only speculate about, so I really hope this one was done accurately.

One thing I did wonder... did they give Hemsworth coloured contacts for after his first battle? Because after all that talk of seeing the toll war takes on a man in his eyes I really felt like I could see the difference... so if they didn't, that script sure was good at sucking me in.
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
When you imagine yourself in certain scenarios there's a big difference between how you see it going and how reality lets it play out. The prime example is this film... we all want to be the Jerry (Jeremy Renner), but it's much more likely that we're one of the other four guys. Less precise and strategic, more haphazard and crazed. If I'm being really honest, I'd probably turn into an Anna in this situation.

I really enjoyed this one, laughter is great therapy. Some of the humour is a little dark at times, but it just gave an extra layer to the flow of the story, and made the ending that much more... intriguing..?

There isn't a great deal to say about this one in all honesty. It does what it says on the tin. It's a very entertaining game of tag that had me laughing out loud. A very good way to pass the time.
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
I went in to this thinking it was going to be lame but i truly enjoyed this movie. It was unique concept.
It gives a great perspective of the damage violence/bullying can cause and how one has to deals with violence afterwards.

I think this movie is great for adult but kids and teens might not get the real meaning of this movie and only take it at face value.

For example some people might think his collection of women's shoes is because he wants to crossdress but i believe it is just because he likes them like some guys like classic cars. To him they are art, he even mentions his knowledge about shoes when he was saying that they are the wrong time period. By not being in the mainstream like everyone else and doing what he feels comfortable with he is bullied to the max just for being different.
    LensLight Visual Effects

    LensLight Visual Effects

    Photo & Video and Productivity

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    LensLight Visual Effects is the ultimate app to add beautiful lighting to your photos. You'll get a...

    Peepla - Nearby Live!

    Peepla - Nearby Live!

    Social Networking and Entertainment

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    Peepla is a mobile live streaming app operated and managed by HHH Global Corporation, the global...

Tall Girl (2019)
Tall Girl (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Predictable but good
Contains spoilers, click to show
Jodi is an abnormally tall girl at 6ft 1 and a half. Because of her height she is picked on by her peers at school and meeting guys is a challenge as they feel intimidated by her height,all except her friend Jack who is smitten with her.
One day an exchange student stig joins the school and jodi falls head over heals for this guy, making it her mission to get him to notice her. Only problem is he starts dating her nemesis kimmy who tells jodi to stay away from him in a typical bitch of the school cliche. Of course jodi doesn't stay away and her and stig eventually start hitting it off. Throughout the movie I felt torn between who I wanted jodi to end up with, but at the same it was predictable what the outcome would be from the onset if the movie. I enjoyed the movie though, I thought it was cute.