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Angel Has Fallen (2019)
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Full review: OMG explodey goodness! End.

Okay fine... the real full review is below.

Mike Banning is now on President Trumbull's secret service detail, past events have left him battered and bruised but he's not ready to stop doing what he was made to do.

When they take a short break so the President can get away from everything Mike is left in a life-changing situation. His team is all dead, the President is in a coma and all the evidence of the incident points to him. He needs to prove his innocence while evading every law enforcement agency that's hunting him, his only advantage? They aren't Mike Banning.

I loved Olympus Has Fallen, it was only narrowly edged out of the top spot the year it came out by White House Down. London Has Fallen was a completely different beast, it was much more aggressive and dark, and while entertaining it didn't feel like it fit with Olympus. Angel was always on my watchlist despite the dubious second instalment. At the very least it was going to be an action film where I didn't really have to think too much.

Angel Has Fallen is entirely predictable, I had two moments where I went "Oh... so this is what's going to happen..." I wasn't even mad that I guessed though, I was having too much fun.

Gerard Butler gets to flex his comedic muscles a bit more (look out for the wire), he does comedy so well that I've always got my fingers crossed for more of it. He mangles a lot of bad guys, naturally, but he managed to work in the fact that Mike isn't the spring chicken he used to be and it's a very convincing act. He also isn't phased by the fact his wife has had plastic surgery and transformed into a completely different woman.

Morgan Freeman reprises his role as Trumbull this time in the office of President. Freeman is one of my favourite actors and he always brings something to his roles. At one point he makes a very brief speech and that tone... it has a magical calming effect and instils great confidence. What are his political views? Is it worth considering him for office?

Nick Nolte also makes an appearance as Mike's estranger father. This leads to some very amusing scenes throughout. I'm not sure if it's because Nolte has the "grizzled back woodsman" look but it doesn't feel quite right that it's a father and son situation. The two have good chemistry though, especially while they're out in the woods.

There are some good and some bad things about the way the film is done. The worst is the CGI. Generally you'll always know where there's CGI in action but it will blend in well enough to be ignored. Some of the time that's true in Angel Has Fallen, but there's a lot that can't be ignored.

When it comes to the camera work it's quite good, you don't feel like you're missing anything and it helps you keep up with the action. There's just one point very early on that sticks out. We get a couple of first person shooter shots and while I understand why they were included it felt very out of place with the tone of everything around it.

After I saw London Has Fallen it felt like the franchise had already given up on itself a bit. Angel has definitely pulled it back. Olympus was a "serious" movie, London went much more ridiculous, and Angel did the only thing it could... go all out action. It feels very much like a classic 80s action storyline and I can't be mad at that.

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Hold It Close (MacAteer Brothers #3)
Hold It Close (MacAteer Brothers #3)
ML Nystrom | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm loving this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the MacAteer Brothers series, and while it's not NECESSARY to read books one, Run With It, and book 2, Ready For It, I personally think you should. It will give you a better feel for these guys, and how they work as a family, and how hard they fall! And, you know, I SAID SO!

Because this series gets better and better with each book, with each brother. Connor was a lot of fun; Owen was dark and brooding; but Garrett is. . broken.

On Christmas Day, Garrett walked out on his relationship, after finally realising that she was killing him; both emotionally and financially. He couldn't take the love/hate thing they had going on anymore. Shipping himself off to stay with Connorto heal, he never expected to fall hard and fast for lady who hires them to renovate her farmhouse into a B&B. Bertie had walked from her marriage when she realised that there wasn't anything there anymore. She needed a clean break, so she packs up and buys the dilapidated farmhouse, moving closer to her sister. And lets just say, there are SPARKS when Garrett meets Bertie! But neither wants a relationship. Can they really work together?

Garrett, I think, is the sweetest of the three brothers we met so far (and although Angus and Patrick turn up here, we don't really get much of them) and I just wanted to wrap him up and look after him, you know?? His ex, she was a nasty piece of work, she really was and she did a number on him that I felt deep in my bones. Going home to his brothers was the only place he needed to be. Connor and Owen were happy to see him, of course, but they were worried that it took time for Garrett to tell his story. I mean we get, in all its gory detail, but the brothers don't get the FULL story till Garrett tells it.

And Bertie?? While she walked for entirely different reasons to Garrett, she is still broken, and needs time to heal. The farmhouse helps, as does being close to her sister. The same sister who tried to fix Bertie up with Owen! (all is forgiven on that front, by the way!)

This one, I think, because of Bertie and Garrett's history, is the most emotionally draining book of the three. It's hard reading, Garrett mostly, and I would recommend you find the time to read the whole book in one go. I did, at stoopid o'clock in the morning, but it's such a brilliant read!

I also think ( in my 'umble opinion) that this is the smexiest of the three. I think because there is a very early connection, and the fact that they fight that connection, when they give in?? Fan yourself, cos it's hawt off the charts!

I did NOT get who was doing what they were doing, not at all. I did NOT see that one coming, so well played there! And Funky Tom from the pub?? That turned a corner I didn't see coming either!

Like I said, we meet the younger set of twins here, identical twins; Patrick and Angus. Given what has been said about these two before, and that they have seperate books, I'm intrigued how those books will play out!

I'm loving this series, but I think Garret and Bertie are my favourite couple so far!

5 full and shiny and so freaking hawt stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Game Night (2018)
Game Night (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Mystery
Virtual game nights over Zoom have been a big part of many lockdown experiences, so, if you haven’t already, check out this fun, disposable comedy starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams. The two ever reliable leads make this 100 minute romp something worth doing, pitched as it is to tickle you on a superficial level and then leave you alone. Not one minute of meaningful plot or artistic message exists here; this is frat house tomfoolery for the now middle aged mainstream and then a bow to the crowd.

Anyone who has hosted, or been a guest at a dedicated game night will instantly relate to recognisable moments of cringe, such as the person who takes it all far too seriously and must win at all costs; the one who is far too dim to be true, and neither understands the rules nor knows the answers; the couple whose relationship is about to be ruined by how much they disagree; the guys who care much more about the booze, chat and music to care about the game; and the psycho that you didn’t really want to invite but is there in the mix anyway, giving the weirdest answers of all time and bringing down the mood. It’s all there!

When events take a canny twist and a planned fake murder mystery turns into a very real one, there is tons of fun to be had watching the main pair misjudge the amount of danger they are in, believing it all to still be a game. Bateman phones in his usual laconic likeable deadpan schtick, hard to differentiate from his role in half a dozen other films where he plays the likeable everyman, but is never less than watchable – because that’s what he does. McAdams also delivers her ace card, with a guileless charm and sweetness that makes her permanently lovable. She also wins by a point or two on the best lines and laugh out loud moments. If I was keeping score, I’d say she wins this one.

As a couple, their chemistry works a treat and sustains the conceit well for most of the running time. It can feel at times like a bit of a one trick pony, however, and also pushes the boundaries of likability by having quite a mean heart in places, leaning on crass, puerile or macho humour when not entirely necessary – but I guess it knows its target audience and just goes full tilt at that goal.

For that reason, it wouldn’t be something I’d be showing the kids. This is adult humour, for adults – a concept that always makes me slightly uncomfortable, as it will inevitably involve gratuitous violence, nasty misogyny and token gross-outs: the mainstay of comedy films without actual jokes. Game Night just about gets away with it, however, by being smart enough and self-aware enough to know exactly where it sits, shrugging its shoulders and saying “this is what this is” take it or leave it. And I guess there will be as many people who don’t enjoy it as those who do.

Personally, I enjoy what Bateman and McAdams do best enough to play along and enjoy the ride. There is also a terrifically creepy, but note perfect turn from the increasingly reliable Jesse Plemmons, as the lonely neighbour, who steals all the funniest moments the film has to offer. See it for his performance and comic timing if for nothing else. It’s also nice to see Michael C. Hall of Dexter fame turn up for two minutes of mayhem – I don’t see enough of him these days.

In conclusion, neither a winner or a loser. Let’s call it a draw and reset the pieces.
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