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Soul of Discretion
Soul of Discretion
Susan Mac Nicol, M. Tasia | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great collaboration!
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

You know how you love a particular author, all their books are mostly 5 stars reviews, and then one comes along that throws you for a loop, and you did not love it, but you cannot figure out why?? This one, right here.

Simon is in Canada to see just what has happened to his money, and more importantly, his friend. His hook-up provides him with some much needed relief. When said hook-up turns out to be the police officer dealing with his friend, both Simon and Nick realise they have to stay apart. But neither man can do that, because each man feels more for the other than just a hook-up. But how can things work, with them living on opposite sides of the world??

I LIKED this, I really did, I just didn't love, and it pains me deeply to say that, and I really don't know why!

I loved Simon, being an Earl, but he doesn't lord it over others. He works hard, makes his millions by working hard and pushing others to work hard for him. Loved Nick, who is, up to now, quite happy in his job as a Mountie. Loved the supporting cast of characters that take part in this story. Loved how they came together, and that they both thought, quite quickly, that there could be more between them.

I just didn't love the story! I did love how Jack, Simon's friend, redeemed himself, and the bad guys got their comeuppence, though.

This is a collaboration between Susan Mac Nicol, and M.Tasia. I LOVE Ms Mac Nicol, but have only read one short by Ms Tasia. I tried really hard to pick out where each author had their say, as it were, but I couldn't find any seams. The changes between each author are smooth and painless and unless you KNOW where they are, you might never be able to pick those seams apart. So, very well done for that!

So, as much as I enjoyed the story, I just didn't love it and for that I'm deeply sorry!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
On The Ice ( Stick Side '#1)
On The Ice ( Stick Side '#1)
Amy Aislin | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Sport & Leisure
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Mitch is working two jobs to put himself through college, and get himself in the NHL league. He puts on a front for everyone and anyone who pays him any attention. But Alex sees Mitch, like SEES him, as he really is and Alex wants more. But both young men are fully aware that coming out might jeopardize both the positions in the league.

I made a new shelf, just for books like this! It's title?? Kinda-creeps-up-on-ya!

Because that is just what this book did! It creeps along, slow, slow, fast, fast, slow. The emotions build along the same, and then, THEN?? I ran out of book!

You get sucked in so far, you can't see a way out, except to keep on going and see how it all turns out!

I loved Mitch, with all his fronts and faces he presents to everyone else. I loved that Alex saw, immediately, past those fronts and faces. Loved that Alex makes it clear to Mitch, while he finds him attractive, there can be nothing between them without the EMOTIONAL connection. And Mitch would rather take the nothing, and have Alex in his life, than just the sex, and lose Alex along the way.

I find myself: me, a middle aged English woman, connecting with Alex on a much deeper level than I expected to. Alex is demisexual: he loves people, not genders. But he won't have sex with just anyone, he needs that emotion connection that Mitch is chasing with Alex. And I think THATS what I connected to, the fact he needs that emotional connection.

I did love the epilogue! Loved that, even though these guys could have lost their league places, they followed their hearts!

There is a little bit in the front of this book, that tells you Mitch and Alex pop up in another book by Aislin. They are already married for 6 years in that book, and this is the story of how they got together. I'd like to read that one too.

From what I can see, the first I have read of Aislin, another new to me author who blew me away.

5 stars, that creep up ya!!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Glasshouse (Lavender Shores #6)
The Glasshouse (Lavender Shores #6)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVE this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the series, but you don't need to have read there other books to follow this one. They can all be read as stand alones. But they are all 4 and 5 star reviews, from me!

I keep flipping from 4 to 5 stars and back to four again, and I have no idea why I keep crossing the numbers out at the top of the page, so gonna split the difference and call it 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 for the blog!

A little bit more of an emotional read, this one. I felt for Harrison, I really did. I cried for him when he runs, first from Will then from Adrian. And cheered for him when he finds himself, after being someone else for everyone for so very long.

But equally, Adrian wrecks your heart too! While he fights for what he feels for Harrison in the beginning, then letting it all out and going all in, and when he was waiting for Harrison to come back to him. Oh Lord, the waiting was painful!

Harrison's brother Jasper plays a huge part here, and I think he should get a story too. Adrian's brother too, but to a lesser degree. He needs a happy ever after though, after such loss. OH!! Did I see that one being laid out?? Maybe not, we'll see!

But my overwhelming feeling (and ya'll know I'm all about sharing the feelings!) is that I want, no, I NEED the story of Adrian's uncles, Alex and Alan. Alex' diary was found in one of the couples (I forget which) house when they are remodeling. Adrian references Alex' diary here, and I so desperately want to hear their story. Although members of the Founding Families, they didn't have it as easy as the guys in Lavender Shores do now. I think THEIR story would be a welcome addition to this series.

As I read each one of these books, I find once I start, I cannot stop and I have read most of them in one sitting. They aren't short books, some 300 pages but everything just grinds to a halt when I start. So, please, keep them coming!

Ah stuff it!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhe
2002 | American West, Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Fighting
“I’m gonna bang you.” Taken out of context, one might be slapped for saying such things. While playing a rousing game of BANG! The Dice Game, it’s only too common. To “bang” someone (in this game) is to shoot them. With a gun. While Purple Phoenix Games does not condone violence or murder, you gotta admit that banging your friends with no risk of bodily harm is definitely exciting!

Okay, so at its Wild West heart, BANG! The Dice Game is just that: a dice game. Have you played Yahtzee! before? Or anything with the Yahtzee! mechanic? You know, you throw some dice, save one or more for scoring, and can re-roll up to twice more to try to get the desired result? Well now you know how to play BANG! The Dice Game – mostly.

What makes this different and more exciting than Yahtzee! is that everyone will have a special identity which affords them a special player power. It could be re-rolling a specific die face again, or minimizing damage from an attack. Add to that the fact that everyone is also dealt a role card to determine their team affiliation – Sheriff and Deputy, Outlaws, or the Renegade. The Sheriff wins if the bad guys are eliminated, the Deputy wins if the Sheriff survives, the Outlaws win if the Sheriff is eliminated, and the Renegade wins if they are the last one standing.

Now, I didn’t mention that there are “Indians” who could possibly shoot arrows at the players because it’s not politically correct, but this is set in the Old West, and that’s unfortunately what they called Native Americans, and that’s the terminology that is used in the game.

This game boasts a play experience that is fast, engaging on every turn (even the other players’), easy to learn, and just plain hilarious fun. Yes, you could be eliminated in a game, but games typically last like 15-20 minutes, so you don’t have to wait long to get back in the fight.

With easy, fast, and fun gameplay, an interesting theme to role play, and great components, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a rootin’ tootin’ 13 / 18 (Josh hasn’t played it yet).
Contains spoilers, click to show
My Heart Belongs in the Superstition Mountains: Carmela’s Quandry by Susan Page Davis is the second book in the My Heart Belongs series. Carmela's Quandry is a Christian Western with a touch of romance. It is set in 1866 in the Arizona Territory. The story has lots of detail which allows for the reader to feel that they are there in the middle of the story. A wonderful story that allows the reader to see the inner beauty in people.

Carmela lost her parents on the trail to California at a young age and since that point her uncle has been exploiting her for years. At first Carmela was cared for by friends until her uncle could arrive. Her parents owed money that Carmela's uncle was now responsible for paying. Since the uncle didn't have the money he guilted and punished Carmela by forcing her to tell a fake story that the uncle invented. The story is that she has been a victim of an Indian attack, later the uncle forces her to tour the country telling the story he invented. He even drew tattoos on her face because that mimicked what tribes often did to captives. Carmela is now twenty and is almost of age to be able to break away from her Uncle and stop speaking to crowds of people and telling them something that are lies.

Freeman McKay is a lawman who is transporting a dangerous prisoner by stage. He is riding along with a prisoner he is transporting when the stagecoach they are on is robbed. The bad guys leave Carmela and Freeland handcuffed together in the desert and ride off with their loot. Freeman is unconscious from the attack. Several hours go by and Carmela is brought water by a mysterious Indian warrior. That water saved their lives. Freeman and Carmela have to make their way to Prescott so that she can settle and be safe. Carmela and Freeman develop a relationship of trust. Carmela tells Freeman of the secret that she has been forced by her uncle to lie to crowds of people for money.

I liked that Carmela was able to find true happiness. The story is captivating. It's a story of faith and the healing virtue of friendship and love.
Destiny Collides Past and Present (The Manx Cat Guardians #2)
Destiny Collides Past and Present (The Manx Cat Guardians #2)
JP Sayle | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much MUCH better read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy if this book.

This is book two in the Manx Cat Guardians series, and I would recommend that you read book one, Seeing Beyond the Scars, first. Brad and Martin play a huge part here, there is some overlap of the two stories and you need to know what Brad suffered.

I enjoyed this far FAR more than book one. The major issue I had with that book was it had not been edited properly and it had a massive impact on my reading experience. I saw no sign of that problem here, and it made for a much more pleasurable read.

Stuart is a work colleague of Martin (although I'm still not entirely sure what ANY of the guys do for work!) and he moves to the island to help Martin while Brad is in hospital. Cat sitting wasn't his best decision. Joe is hiding from his abusive ex, and lodging at Stuart's seemed like a good idea. Falling in love wasn't something either of them had in mind.

I'm still not sure about the cat, Princess! I said in my review for book one that I wanted more of the history of her "people" and I STILL want that, I NEED it, I think, to get the full picture. That Max turns up with Aadan, gives a little bit, but no where near enough for me! I'm just greedy, I know!

I do think again, that Joe would have been a bit more skittish, jumping into something so soon after he managed to get away, but he does push Stuart away when Stuart says something that Joe hated.

I loved Aadan, and the fact that he pushed Joe and Stuart into something they maybe hadn't thought about, but ran with it anyway.

I see book three laid out for me, and I REALLY ant to read that now! Max has upset Aadan, when he saves Princess and Aadan has some paranormal power that isn't fully explained here, it's just hinted at. Something has happened between Aadan and Greg, Stuart's secretary, and I really NEED to know what!

Since this was a much MUCH better read, and I saw no editing errors that plagued book one....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Gail (4 KP) rated Chasing Ever After in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
Chasing Ever After
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so excited to get to read more about this dysfunctional family. In this book we see hope of something new and beautiful. Ace and Sadie have been dancing around the possibilities of an “us” for two years now. Jax and Ky are getting married in Hawaii and it seems like the perfect time for Ace to make a move. Sadie doesn’t trust Ace and she is an ice queen every time he is near. One word from his mouth and she is disgusted. Is that really how she feels or is it a cover for her true feelings?
I have to confess that I was disappointed in how the guys past was held against them. Sure they should’ve been less willing to poke anything but it shouldn’t be used as a tool to make them feel less about themselves. We all have a past and that past shouldn’t be a weapon to hold back our future. Why should I wish to change my past just to win your love and affection? You should accept me for me and if I am showing you how I have changed and continue to change, you shouldn’t be upset about something that happened before I met you and wanted a relationship.
From Sadie's view I didn’t agree with how she handled any of their time together. She was always cold and pushing him away. Yet he stayed and kept trying. I don’t think she appreciated that. Yes she was hurting and man it flipping sucked what happened to her. (Gosh how can you write about so much loss?) But there was nothing in her past that gave me the impression that she couldn’t trust Ace. Yes his past was yuck but for two years the guy was practically your shadow.
I loved his loyalty and his willingness to just keep trying no matter how she tried to shake him off. Sadie had redeeming qualities also they just got overshadowed by her attitude. I haven’t lost a child but I have lost someone I loved. So I feel her pain but it didn’t stop me from loving again. Ace had issues but not enough for me to understand Sadie's side. I’m glad it ended well. If she would’ve dragged him along anymore I would’ve had to slap her. Maybe I missed the point but the whole waiting for sex isn't for everyone.
Wheels Up (Out of Uniform #4)
Wheels Up (Out of Uniform #4)
Annabeth Albert | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wheels Up (Out of Uniform #4) by Annabeth Albert
Wheels Up is the fourth book in the Out of Uniform series, and spend some time with Dustin, Dylan's big brother.

Dustin is bisexual, but his family doesn't know. Just as he is about to come out to his family, Dylan beats him to the punchline. Dustin then gets a whole heap of family pressure dumped on his shoulders. His dad wants grand-kids, after all! Plus being a SEAL hasn't always been the best situation to be in if you're gay or bi, so Dustin has stayed firmly in the closet. He has his 'special' time with an online friend though, and that is more than enough for him... or maybe not.

Now, I'm not American, and I'm not in the Forces, nor do I know of anyone who is, so the whole fraternisation rules are new to me. That being said, wow! After seeing how distracted Dustin became, I can sort of understand the no relationship part, but to have that enforced to such a degree you can't even be friends??? And I didn't get the enlisted part of it - sorry! However, that didn't stop my enjoyment of this story one iota.

I think my heart broke so many times reading this one. The need to be with each other, the wanting to show people, the absolute necessity of keeping it quiet. Dustin and Wes put paid to so many preconceptions - why is it always the big guy who is the bossy top? Big guys need cuddles too! And to be fair, I can see them needing someone else to take charge of them, after being in charge of others for so much of the time.

So much steam, so much heartbreak, so much worry, and so much hope. You get a HFN, which I just hope will be enough. Can't wait to read more and find out. There were no editing or grammatical errors that interrupted my reading flow, and I was thoroughly engrossed from start to finish. Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Ghosted in Books

Jun 27, 2018  
Rosie Walsh | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really great story (0 more)
Character drive you nuts! (0 more)
Great Story - Awesome Blindsides
This book had some serious 'holy-crap' shockers! I was riveted from start to finish, gobbled up every word, and felt like I got smacked in the face several times with total blindsiding plot twists!

Sarah's been ghosted. If you don't know what that means - well... she literally fell in love with Eddie after ONE WEEK. They meet, by chance, spend an entire week with no-one but each other, the connection is insane, they are meant for each other, they both seem to be in love - it's that much of a connection. He leaves to go on an already planned holiday, with promises to call, to stay in touch, to possibly start lives together afterwards... aaaaaaand GHOSTED. Eddie is gone. He doesn't call or email, he hasn't been on Facebook, her texts go unanswered. He's just GONE.

Weeks go by and Sarah is a HOT MESS. She knows Eddie was THE ONE. She knows he felt the same, but Where. The heck. Did he go?

Her friends think she's losing her mind. It was one week! You are barely divorced! Guys suck! Get over it! But Sarah knows in her bones that something is wrong. Something happened to Eddie and she won't give up until he is back in her life and found safe and sound.

But seriously Sarah, Get a grip. This chick is going looney tunes. She's obsessed with this guy and it's getting a bit weird. It's just about the only problem I had with the book. Tone it down Sarah! For goodness sake - it was a WEEK! The obsession and neurosis she goes through is a bit embarrassing! Yikes!

But then, things start happening: Clues. Messages. Strange people watching her. And really old wounds are opened. Who is Eddie and why did he disappear??

I really really really enjoyed this (as much as I wanted to smack the living daylights out of Sarah and tell her to "stop it! he's just a dude! dudes do this sort of thing ALL the time!) but I really did have a great time with this book! It's interspersed with texts, and letters and flips between characters really seamlessly and it's worth a read just for the really shocking and fun blindsides. Definitely recommend!!

Thanks to Penguin Random House for the advanced copy to read and review!
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal
G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.7 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
WARNING!!! There is going to be a lot of fangirling in this review.

To say I loved this graphic novel is an understatement. This is my favourite graphic novel that I have read so far ( I am fairly new to them) If I could rate this more than 5 stars I would.I read this for a few different reasons,first being that it has some pretty great reviews, second it's short but entertaining and I love myself some superheroes and third for a boost so I can hit my Goodreads challenge.

So....on to the actual review. Khamala Khan is our protagonist, she's a muslim-american who manages to mysteriously get super powers and becomes the new Ms Marvel. This should be Khamala's dream come true as she is obsessed with superheroes, however it's not as easy as anticipated when she is put in situations where she has to start saving people lives and learning how to control these powers that have been bestowed upon her.

Khamala is a fantastic protagonist, her character has so much depth! What with her religious beliefs, strict parents and trying to find her true identity. It was great to read about a Teenage Muslim girl whose life was run around her family's beliefs, the struggles that she come across, such as friends and parties and not having the freedom that she craves.

I enjoyed all the side characters to the story, the Jock, the cool girl and Khamala's family were all written in really well and each had their own.

It was also funny as Khamala realises that being a superhero is not all it's cracked up to be, especially when she feels very exposed in her skintight outfit and high heel boots. (Obviously not practical for defeating bad guys)

The artwork in this novel was stunning and very much suited the storyline. This would make an excellent start for anyone that has never read a graphic novel before. The characters are fleshed out, the story line is very straight forward and no jumping back and forth and it also touches upon relative topics.

I cannot wait to get my hands on the second volume of this series and is definitely on my wish list for Xmas.

I rated this 5 out of 5 stars