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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
great script (3 more)
very good main villain
fits so well into the mcu
back on form for spidey
suit a bit of a gimmick (0 more)
spidey back on form
spiderman homecoming, a return to form for the webslinger after a series of disapointing movies. Not since spiderman 2 has there been such a good version of the character. Is it as good as those films know but in terms of the 3rd rami film and the mark webb films this movies is head and shoulder above them. Tom holland is perfectly cast as the hero. He balances the awkwardness and geeky charm of peter parker mixed with the wisecracking and heroism of spidey perfectly. Michael Keaton plays a rare beast a good mcu villian. He plays it so well you hate what he is doing but you can feel for the guy because of what he has been through. all other characters fit there purpose even a small role from iron man brings more connection with the wider mcu and helps further the story. I like the fact they went with the more john hughs feel with this movie. Its good there keeping the character in high school because in my opinion they skipped over that two fast in previous films.

my only criticism is that i found the spiderman suit too gimmicky. he is spiderman not iron spiderman.

in all this is a great film. with a fantastic cast and a great entry into the mcu. I look forward to more spidey in the future.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I debated for quite awhile about reading this book. All the reviews are so love it or you hate it. It is all over the place from internet to radio to CNN, but it was both of my former college roommates & best friends that finally talked me into it, through Facebook no less!
In an interview on CNN with some female members of a book club, I heard 50 Shades described as a Disney prince fairy tale for grown-ups. I couldn't agree more...of course I can't see old Walt even fantasizing about some of the things that take place in this tale!
I am by no means a fan of erotic literature. Hell, I don't even like trashy romance novels, but this one, DAMN! I was hooked from the get. Now don't get me wrong, it was not the steamy, unbelievable, hot sex scenes that got to me(yes, I am human!) Mr. Grey & Miss Steele are intriguing characters. They are so well developed & in some strange way easy to relate to...not that I know much about bondage or billionaires!
I found myself HATING Christian with a passion & in the next sentence wishing I knew him. He is such a conundrum. I found myself identifying with Ana, yet at the same time not getting her motivation at all. It was a heady mix of confusing & normal all at the same time.
I very much look forward to finding out what happens in the next part!!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
(FYI, I meant to rate this a 9/10 but my mouse is borked. Have to wait 4 weeks to fix the rating.)
This is an amazing movie to wash Star Wars 1-3 from the collective palate. (To be fair, I didn't HATE those movies...they just didn't live up to the rest of the series.) This is basically a restart, but without losing any of the history that was already built up.

It is much more a straight-up war movie than any of the rest of the series. Death and violence were definitely present before, but always with a "galaxy far, far away" feeling to them. In Rogue One, every injury and death is immediate, not gory but much more real than Obi-Wan winking out of existence or Luke's hand shearing off with minor discomfort. The ending definitely continues in that vein: I love the sharp reality of it and the flavor it gives to rewatches of the original movies now, but it was so painful to watch in the theater!

My biggest gripe was simply the CGI done for young Leia and Tarkin. Leia wasn't too bad, just enough off that it makes my eyes want to slide off without quite knowing why. But Tarkin was awkward and just weird looking. If you're going to recreate characters for whatever reason, either put the money in to get the CGI right or if the effects simply aren't up to that yet, wait until they are.

Dean (6925 KP) Sep 29, 2018

Just click edit and should be able to change rating?


Andrea (28 KP) rated Mockingjay in Books

Aug 18, 2017  
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (174 Ratings)
Book Rating
Takes the first two novels to a new level (1 more)
Interesting take on PTSD and mental illness
Ending is deeper than what you see at first glance (0 more)
Needs more than one reading
This is a story about a traumatized girl suffering from PTSD as much as it is about war. She isn't the only one who suffer that diagnosis though as we see several aspects of the illness in various characters. All of it is handled fairly well and doesn't romanticize the distress.

Perhaps my favorite part of this book (and even through the series) is that we see "villains" who aren't wholly evil and "heros" who make inexcusable choices. Both do so because they feel they are doing the best thing for their cause, even if it ends up with a significant cost.

The ending is something that many hate, and I must admit that I didn't like it the first time either. I didn't feel happy or satisfied. It wasn't until I realized I wasn't SUPPOSED to feel happy and satisfied with the story's ending that I started to understand the depth. This isn't a pretty picture where people live happily ever after. Even when they get some happiness, if they get some happiness, there are scares that don't go away. This is the cost of war and drastic change. Sometimes all we can hope for is the ability to move on and find little joys in what comes next each and every day while we try to distance ourselves from the horrors of our past.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2
1997 | Horror
Der Kinder Stood (5 more)
Lie to Me
The Judge
Ted (2 more)
Innca Mummy Girl
Go Fish
The competely love an episode or hate an episode season
This series has some of my favorite episodes and some of my least.
 It also introduced us to Spike so forever grateful to that.
It has my favorite one time character in the Whistler. When Glenn Quinn left i so wanted Whistler to replace Doyle in Angel.
Season 2 has my favorite one of There are some amazing moments in this series and some fantastic quotes.

“Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.”

"Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."
The Murder House
The Murder House
James Patterson, David Ellis | 2015 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reading this book was a rollercoaster of emotions...

As far as the book itself, there were good things and bad things. Some of the good things included the rollercoaster mentioned above of feeling like patterson was just messing with my head, the fact that the characters were so clearly defined and constructed, and the plot itself.

Some of the not so good things included the violent descriptive murder scenes (which is one of the reasons I didn’t continue with the Alex Cross series. I quit after Kiss the Girls.). I understand those scenes were in there to make me hate the bad guy and desperately want him to get caught and go to jail, but I also wasn’t happy with how descriptive it was.

There was also a lot of overdramatic moments between some of the characters that made me want to roll my eyes, even in the heat of a very serious moment.

Lastly, Patterson is great at writing violence and murder, but not so great at writing subtley-blossoming romance between two unlikely characters. It felt awkward.

Overall I have mixed feelings about The Murder House. It was an excellent story, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who can’t handle a good murder scene. The writing isn’t phenomenal, but I also enjoyed 85% of my time spent listening to it. So make your judgement on how you tend to respond to violence and gore, and let me know what your face ends up looking like.

KittyMiku (138 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Mar 23, 2019  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
Great way to get out of the house and moving around (0 more)
Events sometimes are during hours of work (0 more)
I have been playing Pokemon Go since it came out. I enjoy walking for long hours and searching for pokemon. With events and new pokemon coming out in updates, it's hard to get bored of seeing the same pokemon over and over again, unless you say rattata or pidgey. I find some events are harder to participate in as its during times I should be working and the same goes for raids. I find this annoying and disheartening since I hate driving somewhere only to pass a raid I want to hit up to be starting in five minutes alon the way. However, I do love meeting new people while I am out walking who also play Pokemon Go. I also enjoy how it encourages you to walk more to help hatch eggs, evolve, and get to polestops or gyms. Yeah you can fudge it a bit in your car, by it dangerous to play while driving. It even tells you that when you start the app up. This application is fun and there are things I would change in it, but having been a hardcore Pokemon fab since 9 years old, I think it's a pretty good way to encourage people to exercise and go out and see the world a bit more. If only they had a better way of obtaining the regional so you don't have to buy a plan ticket to some far off place to catch them all.
The Store
The Store
James Patterson | 2019 | Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this day and age everyone shops online and The Store has everything you want. The Store is so great, it can even predict what you want or need even before you know you need or want it. But who wants that much invasion into their lives? Jacob and Megan Brandeis intend to get to the core of The Store, to find it's inner workings and write a book to tell the whole world about it. But will The Store prove to be too much for this pair?

When reading this book and learning about The Store, the first thing that comes to mind is Amazon. I know Amazon is tracking me when I see what I was searching on my Facebook feed. An online shop that started selling books, but now you can buy anything from them. This is no Amazon, though, with surveillance cameras and microphones in every home and on every street lamp and sign. There is no privacy from The Store. Will Jacob and Megan be able to expose all inner workings of The Store before it's too late?

James Patterson is one of my favorites, but this book was just okay for me. It did make me think though about what would be next in life. Will drones be polluting the sky to bring us our packages and meals? Will there be a need for us to ever leave our homes and interact with people in person? I would hate for a world like that.

Merissa (11953 KP) rated Wounded Soul in Books

May 10, 2019  
Wounded Soul
Wounded Soul
Annabelle Jacobs | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wounded Soul by Annabelle Jacobs
Wounded Soul involves a human unaware of vampires, and a vampire smitten with insta-lust for said human. Of course, if it was left like that, it would be too easy, so throw into the a mix a psychotic vampire, a best friend working for the human/vampire police, another best friend terrified of the thought of vampires, and a coven leader you respect and don't want to insult. Sounding good yet?

This book a really good read, from the first steamy hot meeting, to the intensity of the psychotic, to the nerve-jangling will he/won't he live (and that's not the 'he' you're thinking of!) Annabelle Jacobs is one of my favourite paranormal romance writers, if only for the fact they are not automatically based in America. I loved her Regent's Park series, and I loved this one just as much. I would love to read more about the characters mentioned in this story, but I have no idea if there is a sequel or series planned.

Either way, this was really well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. The pacing was good, and the connection between the characters was intense. And don't forget the bad guy you love to hate. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
To say that this is a chilling story would be a gross understatement. I think my heart was in my mouth for the whole time I was reading this, and I really resented having to put it down.
This is the story of 15 year old Milly, and how she copes with her life after she informs the police that her mother is a serial killer. A killer of small children. She has also been horrifically abused by her mother. We follow her in to her foster family, a family where she is not completely welcomed. The teenaged daughter of her foster parents is a troubled, bullying, frankly rather horrible teenager. It's interesting to look at the similarities and differences between these two characters. How a child who has lived a terrible life seems to outwardly cope better than one who has had a loving (if rather distant) family.
Milly's inner voice, that of her mother, is a chilling reminder that she was controlled completely by this evil woman, to the extent that she finds it difficult to cope without her. The story shows the love of a child for their mother, even though they have been terribly abused by her and seen her do abhorrent things to other children.
I don't want to say too much more - I'd hate to spoil it for anyone else. I will say that this was an excellent story though, and it’s a book that I’ve recommended to a lot of friends.