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TravelersWife4Life (31 KP) rated Yours, Mine, & Forever (Taking Chances Book 2) in Books
Feb 23, 2021
I love the eye-catching cover and description of this book. Yours, Mine & Forever is a truly sweet story about the road through the adoption process. The book is complicated by two guys interested in a relationship with Norah, the ups and downs of adoption and second-guessing yourself. I truly loved getting a glimpse into the adoption process for a single parent. Joanne Markey developed her characters very well and I really felt Norah’s struggles and her heart for the kids very keenly. She also weaved in faith and reliance on God that emphasized talking to God like second nature to her characters, a fact I really liked.
If you like books by Denise Hunter, you would love this book! It has elements of faith, family, and happily ever after. A true Hallmark warm fuzzy feeling inside a book. I give it 4 out of 5 stars for the big heart Norah displays regarding the kids, the emphasis on faith and for having some bittersweet moments weaved in.
I will say that this is the second book in a series and can technically be read as a standalone. However, I highly suggest reading the books in order to better understand the context of the story. I read the first book after the second (silly of me I know), and I totally understood more of the second story context afterward.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest opinion. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
If you like books by Denise Hunter, you would love this book! It has elements of faith, family, and happily ever after. A true Hallmark warm fuzzy feeling inside a book. I give it 4 out of 5 stars for the big heart Norah displays regarding the kids, the emphasis on faith and for having some bittersweet moments weaved in.
I will say that this is the second book in a series and can technically be read as a standalone. However, I highly suggest reading the books in order to better understand the context of the story. I read the first book after the second (silly of me I know), and I totally understood more of the second story context afterward.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest opinion. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Sin & Spirit (Demigods of San Francisco, #4) in Books
Jan 8, 2021
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.
Firstly I'll admit that it's been a while since I read the first three books in this series - and I believed that it was only going to be a trilogy, for some reason, so I had forgotten some of the details of this book but things were rehashed a little.
With Alexis and her small group now known by all the other Demigods in the world, they are thrown into a steep learning curve of dealing with politics and trying to learn how to use her powers for other things. There's also the fact that a Hades Demigod is trying to get their hands on Alexis, any means necessary.
A lot happened in this and, as mentioned above, I hadn't retained a lot of information about this series, so I was a little overwhelmed by all the characters. I quickly picked up who the Six were and Daisy and Mordecai.
I did enjoy this and should hopefully now remember enough for future books - book 5 is coming soon! - so I'm looking forward to reading them and seeing the results of that last chapter. I can see it's not going to go well and this group of amazing guys may end up fighting for their lives. Again.
This review is rather lacking but I have no way of saying more without giving away important plot points and that's just not fair.
A Romance Reader's Reviews
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.
Firstly I'll admit that it's been a while since I read the first three books in this series - and I believed that it was only going to be a trilogy, for some reason, so I had forgotten some of the details of this book but things were rehashed a little.
With Alexis and her small group now known by all the other Demigods in the world, they are thrown into a steep learning curve of dealing with politics and trying to learn how to use her powers for other things. There's also the fact that a Hades Demigod is trying to get their hands on Alexis, any means necessary.
A lot happened in this and, as mentioned above, I hadn't retained a lot of information about this series, so I was a little overwhelmed by all the characters. I quickly picked up who the Six were and Daisy and Mordecai.
I did enjoy this and should hopefully now remember enough for future books - book 5 is coming soon! - so I'm looking forward to reading them and seeing the results of that last chapter. I can see it's not going to go well and this group of amazing guys may end up fighting for their lives. Again.
This review is rather lacking but I have no way of saying more without giving away important plot points and that's just not fair.

Jonathan Higgs recommended Adrenaline by Deftones in Music (curated)

Patrick Wilson recommended The Magnificent Seven (1960) in Movies (curated)

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Two Forces (Crescentwood #2) in Books
Mar 20, 2021
Darker, dirtier and a damn sight more dangerous!
Spoilers/warning : Please be aware there is an attempted rape scene/a rape and sex trafficking which includes reference to underage girls which could be a trigger for some readers.
Also a few graphic descriptions of violence and sex.
Chapter one starts us on the same day we left off, only with Sophie, not Preston.
I'm so happy that we've not jumped ahead weeks, especially after the cliffhanger of the first book. It's pretty seamless too, no subtle character discrepancies and no questions about what's happened since we were last enveloped in Crescentwood.
Sophie is as strong and sassy as ever but we get to see a more vulnerable side too. A side that puts cracks in tough exteriors of four smoking hot guys.
Each page I read makes me want a reverse harem so bad! Hot, gorgeous bad boys with tattoos and a soft spot for Sophie and some mind blowing sex.....lucky girl! I love how the boys characters are growing, how each of them is showing traits that explain why Sophie is so drawn to them.
Yet again we're left with questions and a bit of a cliffhanger but I wouldn't have it any other way, it just has me impatiently waiting for the next installment!
The epilogue is grim, twisted and puts a lot of the pieces together. It confirmed some of my theories, made me uncomfortable, oddly satisfied and quite honestly anxious about what's ahead for Sophie and the boys.
Spoilers/warning : Please be aware there is an attempted rape scene/a rape and sex trafficking which includes reference to underage girls which could be a trigger for some readers.
Also a few graphic descriptions of violence and sex.
Chapter one starts us on the same day we left off, only with Sophie, not Preston.
I'm so happy that we've not jumped ahead weeks, especially after the cliffhanger of the first book. It's pretty seamless too, no subtle character discrepancies and no questions about what's happened since we were last enveloped in Crescentwood.
Sophie is as strong and sassy as ever but we get to see a more vulnerable side too. A side that puts cracks in tough exteriors of four smoking hot guys.
Each page I read makes me want a reverse harem so bad! Hot, gorgeous bad boys with tattoos and a soft spot for Sophie and some mind blowing sex.....lucky girl! I love how the boys characters are growing, how each of them is showing traits that explain why Sophie is so drawn to them.
Yet again we're left with questions and a bit of a cliffhanger but I wouldn't have it any other way, it just has me impatiently waiting for the next installment!
The epilogue is grim, twisted and puts a lot of the pieces together. It confirmed some of my theories, made me uncomfortable, oddly satisfied and quite honestly anxious about what's ahead for Sophie and the boys.

Steve Vai recommended Mule Variations by Tom Waits in Music (curated)

Gaz Coombes recommended New Values by Iggy Pop in Music (curated)

Rick Nielsen recommended Are You Experienced? by The Jimi Hendrix Experience in Music (curated)

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Justice League International, Vol. 4 in Books
Nov 30, 2020
The 80s. I know, right? What the heck happened??! When did things get so confusing and angstastically heavy?! I mean, beside the frelled up election result for 2016??
Thankfully, despite all of that, there are many good outlets to remind us how to have fun and to also remind us that WE actually used to be FUN! Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis truly know how to have fun times with the likes of Batman, Blue Beetle, and Martian Manhunter, just to name a few of the characters within.
The art, from artists Mike McKone, Ty Templeton, and Kevin Maguire was equally enjoyable, further enhancing the suing fun times. The only art I wasn't wowed by was Bill Willingham's. Not that it was bad or anything of the sort, I just thought it wasn't one of his stronger contributions. But, yeah, the other guys were all aces!
The only reason it didn't warrant Five Stars, or even Four for that matter, was the last issue in the TPB: "Teenage Biker Mega-Death!" (Vol. 1, Issue #30). The story itself was a weaker offering from Giffen and DeMatteis, only made weaker by the art from Willingham. The "big bad" of the story was neither <i>big</i> nor really very <i>bad</i>! Again, not the worst, but not the best.
Overall, though, this is yet another great example of how to make comics fun and enjoyable! If only they had gone this route for 2017's JUSTICE LEAGUE film!
Thankfully, despite all of that, there are many good outlets to remind us how to have fun and to also remind us that WE actually used to be FUN! Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis truly know how to have fun times with the likes of Batman, Blue Beetle, and Martian Manhunter, just to name a few of the characters within.
The art, from artists Mike McKone, Ty Templeton, and Kevin Maguire was equally enjoyable, further enhancing the suing fun times. The only art I wasn't wowed by was Bill Willingham's. Not that it was bad or anything of the sort, I just thought it wasn't one of his stronger contributions. But, yeah, the other guys were all aces!
The only reason it didn't warrant Five Stars, or even Four for that matter, was the last issue in the TPB: "Teenage Biker Mega-Death!" (Vol. 1, Issue #30). The story itself was a weaker offering from Giffen and DeMatteis, only made weaker by the art from Willingham. The "big bad" of the story was neither <i>big</i> nor really very <i>bad</i>! Again, not the worst, but not the best.
Overall, though, this is yet another great example of how to make comics fun and enjoyable! If only they had gone this route for 2017's JUSTICE LEAGUE film!

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Halo (Fallen Angel, #1) in Books
Jan 20, 2021
I got this from the Kindle Unlimited library after being a bit of a geek and going through the story on Chapters - the interactive story app? - and getting intrigued by these two guys and how their relationship would progress.
This starts with the successful rock band TBD looking for another front-man after their old one walked out several months ago and never came back. In walks Halo, a talented guy with the voice they're looking for and decide to make him their frontman. Viper, an original member of TBD, feels an intense attraction to Halo from the moment he walks in the room and it only grows when he hears him sing - the only issue is Halo claims he's straight.
Since I'd read through the story on Chapters, I pretty much knew everything that was going to happen although in the app we only see Halo's POV and in this book we get alternating POV's between both Halo and Viper and i thought it was great to see what was going on in Viper's head.
I love the progression of this thing that sparks between them and Viper's innuendo and single mindedness when it comes to wanting to get in Halo's pants. That's why I've called it a thing because Viper isn't exactly the romantic type but the care and attention he's shown Halo makes me believe he truly cares about him and I cannot wait to read the next book to see where their relationship goes next.
This starts with the successful rock band TBD looking for another front-man after their old one walked out several months ago and never came back. In walks Halo, a talented guy with the voice they're looking for and decide to make him their frontman. Viper, an original member of TBD, feels an intense attraction to Halo from the moment he walks in the room and it only grows when he hears him sing - the only issue is Halo claims he's straight.
Since I'd read through the story on Chapters, I pretty much knew everything that was going to happen although in the app we only see Halo's POV and in this book we get alternating POV's between both Halo and Viper and i thought it was great to see what was going on in Viper's head.
I love the progression of this thing that sparks between them and Viper's innuendo and single mindedness when it comes to wanting to get in Halo's pants. That's why I've called it a thing because Viper isn't exactly the romantic type but the care and attention he's shown Halo makes me believe he truly cares about him and I cannot wait to read the next book to see where their relationship goes next.