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Akward (448 KP) rated Ticket to Ride in Apps

May 24, 2018  
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride
Entertainment, Games
9.1 (12 Ratings)
App Rating
Lots of replayability (1 more)
Very few bugs
Online play is very challenging (0 more)
Definitely one of the better board game apps. It has local multi-player, which works well. Online play can be difficult, as most of the players are very hardcore.

This is a great way to play the additional boards. In real life, those boards cost $40-50. But in the app, they can be acquired for $2-5.

Britt Daniel recommended Over the Edge by Wipers in Music (curated)

Over the Edge by Wipers
Over the Edge by Wipers
1983 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Greg Sage had a lot of great records right around this period but this one to me is the peak. It's extremely dark music and it's sort of hardcore but it's also undeniable pop songs. I remember driving around Austin with some of my hardcore friends from Temple and they were really into The Misfits, The Dead Kennedys. They weren't into my silly pop music, let me just put it that way. They were not Julian Cope fans. They put this record on they were like 'this is too gloomy. It's creeping me out.' It's a record that has classic song after classic song. At one point I covered 'No One Wants an Alien' just on my four track. I used to cover songs a lot just as an exercise because it was fun and to figure out how songs were put together. It was my process for figuring out how to become a recording artist. "

Echo Arena
Echo Arena
2017 | Sports
Zero- G is awesome (2 more)
Rewarding Gameplay
One map, one mode (1 more)
No push to talk option
Echo Arena is going to have a place in everyone’s Oculus library. Its unique brand of frantic frisbee action will please both casual players who just want to enjoy a few rounds of VR and hardcore players looking for a competitive multiplayer experience.
Critic- CogConnected
Original Score: 85 out of 100

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Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
1987 | Action, Comedy

"I was just a monumental fan of both Tony Scott as a director and Eddie Murphy. I suppose you can probably tell now — and especially by if you watch Hardcore Henry, the performance styles of Robin Williams and Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carrey, that type of performance — Peter Sellers, which was obviously a bit before my time — but as I grew up going back and watching that, I love those kinds of actors. It’s interesting all the sequels [I have] in here too [laughing]."


Gareth von Kallenbach (974 KP) rated Hardcore Henry (2016) in Movies

Aug 6, 2019 (Updated Aug 6, 2019)  
Hardcore Henry (2016)
Hardcore Henry (2016)
2016 | Action
Hardcore Henry is unlike anything we’ve ever seen on film before. Its fast, action packed, gratuitous and downright fun. The story is simple. The avatar character Aken wakes up and doesn’t quite know what is going on.

He sees a friendly face (Haley Bennett) and everything seems to be fine. Until unexpectedly all hell breaks loose. Now he is on a constant fast paced run for his life from one point to anther being led by Jimmy (Sharlto Copley) presumably someone who understand what is going on.

The film is shown through us entirely in the first person perspective of Aken. There is no steady cam work which may cause some to become a little nauseated. I am someone who has gotten motion sickness from a lack of steady cam in movies before, however the film has a fisheye lenses style which breaks the “realism” view just enough to cause the constant first person motion to become tolerable and less nauseating. I did not get sick at all and neither did two other friends who watched the film as well. So if that is your concern, give the film a chance as it may not be as bad as you think.

In the end, Hardcore Henry isn’t something for everyone. I would not recommend this to my mom. And I would not equate this to a first person shooter videogame like most others are. If you were to compare this film to a videogame, it feels more like playing Mirrors Edge than a first person shooter. Still, if you are looking for a fun, action packed, fast paced experience that has better plot points than Batman vs Superman, then give Hardcore Henry a shot. You have never experienced something quite like this before.
Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition
Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition
Replay Value (3 more)
Lots of loot
Great Character Classes
5 Chapters (2 more)
Level up system makes little sense on co-op
Co-op invites system broken
This game is a lot of fun, despite how short it is it has a large array of difficulty settings. Each of which vary in props and a.i complexity and loot drops.

Seasons mode is a fantastic "always online" mode which has you create a new character and complete challenges such as "Rifts" and "Greater Rifts" and "bounties" that require you to kill targets, save targets, fight for keys getting the best gear possible and getting as far as you can in time for the restart of the new season. Where characters will be removed from the season and added to the normal tables if you wish to carry on. Or start a new season a fresh with new Characters for new and exclusive items and gear.

Hardcore mode is an additional feature, added to seasons and the campaign which I a fun, don't die mode. If you die in hardcore that's it you start again, from 0 and a new Character.
Odessey and Oracle by The Zombies
Odessey and Oracle by The Zombies
1968 | Rock
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That was the first record that Jaye ever played to me when we met. It was surprise. This is a girl who ran away from home at age 14 to Alphabet City in the eighties, lived in a squat there, was into the hardcore scene so went out with one of the biggest hardcore guys in a band so no-one would beat her up or touch her, and yet she loved sixties psychedelic music. The Electric Prunes, The Zombies… Eventually The Zombies reformed to do one gig in New York, in this little club, so I got tickets, and they were spot-on. They did Odessey And Oracle, and afterwards I introduced her to The Zombies and they signed her album. It’s an excellent album. The harmonies and Colin Blunstone’s voice are stunning. That voice with the hissing in it. We had this friend, who did a lot of co-production on early Psychic TV, and he said my voice took to tape really well because it had this hiss in it. Apparently, it gave more resonance, so I accidentally have the same sort of resonances as Blunstone. Sadly, not the same voice or skill!"


Frank Turner recommended First Four Years by Black Flag in Music (curated)

First Four Years by Black Flag
First Four Years by Black Flag
1983 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"To me, there is a holy trinity of hardcore bands, and the first among these is, obviously, Black Flag. They pretty much invented the genre, and as much as it's become boringly de rigeur to be "into" Flag and have a tattoo and a t-shirt (guilty on both counts), and as much as Greg Ginn seems intent on fucking their legacy to death, this record is still pretty untouchable, not just as a groundbreaking musical statement, but also because of the raw fucking attitude in every cut."

The Day The Sun Went Out by Boy Sets Fire
The Day The Sun Went Out by Boy Sets Fire
1997 | Metal
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Does this record qualify as hardcore? Who actually gives a fuck? This was unquestionably my favorite album at the time and the first proper show I ever played was opening for BSF on this tour in London. I guess it's emocore. Whatever. Listening back now, it's a little cringey in places, but music is never as pure and affecting as it is when you're 16 and falling in love for the first time, and seeing them play these songs at the Red Eye remains one of my favorite musical memories."


Steve Fearon (84 KP) rated Hardcore Henry (2016) in Movies

Sep 5, 2018 (Updated Sep 5, 2018)  
Hardcore Henry (2016)
Hardcore Henry (2016)
2016 | Action
Action and Free-Running bonanza (1 more)
Frenetic Pace
Lack of narrative depth (1 more)
Some people won't enjoy the shaky-cam, first person style
Horrid Henry? Far from it!
Contains spoilers, click to show
If you want action of the most octane, Hardcore Henry is the film you want.

The plot and stylings are pure first person shooter, with an anime bad guy, a re-respawning side character played by the indomitable Sharlto Copley and a mute protagonist who acts as your vehicle for some of the most insane stuntwork, free running and combat ever seen on the big screen.

Yes the movie favours style over substance, yes the plot if ridiculously derivative and 2-dimensional, but this film delivers exactly what it promises, which is a hardcore action experience through a gamer's lens.

There are in jokes a plenty too, from the wilhelm scream kill in the stairwell, to the character "wiping blood from his (our) eyes" and the soundtrack which ranges from high tempo dance to Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now", all of which adds to the light-hearted frame that surrounds the brutal violence.

Some wont like the shaky cam style, but for me it adds to the hyperactive nature of the whole film, and I enjoyed every minute, even the odd bit of body horror they threw in!