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Dana (24 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books
Mar 23, 2018

Phillip McSween (751 KP) rated Tombstone (1993) in Movies
Mar 27, 2018

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Final Girls in Books
Aug 20, 2018
Forgettable Book (1 more)
Overdone Plot
Just Okay

Sheridan (209 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider in Video Games
Sep 27, 2018
Graphics are incredible (2 more)
Gameplay is flawless
Story is engaging and interesting
A Visual Masterpiece
I'll do my best not to gush too much, but holy mother of - this game, you guys - this game is utterly phenominal. The graphics, oh wow! The trees, the water, Lara's hair! It's all totally on point. Amazing all round, I spent the first ten minutes just looking around because let me tell you the graphics are just beautiful. The gameplay is similar to the other two Tomb Raider games but with a few new interesting ideas, the skill tree gives you a bunch of great perks that *really* help when you get further into the story. The collectibles are interesting and at some stages challenging to find, I honestly can't remember whether or not Rise of the Tomb Raider had the GPS caches but they've done away with that idea in SotTR and gone with Survival caches which are great for upgrading. They've also got a new idea where you find monoliths which give you a rare survival caches if you can solve the riddle ;) Another new feature are Crypts which are like mini challenge tombs, once you complete it you recieve an outfit which you restore at your base camps, and wearing those gives you extra game perks (they're also pretty which is fun too). The challenge tombs are great fun and give you perks in your skill tree, you can't get unless you complete them, so it's worthwhile doing them. Once you've finished the game, you have the option to have another crack at it in New Game +, you keep all your skills, outfits and weapons (at the moment I'm a bit of the way through this with the game on 'One with the Jungle' which is the hard setting). The story is really interesting and based on Mayan legends, which I won't spoil for you, needless to say it's fantastic :) TL;DR: It's f**king phenominal, get it, you won't be disappointed :)

Debbiereadsbook (1327 KP) rated Where Nerves End (Tucker Springs #1) in Books
Nov 2, 2018
warm and fuzzies, people, warm and fuzzies!

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) in Movies
Nov 20, 2018

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Imitation (Clone Chronicles, #1) in Books
Dec 14, 2018