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Whirlwind (Southern Spirits #8)
Whirlwind (Southern Spirits #8)
Bailey Bradford | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stefan suffered before he died, in more ways than one, and it took him time to realise that he was 'different' as a spirit than he was alive. Sometimes he still forgets. He is also lonely. He has seen those that he cares about pair up as the years have gone by, and now Connor has too. He realises that it is possible but just hasn't found anyone who sparks his interest.

Jordan and Gideon were best friends, in the Forces, and haven't done anything together to further their friendship. When their time on earth is cut short, they stay together but are still unable to admit how they feel for each other. They make their way to McKinton where Jordan's mother lives. Gideon spots Stefan close to Jordan's mum. Stefan is actually trying to console the heartbroken mother, but Gideon thinks he is trying to hurt her so attacks.

This book starts off quite sad as Stefan is alone, and Jordan and Gideon have to die. However, it couldn't move on if it wasn't for this fact so stick with it. Stefan's mischievous side comes through, as well as Connor's protective side towards Stefan. Connor also seems to be packing some amazing powers, which I loved reading about.

Lack of communication, misunderstandings, personal inhibitions - they're all here and need to be solved before these three brilliant guys can sort themselves out.

Well-written once again, and fast-paced, I don't know if I'm ready to say goodbye to the Southern Spirits! Loved the book and the series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 23, 2015
Heartbeat Girl
Heartbeat Girl
Michelle Gross | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous vampire read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Jayne's boss disappears, the band she was working with hires her as their PA. But something is off about The Oppressors and Jayne can't figure it out. She also can't keep her attraction to one of them hidden if she's sharing their bus.

It's been a while since I had a good vampire read, and I have to say, this proper hit the spot!

I loved that there was history between Jayne and Liam, but we don't get the full story till much later in the story. And indeed, that it was well past half way before they give into their desires for each other. Loved the sire aspect of this vampire lore.

Liam knew all that time ago, that Jayne was special to him, but it wasn't til he fully opened his soul to her, that he realised just HOW special she was.

I loved all the guys, but now I think Pete has a place in my heart. He does something here that was incredibly brave, and could have cost him his life, but his love for Jayne, even if she wasn't his, pulled him through. Steve too, but to a lesser extent. I want them both to have a story, they need one!

There's a bit on the blurb that says this can be read as a standalone, but that characters from Soul Food are mentioned. And it can, it is totally stand alone, BUT now I WANT to go back and read that book, I really do. Ruth is Jayne's boss and where she ends up? I need to know what happened to her.

First I've read of this author too, I need more!

A very, very enjoyable 4 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
13 Assassins (2011)
13 Assassins (2011)
2011 | Action, History, International
Competent I suppose - I mean I still liked it and all - but I don't go to Miike to see something just competent, you feel? Gets points exclusively for the insane amount of people that get hacked, blown up, trampled, shot with arrows, and bludgeoned to death in the final act - and a particularly powerful last 20 minutes that wrap things up nicely (the way it touches on how the wealthy fetishize lowly rabble without actually wanting any of the consequences of it floored me ["So death comes for us all."]). It's a surprise to no one that this guy can emulate practically any genre with ease, but did this have to be so traditional? Am I being too much of a pushover to ask for more of that sweet, sweet gore that we only get bits and pieces (no pun intended) of? The final battle (which you guys all oversold) is notable in scope but is almost classical to a fault and lacks the snappiness of better martial arts films like Jet Li's 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴, for example - some of it you can't even see that well either. In fact I think this actually succeeds more in its more disturbing moments rather than its action, with that religiously entertaining villain often swooping in to save the day -I mean the guy's a riot, plain and simple (props to Goro Inagaki for playing him *perfectly*). A lot of the other stuff just feels emulative to me, never bad that's for sure - Miike seldom misses a beat - but I wish there was more of him visible here (he would have crushed some motherfuckers in those wooden spike wall traps). Though on that note, I don't mind at all that this dropped his affinity for drawing out scenes way too long.
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing world building!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Oooooohhhhh! I loved this! I really did!

The thing I loved the most, was there wasn't that info dump you get in some fantasy books. When Crystal gets pulled into the rose bush and spat out the other side, she has to learn everything about where she now is. And as she learns, we learn. So, it comes in dribs and drabs, just enough for you to process that bit and move on to the next. Loved that, it meant I could fully engage with the characters, instead of trying to keep up with information. Excellent world building!

I loved that Crystal has her say in the first person, and the Paladins, her group of protectors at this point, have their say in the third. Different, yes, but I loved that it was.

And I say at this point, because given what happens at the end (which, to be honest I saw coming, but hey, still loved it!) things will change in future books.

I've not tagged it as romance or multi partner YET, cos there isn't any romance, and the only smexy times is in dreams, for both Crystal and the guys. But it's coming, oh yes, it's a-coming!

Obviously, things aren't smooth sailing, and I've an idea who might be wanting to cause all this trouble. I'm fairly certain they aren't done yet.

So, when is the next one out? Cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it!

This is the second book of Cameron's I tried to read. I didn't much care for the first one, but this?? Bloody loved it!

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11953 KP) rated Moving On in Books

Jan 2, 2023  
Moving On
Moving On
Felice Stevens | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A perfectly paced story with a great storyline.
MOVING ON is a standalone story that tells the story of Sean and Tristan. Both these guys have baggage from their pasts that they carry with them wherever they go, and neither is prepared to trust anyone or anything to move on.

Both of their backstories are heartbreaking for different reasons. When they spoke about first times, I was completely with Tristan and his reaction to Sean's story. The thing I love about Felice Stevens' books are, although they are fiction, they are also completely believable. Nothing seems far-fetched, which can be both a good and a bad thing.

These two have a slow-burn until it's not. Tristan is very prickly and Sean works hard to get by that, to be his friend, and wanting nothing in return. I loved that Sean was someone who wants to live outside the box, whereas Tristan preferred order instead of chaos. They balanced each other out perfectly. Sean did tend to fly off the handle at times, and Tristan would keep things close to his chest. I wanted to slap both of them!

A perfectly paced story with a great storyline, this didn't quite push all the buttons and I have no idea why. Everything about it was just what I wanted but I just didn't connect with the characters as much as I wanted to. If Goodreads did half stars, this would be a 4.5. Instead, I'm rounding it up.

A brilliant story that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
170 of 235
Ta’alo’s Tribe: Project Armageddon (The Marvel-ous Mates of Artaxa prime 1)
By Remy Cavilich

When the UGH taps Dr. Celeste Ballatine to run a space junk retrieval mission with a higher-than-normal commission and very few restrictions, she doesn't hesitate, and neither do her crewmates, Jax and Yuri. There's just one problem--there weren't supposed to be survivors on Artaxa Prime, but there are. The only hope for survival is to make contact with the natives and hope for the best.

Celeste stumbles across a tribe of primitive alien hybrids with the strange ability to understand her, but they want something in exchange for their help, something she's not sure she's willing to give.

They want her to take an alien mate.

With their literal lives on the line, Celeste must make the ultimate sacrifice--herself--to save the guys. As if things weren't bad enough, her crewmates are rather attached to her, and the idea of adding a fourth to their balanced triangle doesn't sit well with them.

The longer she stays on this planet, the more her collection of mates will grow. Turns out there are many alien races on the planet, and all of them will want to stake their claim on the new human female.

I don’t know how I stuck with it at first the 2 “human males” at the beginning really put me off and I’m not sure of it was meant to make us think that human men are all leaches maybe? But I stuck with it and I actually liked the idea of these alien lions. It was definitely ropey in places but I’m intrigued to see where it goes.

Merissa (11953 KP) rated Cupcakes & Christmas in Books

Nov 27, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
Cupcakes & Christmas
Cupcakes & Christmas
RJ Scott | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
CUPCAKES & CHRISTMAS is a sweet, seasonal romance that actually takes place for the most part in October. Stick with me, it does make sense, I promise.

Justin and Brody are both chefs and have been asked to take part in a charity show that is featuring six season's winners. Justin won season one and although he still bakes, most of his time now is being an 'influencer'. He has imposter syndrome and doesn't think he'll be able to stay past week one. Oh, and he also had a crush on Brody when he watched season four. Brody is, as you may have guessed, the winner from season four. He has had his self-confidence severely knocked by his ex-husband and doesn't feel like he should be there, even though he desperately wants to win. Oh, and he had a crush on Justin from season one!

These two connect in an adorably sweet and awkward way. I loved how Justin stood up for himself against Erin. Both of them need to find themselves and they both help the other with that. Along with the aid of a magical snowman called Jeremy!

The pace is fast but both our guys know what they want. There are flies in the ointment but nothing is going to come in between Brody and Justin. I have never watched GBBO or been to Banff but this book made me want to do both.

A book guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies in time for the Yuletide season, CUPCAKES & CHRISTMAS is a story I definitely recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 27, 2020
I'm With The Band (Rock My World #3)
I'm With The Band (Rock My World #3)
Tanith Davenport | 2023 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite work for me!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm kinda on the fence about this one, and I really cannot pinpoint why, so this review will be short and I'm sorry for that.

Only Tawny gets a say. 99.9% of the time, I will say I wanted to hear from everyone, and I stand by that here. I didn't much like Tawny to be honest!

What I DID like, was being kept on my toes. You don't get the full story as to what happened between Tawny and Marsh, all those years ago, in one fell swoop. Oh no. You get a hint and a clue, and a randomly placed thought that makes you put the pieces together in totally the wrong way and then when we DO get the full story, you go, like DUH! Of COURSE that's what happened! The clues are all there, and I loved being shown that I really did NOT put the pieces together in the right order.

I liked the band guys, and they seem like they all have a great story to tell.

It's only a short book, less than 100 pages, but because I didn't much like Tawny, it took me far longer than it should to read.

There is on page stalking and talk of past drug abuse. It's really quite necessary to the story, cos you need to know what happened to everyone, and how they came out the other side, or not, in some cases. Please be mindful of your triggers.

First I've read of this author. I'd like to read something else, not this series, at some point. This one just didn't float my boat.

3 good, but not for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Weave Them And Reap (Weavers Of The Ether #1)
Weave Them And Reap (Weavers Of The Ether #1)
Essie Suter | 2023 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WEAVE THEM AND REAP is the first book in the Weavers of the Ether series and, I'm not 100% sure but it feels like it's a spin-off from a different series. Whether it is or not, I enjoyed this story of a renegade weaver finding her destiny and three mates at the same time!

There are other characters I'm hoping have stories told about - the princess in the Gate, Cam, Leif, Jet, and Wren, to name just some. But this story was about Echo, Finn, Brogan, and Soren. Four very different people who have a mate bond… if they accept it.

I'll be honest, Echo was a little annoying to start with. Her constantly happy mood, even when Jet was cussing her, was a bit much but I do know people who are like that, which made it all the more believable! Brogan was the one to hold everyone together, always chilled - until he's not. Finn was the lonely dragon who found everything he didn't know he was looking for. And Soren - oh, man - I've saved the best for last. Mr Ice who was slowly but surely melted. What a great group.

This is the first book by this author I have read and I was drawn in from the first page. The world intrigues me, as do the characters, and I look forward to reading more in this series and also by the author. The overall story arc has been left wide open, although, with the epilogue, we know Echo and her guys are certainly happy enough!

Thoroughly enjoyable and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 20, 2023