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Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)
Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit THAT spot!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Nights series. You don't NEED to have read the other three before one, because only Cam makes a brief appearance. But you SHOULD read them, because, I made a new shelf for them and everything! The other three books are down and dirty, and they take no prisoners or make no apologies for that.

This one, I found, while still hot and steamy, and it does have a great back story to why Ash was shipped first to Stanford and then to Singapore, it just didn't quite hit THAT spot, you know?? And it pains me, because I love this series!!

Both Ash and Luke have their say, so we get it all from both sides. We get what Ash thought he saw, that fateful night 5 years ago, and we get what really happened from Luke, and how he afterwards that caused him to push Ash away.

But these two admit their feelings to each other?? It's almost like Cam and Gabe all over again, cos this takes place over one evening into the next morning, and these guys get down and dirty and I loved that their first time together was extra special.

There isn't a HEA, but there is a Happy For Now. I have the next book to read soon, so we shall get their happy ever after.

Because it doesn't quite hit THAT spot,

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Catching Jordan
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
Catching Jordan is the first book in the series Hundred Oaks. Before reading this book I read Breathe, Annie, Breathe which is book #5 in the series. (Here is my review for the book).

I love this book. I love the writing style. I love that it's about football. I love the relationships. I love that it's genuine.

The story has twists that keep you guessing on where the story is going to go next. I love that Jordan is the QB of a high school football team, which is not normal but could absolutely be reality. It shows that girls can have a leadership role in a sport typically deemed for guys. I enjoy sports and having a book about football and a love story made it that much more enjoyable.
The chemistry in Catching Jordan is phenomenal. There is a connection between the characters that is deeply felt. The connection is between the team, the friends, the families. It's all well-written with charisma floating off the pages that you'll see these people come alive. You will feel that you have been friends with Jordan, Ty and Henry for years.
Catching Jordan is not simply a love story. It's so so so much more; It's about going for your dreams, overcoming obstacles and never giving up believing they will happen. You will undoubtedly finish this book with a smile on your face

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves sports stories and love who love having a female role model.
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1)
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1) by Elizabeth Dyer
Defenceless is the first book in the Somerton Security series, and we meet the guys and girls of that for the first time. Georgia is an ex-marine, hanging onto her job by her fingernails. She is not your 'typical' woman, and can't be doing with frou-frou, which doesn't help with the socialite crowd. When her boss, Ethan, offers her a job, she knows it's last chance saloon. What she didn't know was how Parker, super geek supreme, would affect her.

This was a great book to start the series with - it has pretty much everything you could want, plus a nice role reversal of male geek and female marine. There is action and suspense, along with a healthy dose of anticipation and sorrow. I think the only thing that stopped this being a 5-star review from me is Georgia herself. She is fantastic at supporting Parker and boosting his confidence, but her own is so low. This may sound harsh, but I got a little bit fed up of 'poor Georgia' and wanted her to kick ass like she had done so many times before.

With a great storyline, no editing or grammatical errors to be noticed, plus a smooth and flowing pace, this book was thoroughly enjoyable, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oh my gosh what a surprise this book was. For the most part I figured it would be a YA fantasy (given the name) but I was pleasantly surprised by what was inside this book. Teddy was a pleasant character to read - she starts off in some trouble and to get out of that trouble she's offered a spot at, like the book title suggests, a school for psychics, to hone whatever skills she potentially has. She gets there and of course feels at home, she's been weird and different all her life (same stories as most books like this) but it didn't feel rushed or forced or out of place.

Aside from the initial hint at a love triangle this was very much more of a fast pace thriller than I had expected. There were lulls of course, every book usually has that, but by a certain point, after all the classes and things, there was quite the story to behold.

There were also parts I felt, wow, these guys act younger than they are supposed to be - which I was a bit frustrated at, I mean, you're supposed to be an adult why act like a tween?

This book is worth a read though 100% and I will definitely be continuing the series when the next book comes out! Other characters I enjoyed were Molly (even though there were some interesting things going on with her) and I adored Jillian to no end ... and a guy named Pyro, who wouldnt enjoy that.
Sweet Possession (Nights Series #5)
Sweet Possession (Nights Series #5)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not liking Luke and Ash!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Nights series, and you should AT LEAST read book 4, Sweet Obsession before this one, this is a continuation of Ash and Luke's story.

I LOVED books one through three, but four and now five, have been a bit of a let down. Maybe I just don't like Luke and Ash, you know??

This has a little bit of a story, thrown in with some hot and steamy stuff, and a lot of Luke being a total twat of an idiot thinking about what he thinks Ash needs. And rather than talking to Ash, he runs. Much like Cam did when Gabe says those three little words.

I loved that Ash could make the famous Luke Rutherford lose his cool and totally let himself go and take from, and indeed GIVE to, Ash, what they both really need.

Loved that we get an appearance from Gabe and Cam, and Ethan and Joe.

I dunno WHY these two books didn't quite work for me, I really don't and you KNOW how much it pains me not being able to word the feelings!

BUT!! In book 3, I saw something going on between the two guys who own the company Gabe works for. THEIR story is next, and I cannot wait to read it!

So, I'm sorry, but...

3 stars (but please keep these coming!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
White House Down (2013)
White House Down (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama
6.9 (19 Ratings)
Movie Rating
They don’t make them like this anymore. White House Down is like watching an action movie from 1988-1994. It is over the top with a weak unbelievable and absurd plot. Not to mention a Scooby-doo like plot twist ending that is trying too hard.

There really is not much to say about this film. Channing Tatum is a police officer who is interviewing for a secret service job to impress his somewhat estranged daughter. While taking her on the tour of the white house, some ho hum bad guys take over the place on some convoluted quest for money, vengeance, power…whatever.

Tatum finds himself protecting the president played by Jamie Fox in which the movie tries to create a buddy dynamic that does not quite work. In fact, in 1990s action film style, Tatum and Fox are such caricatures of the resourceful cop and the idealist president that they possess no depth at all. That would be fine if the action was filled with eye candy explosions, only the action was actually subdued, predictable and unremarkable at best.

As if that was not enough, the one-liners in this film are so bad that they actually become laughably good. Not because of what was said, but rather because they are so ridiculous you cannot help but laugh at them. This may in fact be the film’s saving grace though. If you approach this film with zero expectations and are just looking for mindless fun, you may actually enjoy yourself.
The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn't read this book fast enough! Jaime Jo Wright weaves such a tale of mystery and suspense that you won't want to put it down. Thankfully, when house duties called, I have SCRIBD, so I could listen to the book while I did dishes, vacuumed, and did the laundry.

Filled with so much agony for all that these characters go through, the empath in me had a rough go of it. But, all said and done, the author created the perfect balance with the tension, the hope, the suspense, and the romance. I am not sure how much more I can say without giving away the story! I couldn't figure out who the "bad guys" were for the longest time. I was trying so hard to figure out how everything all meshed together...But couldn't work it out on my own.

Annalise and Libby are two women that I think are incredibly strong, brave, and heroines of the best sort. Sure they have made mistakes (who hasn't), but the important thing is that they learned from them, grew, moved on, and are helping others.

I just want all of Jaime's stories in my hands right now! I could read them all year. Haha! I adore her voice and the vision she has behind her stories. They truly are remarkable and deserve the highest praise.

I received a complimentary copy of The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
When you hear about a movie being based on a true story, especially this film, the first thing you ask yourself, “Wait a second, this actually happened in real life?” This movie is about 5 lifelong friends who have been playing the kids’ game Tag for 30 years. Every year during the month of May, it’s no holds barred attempt at tagging each other.

The movie starts out with Hoagie (Ed Helms) trying to procure a janitor job at his friend Callahan’s (Jon Hamm) company for the sole purpose of the game. This year, Hoagie is on a dire mission to tag Jerry (Jeremy Renner), who has never been tagged. After heading out to tag Chilli (Jake Johnson), and Sable (Hannibal Burress), the guys find out they were not invited to Jerry’s wedding mainly because he didn’t want to get tagged.

Jerry has spent decades calculating every move and hidden attempts and is hellbent on never being tagged. You can pretty much guess what ensues once the gang arrives to the wedding. There is an exorbitant amount of slapstick humor in this film, that it masks the absolute absurdity of adults playing tag. There isn’t very much substance to this movie’s storyline. It’s pretty much vulgar humor, physical antics, and everything you’ve wanted in a film about adults playing a kids game. If you’re looking to spend 2 hours laughing immensely at a movie that will most likely win a Razzie, go see this one.

You’ll think it’s unbelievably ridiculous, you can’t help but love it!
On Borrowed Time
On Borrowed Time
Jenn McKinlay | 2014 | Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Lindsey Find Her Brother Before Time Runs Out?
Lindsey Norris is getting ready for the weekly Crafternoon meeting, but she finds a surprise guest hiding out in their usual meeting room – her brother Jack. She wasn’t expecting to see him for a few more weeks when her entire family arrived for Christmas. He begs her to keep his presence a secret and promises to explain everything after a nap. Lindsey returns after the meeting, but instead of her brother, she finds a dead body on the floor. Who is the dead man? Where is her brother? And how much danger is he in?

I originally picked up this book thinking I’d get a Christmas themed cozy. It was quickly obvious that wasn’t going to be the case, but that is hardly a complaint at all. The story was so strong I didn’t want anything slowing it down. It kept my attention the entire time, from the fast-paced opening until it reached the action-packed climax. The love triangle is still going strongly here, although it seems obvious to me which way Lindsey is leaning. It doesn’t take over from the main mystery, and it provides some fun humor along the way. One of the guys gets some nice character development. All the regulars are here and very strong. The new characters don’t get a whole lot of page time, but they do come alive with what little page time they do have. This is a great book that will please fans of the series.
The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel, #1)
The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel, #1)
Ivy Asher | 2018 | Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I don't think this book ever really slowed down it's pace. It starts with Vinna getting ready for her next mma? fight. After winning the fight she heads outside and sees a strange ripple in the air that she can't help but investigate and comes across a battle between two groups of men. She gets drawn into the fight and the winning side tell her she's like them - a caster - and that she should go with them back to their accommodation so they can fill her in on what she is. It takes a little convincing but she eventually goes and begins to learn about what she is. In the process she meets five fellow casters and feels a connection to each of them.

A lot more happens than my abbreviated version above and it's really good. We have some really good interaction between Vinna and each of the five guys. You get really drawn into their story. Then there's the older paladin group and their bond and how they are with Vinna. It's a little complicated at times between them and I got a little upset myself near the end.

I thought this was really well written and thought out. It was a different take on magicians/magic users and I really enjoyed it.

It does have a bit of a cliffhanger ending and I am interested to see what will happen next, both with Vinna and her harem and the vampires who are after her.