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Adam Green recommended Is This It by The Strokes in Music (curated)

Is This It by The Strokes
Is This It by The Strokes
2001 | Rock
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I can't say enough about this album. I heard that when The Stooges came out everyone thought they were retro garage band not realising they were pointing the way forward to punk. Every song on Is This It is amazing. I played 'Modern Age' for my daughter the other day, and just for that song alone it could be one of the greatest albums. I was there for the making of the record and I was so blown away by their dedication to making this perfect music and executing it perfectly every night. It was crazy. These guys would really yell at each other if they missed one chord or beat. They were perfectionists. They were the first band of my age group who were great. There's a level of precision that The Strokes brought to making their music and their approach to it – the way Fab tried to emulate a drum machine in his playing – it feels obvious to people now but it was counter-intuitive at the time, no one had done that. Everything about Is This It was a statement in the opposite direction to what everyone else was doing. Before this the trend was for people make albums that sounded like they were performed in arena, they're soaked with reverb, Is This It is this weird insular record with the distorted vocals. People were confused by the decisions that were made when it was made when it came out, but now you hear it copied infinitely. It's funny that for a band that were criticised for being retro they've now come to define their own times."

Reluctant Billionaire (The Billionaire’s Playground #2)
Reluctant Billionaire (The Billionaire’s Playground #2)
JP Sayle | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm enjoying this series. I like that the billionaires aren't arrogant or big headed.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

My review will be fairly short, I'm not in a good place right now!

This is book 2 in the Billionaire's Playground but its not necessary to have read book one, Property of a Billionaire. However, THAT book is where we first meet Nanna and you might want to get the full force of her nature :-)

I thoroughly enjoyed this second book, as much as, but not more than, the first book.

It's relatively low on the angst scale, but there is some, it's just not too much, you know? Just enough.

Both Brett and Guy have a say, in the first person.

I loved Nanna's meddling! While it was pure chance Brett and Guy ended up on the same holiday, everything that comes after is pure unadulterated Nanna-meddling and I loved it! She proper puts Brett's dad in his place. I liked how the reason Brett's dad was so . . . negative? maybe not quite the right word, but it fits now . . .towards him wasn't what you are first led to believe.

It's steamy, but again, not too much, and I really rather enjoyed that it was not too much, just like book one.

I'm enjoying this series. I like that the billionaires aren't arrogant or big headed. They are just regular guys with an obscene amount of money, is all! They will show that money off when needed though, but they don't shove it in anyone's face.

Keep them coming, please!

4 delightful stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

Awakened and Betrayed carries on from the previous book, The Lost and the Chosen, with Vinna on her way to a meeting with the Elders. It does not go well and she is separated from her guys and Lachlan's coven and ends up with Enoch and his. Things get a little complicated as Vinna's magic is assessed by the Elders and they realise how strong she is, if not what she is.

I feel like I should point out a LOT happens in this book. The above happens within the first couple of chapters but it sets in motion a series of events that occur throughout the book. She also meets a pack of werewolves, has a meeting with a certain lamia/vampire, makes friends with some people again, gets some new magic etc. It is filled to the brim with stuff.

I liked this but it didn't quite have the same feel to it as the first. It wasn't as smoothly written and if I'm honest, I'm finding it hard to keep up with who everyone is. As I mentioned in a status update on Goodreads: "She could end up with the biggest harem going because it doesn't matter who she meets, they're always drawn to her."

I don't know if I'll be continuing the series. My Kindle Unlimited runs out in less than two weeks and I have a few other books I want to get through before then. I may eventually come back to it.
Profile (2018)
Profile (2018)
2018 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Profile is based upon a true story of a French journalist who went undercover online to report on how ISIS recruits young, recently converted, European women to the jihadi cause. This film uses the same narrative style as Searching, everything is witnessed via screens, and it really works for this story.
In Profile, the journalist is English and called Amy. She’s portrayed as pretty desperate in general, and this story is her chance to become a fulltime employee at a random, unnamed news outlet. Her recruiter, Abu Bilal, reaches out to the false profile of ‘Melody’, almost immediately and starts chatting with her and sets up a Skype date. Now, the obvious happens, Amy gets wrapped up in this whole thing, and journalistically compromised by falling for this guy. I do have to admit, the actor they chose to play the recruiter/terrorist was incredibly attractive. I’m assuming this was done on purpose, to demonstrate how these guys convinced all these women to go over to Syria. Personally, I couldn’t believe anyone could buy what the recruiters were saying, but it happens all the time.
The tension was high and lasted until the very end, with a good pay-off. It kept me engaged mentally the entire time, which is rare for me. That’s when I know I truly like a film.
As I mentioned, the screen narrative style worked, I was constantly on edge, wondering if the ruse would be spoiled by someone walking behind her, or something like that. This film also took place in 2014, and I found it amusing that they thought to include the authentic, annoying lag that occurred a lot at that time.
Axis: Bold As Love by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Axis: Bold As Love by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
1967 | Blues, Rock, Psychedelic
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That album is my favourite because it's the one that feels most concise. Electric Ladyland I love, but it does sprawl a little bit and some of the later ones don't feel like he's absolutely at his peak. The early ones - Are You Experienced? - I do love them but it feels like there's lots of singles. So for me, Axis: Bold As Love has that depth. The production is just fantastic as well. 'If 6 Was 9', embodies that whole wild, epic, Jimi Hendrix thing, in a concise pop song. Him saying about the businessmen going down the street, ""you can't dress like me"", and ""I'm gonna wave my freak flag"". For a long time, my favourite Jimi Hendrix stuff was the live stuff - he's one of those guys where you can be a fan of the the live stuff and it's almost a completely different artist to the albums. Whereas this one feels like it's got that spirit of Jimi Hendrix live in the song as well. He manages to get this epic adventure into three and a half, four minutes. To me it just embodies Hendrix: rebellious but friendly, and totally in control of the universe. He's like a shamanistic character isn't he? 'Up From The Skies' is really amusing, really cool. 'Spanish Castle Magic' is just a rocker. But it's got this real sparkle to the whole thing. I think these albums, the reason why they've lasted, is because you can listen to them at any time. You can have them for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can listen to Axis: Bold As Love on an epic road trip or having a coffee in the morning."


Lorene Scafaria recommended GoodFellas (1990) in Movies (curated)

GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller

"For me, it is the most alive and electric filmmaking. [Martin Scorsese is] obviously one of the greats, but he brought that ’70s filmmaking to 1990, which… I can’t believe it’s a 1990 film. I love gangster films and I love The Godfather, but I am a Goodfellas girl. I thought there was just so much captured in the masculinity of it and the relationships between men, the family dynamic, the structure of it, the mafia, that sort of hierarchy and camaraderie. I just think it’s one of the most exciting films ever made, of course. The writing is extraordinary, as is the improvisation of it. And seeing what he puts in a frame during a scene, like Joe Pesci telling the story, and you think it’s a funny scene when you realize it’s really just like these two setups over and over and that these… You sort of see the layout of the guys in the background who’s listening and the tension that he’s able to create by just hanging on something. That was something that I was trying to bring into [Hustlers]: in terms of how he treated violence, that was something that I felt about how to treat the nudity, in a way. So it was a touchstone for me in how to, not just approach anti-heroes or an underworld, but also just… What’s the difference between the gun and a body as being used, being weaponized? And an outfit, a bandage dress, being weaponized, you know? And the role that each of them play in that hustle and in the group."

Original Pirate Material by The Streets
Original Pirate Material by The Streets
2002 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I liked the intro really, it was so inspiring. ""I'm forty-fifth generation Roman,"" where did he come up with that?! Hip hop is massive in Nottingham. There's a massive black community, it's a multicultural city and people just mingle, you know, and share ideas. People were not sure about this idea of a white guy rapping. Even white guys were not sure about it. He's not rapping really - well he is, but he isn't. But you couldn't deny it really, it's all great. The second track, 'Has It Come To This', that kind of dubstep, garage thing. I never even listened to the second album. White people rapping, it needs to be done well. No offense to the guy, but I wouldn't view Professor Green as the same thing, it's more Americanised. Jake Bugg tried to do it on his last album and it just sounded terrible, what was he doing? I can understand him being inspired by stuff, but he needs to check himself. I liked the dry high street observations on this album, the stuff about eating a fry up in a greasy spoon. The stuff that would warm you to him straight away - fried tomatoes, scrambled eggs. That conversation he has with his dad: ""Hold it down son…"" We all do it, ""No, I'm going to be alright, it will work out."" I listened to this when it came out. I was still doing folky and acoustic stuff at this time, it wasn't very good. It took years for me to think about doing something like this. For a long time I thought it was out of my reach, I thought I couldn't do it."

Three Blind Dates
Three Blind Dates
Meghan Quinn | 2018 | Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up a month or so ago when it was 99p as I've enjoyed this authors books before.

So this starts with Noely doing her Going in Blind profile interview. She's a Good Morning Malibu show host and has used some of their equipment to film the interview, which, when her producer finds the disc informs her that she will be doing a segment on the show detailing her dates. She tries to protest but he's not having any of it and she reluctantly agrees.

Noely has three dates, as the title suggest and has a great time with all three, all for different reasons. Jack is her first option, the mysterious Suit. Then Beck, the bike riding Rebel. And lastly Hayden, the ice hockey Jock. She gets on with all three really well but something seems to go wrong on the second dates, leading her to look for someone else.

Then we get a "mystery man". One of the above guys who starts messaging Noely in the hopes of getting her to fall for him after the mess he made of their date. I was a bit stumped about who it was going to end up being but a certain guy did keep turning up places quite regularly.

I liked this but it did seem quite long for what went down. Each guy took up about a quarter of the book, including the final mystery one. It didn't entirely pull me in but there were some truly fun bits, and for me, personally, those involved Noely's brother, Alex, and his wife, Lauren. And little Chloe, too.
A Stranger on the Beach
A Stranger on the Beach
Michele Campbell | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Caroline Stark has been married to her husband, Jason, for 20 years. They have one daughter, Hannah, who is a freshman in college. When Caroline's husband brings his mistress to their housewarming party, Caroline is beside herself. In order to get back at Jason, she decides to have a one-night stand with a local bartender, Aidan, who also just happens to be the stranger who like to stand on the beach and stare at her house for hours. But the events that follow that one night are far more than Caroline bargained for. Even stranger her story and Aidan's story seem completely different. Who is telling the truth? And who will you believe?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book drew me in from the very beginning and didn't let me go until the end. Being a woman I truly felt bad for Caroline and the situation she was in. I think I would lose it, if I found out my husband was having an affair. I don't know if I would go out looking for vindication by doing the same deed.

From the start, I didn't like Aidan, he seemed like one of those guys you say hi to in passing and the next thing you know, he's everywhere you turn. He really creeped me out.

I loved this book and I couldn't put it down. I didn't see the twists and turns coming and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Michele Campbell writes books that leave your mind spinning. Pick this one up as soon as you can.

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated Bumblebee (2018) in Movies

Sep 19, 2019 (Updated Sep 19, 2019)  
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
A transformers film that everyone can enjoy. (2 more)
It actually fits in as a prequel to the first transformers.
Actually made me smile, a feel good film!
Pleasantly surprised
Firstly, thank you Smashbomb for my free Bumblebee DVD!
I was sceptical with yet ANOTHER transformers film, but after seeing it happens before Sam Witwicky met bumblebee i felt like it was worth a shot!
It doesn't follow the same pattern as the other installments of the franchise (in a good way) it's actually got some heart behind the story. Theres action but not too much, enough of a build up to set in motion what happens in Transformers 1.
I love how they showed what happened to bumblebees voice, how he found his Camero alias and how his relationship with Humans managed to become so good. It was a prequel that was made as if it was actually made before the first, like all prequels should be (but unfortunately it's not always the case). It doesn't create anymore questions, start new, never to be finished storylines, it was a straight forward set up.
I honestly thought I'd have another flop on my hands but genuinely enjoyed it and would watch it again.
I didn't feel as though it was another stab at a worn out franchise either, it was fresh and heart warming, a movie in it's own right. Someone could come in completely new to Transformers and the whole world it has created and fall in love with it from this, like I said, it fits in perfectly.
Definitely recommend guys, it's actually a lovely action film!