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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Hardcore Henry (2016) in Movies

Oct 24, 2017 (Updated Oct 24, 2017)  
Hardcore Henry (2016)
Hardcore Henry (2016)
2016 | Action
An Original Thrill
The trailers for this movie had me intrigued from the get go, then the reviews were released and they just made me want to see this movie even more, so going in my hype level was pretty high and Hardcore Henry still managed to exceed my expectations. I mean, its not going to win any Oscars, but if you are looking for a non stop over the top action thrill ride, then wade right in. There is no holds barred here, this is proper action done in a unique way. The method of shooting isn’t perfect, it uses a great deal of shaky cam, so much so that it ends up obscuring some of the fast paced fight scenes and stunt choreography, which is a shame as the stunts are really spectacular and they only ramp up as the movie progresses. I loved Sharlto Copley in District 9, but he hasn’t wowed me since then, until I saw his performance in this movie. This performance really shows how diverse he is and there is a certain musical number involving him that is definitely one of the highlights of the movie, but I won’t spoil it here. In fact I can’t really say anything about his character without spoiling him other than his name is Jimmy and he is awesome.

The villain in this movie is ripped straight out of a cheesy video game, but he is kind of so bad that he’s good. He looks like the Targaryan brother from Game Of Thrones, he sounds like someone doing a bad John Malkovich impression and he has telekinesis powers to boot. His powers are never explained, but he is basically a jedi without a lightsabre from an 80’s electronic music video. Actually, comparing this movie to a video game is probably the most accurate way to describe it. Think a modern sci fi game that plays like classic Doom and you aren’t far off, which in my opinion is one of the most epic concepts ever conceived. However the concept is only the starting blocks of a project like this one, the execution has to be great as well to stop the movie from only ever being remembered as a throwaway neat idea. Thankfully the execution is effective here both figuratively and literally. This is one of they movies where you feel like a kid again while you watch it and it is glorious to experience from start to finish. The special effects are actually pretty good for what is presumably a pretty low budget film, over the top and fantastically ridiculous, but they add to the madness of the piece and they are a feast for the eyes. The soundtrack is pretty spot on too, it perfectly melds with the insane, fast paced, badass tone that the filmmakers were aiming for and helps to keep that high octane feel going for the duration of the flick.

Hardcore Henry is not a perfect movie by any stretch, but for what it is it delivers in a big way. It is highly entertaining and whether you enjoy this style of movie or not, it is hard to take your eyes off of the screen for the hour and a half that it is on for, this movie is going to grip you and take you for a high stakes mental ride whether you like it or not. If you are into over the top action and ridiculous stunts and set pieces, then I could not recommend this movie more.
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Fun Watch
Machete was a bit of a miss for me. I understood the direction that directors Ethan Maniquis and Robert Rodriguez were heading for. I just didn't quite...get it. As a salesperson, I'm taught to push the "why", not the "how". For me, the "why" of this film left a lot to be desired.

It's not that I didn't like Machete, rather it didn't hook me. Half cheesy action film, half telenovela, it definitely has some shining moments. Danny Trejo (Machete) plays a tough badass as he does in most films. His hardcore attitude makes him instantly lovable and they give him more attitude than ever in this role. Not only does he destroy a lot of tough guys, he manages to find time to slay the ladies as well. Oh yes, the ladies love Machete and Machete loves the ladies.

Props to Robert De Niro as well in his role as The Senator. Hearing his country accent makes you almost forgot this was the same guy that said, "You talkin' to me?" (Taxi Driver is on my list for this October!). You're supposed to hate him as he plays a villain, but you can't help but love him at the same time.

A handful of action sequences left me with raised eyebrows. My favorite in particular was Cheech Marin in the church with the double shotgun action. Talk about money!

Fun movie and worth at least one watch. Seeing Machete seek revenge on The Senator after being double-crossed (the plot) managed to keep me entertained but not quite jumping-for-joy excited. I give it a solid 76.
Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever
Joshilyn Jackson | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent domestic Thriller
This was my first Joshilyn Jackson read I can see why she is popular, this was a very well written book with some great multi layered characters in it. My understanding is Jackson is generally a more contemporary women’s fiction writer; so this turn at the domestic thriller is a bit of a change and I hope she keeps with it as it’s refreshing to get a really well written complicated protagonist in this genre.

I started off pretty unsure if I was going to get into it as we are in the world of American middle class suburban housewives and for me that generally is a big fat yawner of a world. I was getting ready to get the big old eye-rolls out but it wasn’t necessary just as I thought I knew where the book was going it went somewhere else and then proceeded to just get better and better.

Amy Whey is living in suburbia with her husband, step daughter and new baby. She has her neighbourhood best friend Charlotte (but I do wonder who the hell really abbreviates that to Char!?!) all in all very nice and normal life until the mysterious Angelica Roux moves into the neighbourhood and starts to pry into the past. As we learn more about Amy I went through constant shifts in my feelings to the character, meanwhile Roux is a full on hardcore manipulative bad ass and the constant back and forth is pretty tense.

A very compelling page turner of a thriller.

My thanks to the author, publisher Bloomsbury and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Dean (6925 KP) rated WRC 8 in Video Games

Nov 26, 2020  
Racing, Simulation
Graphics (1 more)
Engine sound
Handling (2 more)
Very much a simulation
Unforgiving learning curve
I'm a fan of driving games and like Rally ones as well. So when I had a chance to get this free on Xbox live I checked it out.
It looks great, although trees are a little flat and lighting can be harsh on some stages. The cars and scenery look great. The sounds of the engines are loud and realistic.
This is a very realistic simulation giving you control over many aspects in career mode. The main problem is that it's very difficult and unforgiving even if you are used to more serious driving games. The tracks are very narrow, the slightest rock or tap of the brake can often spin you off course. The cars handle like a brick and don't seem to drift around bends as you would hope. Before you know it the steering and transmission are damaged making it handle even worse!
The co-driver tends to shout out the next 3 bends at one go which makes it difficult keeping track which direction the next bend is. There's no mini map anywhere to give a clue either, leading you to look at the signs at the top of the screen to keep track. It makes it very difficult to get a decent time.
It's a shame but the handling of the cars along with the difficulty of the tracks and just trying to navigate the stages will leave you frustrated. You'll be going back to Forza or something else pretty quick. One for hardcore fans only.
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
All black everything
After reading the review by @Andy K I went out a sourced a copy to view, so thanks for the tip.

As a lover of all music, I cant resist a biopic and this was as far removed from La Bamba as it could get. I was familiar with the story of Norwegian Black Metal mostly due to the burning of churches and the notoriety of those involved in the scene. Rory Culkin plays the narrator and so many times I thought it was Home Alone the goth years. Some of the scenes are so hard hitting and graphic but they are softened by the ineptitude and immaturity of the dark lords who are just kids playing peacock to impress each other and be the most dark and outrageous. This one upmanship is the catalyst to the eventual down fall off them all. The music is secondary to the story so hardcore fans will not get anything new there but the dynamic between Varg the very naughty boy turned murderer and the King of taking the credit Goth Kevin from home alone is one that most people will witness in life. Hopefully not too their extent but power and influence are explored and it shows how ideology can spread like a fire in a holy place of sanctuary. Unlike other music films and biopics there are now end part where you find out what they are doing now, so if this was deliberately done so that you needed to search more about it then they win that one.

Some upsetting scenes that would be unsuitable for children but not many kids under 12 will be fully into Norwegian Black Metal.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 14, 2019

Glad you liked it. It's actually the Home Alone kid's brother.

American Assassin (2017)
American Assassin (2017)
2017 | Action, Thriller
Micheal Keaton + Humor (2 more)
Good action
Interesting Story
Not enough assassinating. (0 more)
A Fun and Exciting Movie
When you think of American action movies you think over the top, hardcore action, lots off explosions and lots of blood. When you think of an Assassin movie you think stealthy, silent killing and people working alone.

But in American Assassin you get a crazy mix of both and it almost works. This is a movie about a guy that loses his girl to terrorists and spends his time being a solo assassin trying to single handedly take down terrorist cells. Which makes sense because who doesn't like a good revenge story. But then he gets picked up by the CIA to train him how to be a better killer. I thought maybe they would be teaching him how to be a spy and an assassin and go on missions alone like any other movie. Like Bourne or The Recruit. But this movie takes it a different way. They train as a team and go on missions as a team. Which is fine, I don't have a problem with that, but it really doesn't make it seem like they are training him to be an assassin which the title of the movie suggests.

The action in this movie does keep you on the edge of your set, which is always a good thing. And the time spent when they aren't running or driving around killing people is also good. There is a lot of story to this movie which keeps things interesting all while keeping the twists to a minimum.

I say for an action movie it was good, not great. I walked into the movie looking for people to be assassinated or trained to assassinate people, but walked out a little disappointed. If you like action see it, I don't know if it is theater worthy, but rent it when it comes out.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
2018 | Action/Adventure, Strategy
Premise and action. (0 more)
Hard to play. Difficult. (0 more)
Hard Game But Core Fans May Like it.
Fans of turn based combat will likely enjoy the latest game in the genre Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. The game has a Post-Apocalypse setting where players take control of two mutants, a Duck and a Boar, as they explore, battle, and salvage in a hostile environment.

There is a base of operations which is fairly safe for players to enjoy as they can not only gain new missions; but they can upgrade their loadout to better survive the tasks ahead.
The early missions were fairly routine as using my allotted number of moves per turn I was able to move, take cover, heal, reload, fire, and even throw a grenade.
The problem comes when the enemy has numbers as an early mission involved taking on 5 enemies of the same or higher skill level.

The enemies were able to flank players and call in help which only increased their superior advantage.

Hiding and waiting for them to pass, hit and run, and direct assaults did no good and added to the frustrations.

Considering players would have to take a turn to reload and enemies did not, plus the sheer numbers made it a frustrating undertaking.

In many ways it is a microcosm of the game itself as there are challenges and then there are challenges which are a bit too much for gamers who are not hardcore and are looking for a simple escape.

Casual players are likely to enjoy the premise and some of the gameplay but will become frustrated with the excessive challenge and combat mechanics required on some of the missions.
The game has decent graphics and sound and the characters are engaging and likeable but in the end the game becomes a tedious series of turn based battles that can grow old and frustrating after a while.
3.5 stars out of 5
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
2018 | Action/Adventure, Strategy
Fans of turn based combat will likely enjoy the latest game in the genre Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. The game has a Post-Apocalypse setting where players take control of two mutants, a Duck and a Boar, as they explore, battle, and salvage in a hostile environment.

There is a base of operations which is fairly safe for players to enjoy as they can not only gain new missions; but they can upgrade their loadout to better survive the tasks ahead.

The early missions were fairly routine as using my allotted number of moves per turn I was able to move, take cover, heal, reload, fire, and even throw a grenade.

The problem comes when the enemy has numbers as an early mission involved taking on 5 enemies of the same or higher skill level.

The enemies were able to flank players and call in help which only increased their superior advantage.

Hiding and waiting for them to pass, hit and run, and direct assaults did no good and added to the frustrations.

Considering players would have to take a turn to reload and enemies did not, plus the sheer numbers made it a frustrating undertaking.

In many ways it is a microcosm of the game itself as there are challenges and then there are challenges which are a bit too much for gamers who are not hardcore and are looking for a simple escape.

Casual players are likely to enjoy the premise and some of the gameplay but will become frustrated with the excessive challenge and combat mechanics required on some of the missions.

The game has decent graphics and sound and the characters are engaging and likeable but in the end the game becomes a tedious series of turn based battles that can grow old and frustrating after a while.
Red 2 (2013)
Red 2 (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama
7.2 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
RED was such a great movie that it was inevitable a sequel would be made. And here we have it, RED 2. In this follow up to the 2010 film, we find Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) and Sarah Ross (Mary-Louise Parker) trying to adjust to life in a relationship. Only this is not your typical relationship. Frank’s goal is to keep Sarah safe, while Sarah just wants to get into the thick of things, which quickly happens as Frank and Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich) are being hunted due to their involvement in an old operation only known as Nightshade.
The humor is quick to come from Malkovich, Parker and Willis who have an incredible chemistry together on screen. We then add in some notables such as the returning characters of Victoria (Helen Mirren) and Ivan Simonov (Brian Cox), and more with new characters such as Katja (Catherine ZetaJones), Bailey (Anthony Hopkins) and the brilliant performance of Byung-hun Lee as Han Cho Bai. This movie is cooking from start to finish.
There is a lot that is recycled from the first movie, including a new twist on the famous scene where Willis steps out of the moving car smooth as butter. But the great thing about this movie is it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The film makers did a great job of not trying to make the film a hardcore action flick or a cut-up comedy, but rather a great blend of the two. The comic timing combined with the action scenes is fantastic, and the cast of characters interact remarkably well with each other.
Is this movie going to be something everyone can enjoy? Probably not. But if you were a fan of the first movie, and you do not mind when film makers take a proven formula and apply it again, then you will enjoy the film. I would recommend it, and hope that we see another one. It was definitely left that way.

Mel Rodriguez recommended Scarface (1983) in Movies (curated)

Scarface (1983)
Scarface (1983)
1983 | Action, Drama, Mystery

"Pacino in Scarface. That’s another one, just because it was where I was from. I am half Cuban American. That wasn’t the story necessarily of Cuban Americans but I know a lot of the guys that I grew up with and a lot of the people I grew up with felt that way. Being first generation — you know people had a lot to prove. And God, I feel that movie is so sleek, and very much what Miami is. It was really cool. It was a really interesting time when the Mariel boatlift happened and Castro emptying out his prisons and insane asylums. It was a crazy time. I think crime went up by 200 percent in Miami. I mean, literally we had killers on the street and it was a f—ing nutty time. I remember somebody saying that it’s funny that I ended up doing comedy, and I was so into all these other super hardcore dramatic films. But I just remember Al Pacino doing an interview once and him saying that he was — while he was doing that — he kinda really dropped into the role and became this really kind of vicious guy to play Tony Montana. And he said he was coming out of his house one day, and I guess some guy’s doberman had gotten loose and he was kind of “in it” on his way to work — and this doberman came up to him and he realized the doberman was going to attack. And he just kind of planted himself — you know, all Tony Montana — and just f—ing was like “Hey!” And the dog kinda turned around and whimpered and ran away [laughing]. And he was like, “Me, Al Pacino — I would have freaked out but I was just in this thing and I was really in — and this dog comes in… ‘This guy’s f—ing danger, you know? Stay away.'”"
