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The Inbetweeners 2 (2014)
The Inbetweeners 2 (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Family
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is as straightforward as you could possibly want it. Three lads go to meet up with one lad in Australia. It’s the sequel people begged would happen and they got their wish. There is not an ounce of disappointment as banter levels are raised.

Jay is on a gap year down under and catching up with the guys via email he lets them know he’s up to his neck in clunge and making a shit load of cash as a top night club DJ. All complete bullshit of course. But it’s delivered in a brilliant continuous shot that opens the film.

For the others the chance to break the monotony of their current lives could not come soon enough. Will who is decidedly more unpopular than ever, Simon looking to escape his psychotic girlfriend and Neil who is, well, same old Neil all feel that the time is right to go travelling (or on holiday).

It would be hard to review this without going into too much detail and if that were the case some of the best gags and laughs would simply be ruined. So I’m going to keep my mouth shut.

That said Damon Beesley and Iain Morris do their best to make sure this adventure leaves a lasting memory with some exquisite scenes and class gags. The cast all deliver as you would expect and there are a few nice supporting additions (Will’s Mum for one).

Given the success of this a third film would seem likely, but it’s going to take something pretty special to top it on almost every level.
Passion Awakened (The Hush #1)
Passion Awakened (The Hush #1)
Katherine Diane | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoyable 4 star read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Kyr, leader of the Hush, races a psych test, along with the others in his group. Their supervisor thinks they are hiding something. He was, but not quite what the boss thought. Mira is Awakened, a half breed vampire and trained psychotherapist. She is tasked with assessing The Hush members. All the while, those members are trying to find the missing vampire females who keep disappearing.

While not a particularly original theme, I really REALLY enjoyed this!

The vampires are fighting demons. The vampires are alien to earth. they are big, bulky guys that are drop dead gorgeous. But still!

There is enough variation to the theme to make it sufficently interesting, and engaging. Its dark and deadly in places, and sweet and sexy in others.

Both Mira and Kyr have a say, but also a good deal of the other characters do too, and I loved that we get more from them. The bad guy too! I LOVE when the bad guy gets a say!

There is a MUCH bigger picture going on, which I assume will unfold as future books come out, but I'm not getting a clue as to what that is yet. So that will keep me engaged for the next book at least!

The author has published under another name, Kyla D Knight, but this work doesn't really show the work under that name, if you see what I mean? Very different.

A thoroughly enjoyable 4 star read.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Infected (Releasing the Magic #1)
Infected (Releasing the Magic #1)
Maya Riley | 2020 | Dystopia, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
126 of 200
Infected ( Releasing the magic book1)
By Maya Riley

What's the worst that could happen? Sit down and let me tell you.

The Void Virus has been let loose on the Earth. Caused by experiments gone wrong, an outbreak has ravaged the world. Anyone infected has turned into a decaying empty shell, void of their former selves. The animate decomposing bodies have become known as Rotters, stumbling around for the scent of the living.

Alone in the dark new world where even the dead don’t die, I must fight to survive. Not only against the Rotters, but the remaining uninfected who have turned savage in their plight of survival; the scavers.

As the world I once knew is lost, a new one emerges. Strange things begin to happen. Some are able to wield power over the elements. I develop a strange healing ability. It is unknown if this is a rogue symptom of the virus, or if the solitude is driving me crazy.

Puppy, my German Shepherd, and I have been on our own until four guys enter my life and refuse to leave. Strangely enough, they’re just as broken as I am.

My name is Blyss and we will set this world on fire if necessary. After all… What’s the worst that could happen?

I don’t give many 5 stars but I absolutely loved this book! It was well written and packed with action! I loved the romantic stuff too as it wasn’t shoved In your face every other page! You could feel the tension building. Highly recommended the best “zombie” book I’ve read in a long time!