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The Unhoneymooners
The Unhoneymooners
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ami and Olive Torres are twins, but they couldn't be more different. Ami is known for her good luck. She wins everything (seriously, everything--her entire wedding is basically free thanks to her winnings) and is known for her charmed life. Olive, on the other hand, has chronic bad luck. Olive is known for getting stuck in a toy claw machine at the age of six (people still google the YouTube video). As of late, her roommate moved out, forcing Olive to find a new, more expensive place, and she lost her job and hasn't found a new one. Now Ami's getting married to Dane, and therefore Olive must face her worst nemesis: Dane's older brother, Ethan, aka the best man. For some reason, Ethan seems to hate Olive, and the feeling is mutual. But then everyone at Ami's wedding gets sick--really sick--after eating the buffet, except for Olive and Ethan. So Ami encourages Olive--and Dane, Ethan--to take the couple's free honeymoon to Maui. The two reluctantly agree, and Olive's luck seems to be turning. She's even offered a new job while waiting at the airport. But at the resort, she and Ethan run into Olive's new boss, forcing them to continue the lie of being a happy newly married couple. But Olive finds she doesn't really mind pretending to be married to Ethan. Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all, right?

"You know what they say about self-fulfilling prophecies, I'm sure. Winning makes you feel like a winner, and then somehow... you keep winning. It has to be true, because Ami wins everything."

This was such an enjoyable romance. For me, I have to take to the couple from the start, and it was so easy to fall for Olive, who is such a sweet and easy protagonist to root for. The witty banter between her and Ethan begins at Ami's wedding and never stops. There's immediate sexual tension and chemistry between these two, and you can't help but want them to get together and totally love this adorable couple. It's even easier to love them when poor Olive feels as if she's been plagued by bad luck her entire life--she's labeled by most as a cynic and pessimist. But I found myself cheering her on, inspired by her bravery and ability to face any situation thrown at her.

"Whereas Ami is a four-leaf-clover, I have always been unlucky."

There are definitely some crazy situations in this book, but it still felt very real and true. There are real heartfelt moments, and Olive and Ami's twin relationship is an anchoring piece of the entire novel. So is their crazy extended family of the twins' (dysfunctional) parents, cousins, aunts, and uncles, which provide great comic relief, but also love and tender pieces.

"It wasn't until I was in the fifth grade that I realized not everyone has nineteen first cousins."

This is a delicious, sexy romance and also a lovely coming-of-age story for Olive. I loved both sides of the book. It's downright hilarious in parts, and it's impossible not to love Olive. Even better, Olive and Ethan are a great, memorable couple. The ending is also amazing, and I found myself literally cheering at parts of it. This would make a great movie, truly. Honestly, there was really nothing I didn't love about this one. Highly recommend. 4.5+ stars.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot and major themes. (1 more)
Further work it inspired.
The main narrator is a terrible human being. (0 more)
Readable, but disjointed and repetitive in parts.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Fundamentally, the problem with this book is the narrator, Victor. He is thoroughly detestable. A selfish, cowardly, irresponsible, excuse ridden, narcissistic d****e-bag of the highest order. And unfortunately, it is Victor Frankenstein’s POV that we are forced into for the majority of the novel.
My hatred for and frustration with the self-pitying, feckless behaviour of the (pseudo)
protagonist made this an irritating read for me- and to an extent I think this was Shelley’s intention. Victor isn’t designed to be the likable, affable, morally “good” man fallen from grace he believes himself to be, and the horrific events that befall those around him are of his making.
However, this doesn’t make him any less grating! The "monster" (to me reminiscent of Caliban with his lyrical speech and enforced isolation, being neither man nor not man) is eloquent and persuasive when he asks his creator to account for his misdoings. So, you’ve got to ask yourself, if an infanticidal, demonic, bag of sew together corpses is actually more engaging than the main storyteller, is that storyteller really the
right character to be telling the story?
Now, with all that said, it is an important book. A work by a female author with strong female characters (albeit background characters) who was only nineteen when she wrote the initial draft. Very impressive. But, for me her youth is evident. When we teach secondary school pupils to write creatively, we often give them the ambiguous instruction “show don’t tell”, and for me the book is more of a list of horrible and horrific events told in a Chinese puzzle box style story within a story, rather than an engaging and “complete” narrative. It feels like she chooses to place focus on the wrong “bits”- for example the whole of chapter nineteen where Victor travels the British Isles, comments briefly on the local architecture of each town and city and
then repetitively reminds us that he couldn’t enjoy the surroundings because of his angst.
And I would have at least like to have seen some of the courtroom drama when Victor is tried for the death of Clerval...
So, I hate to be “that” gal, who poo-poos these fantastic works of fiction (we know they’re great because some clever-britches told us they were) but in all honesty, the novel ain’t that good, and I’ll maintain that stance no matter how clever the britches of the opposing schools of thought.
 I think the continuing appeal is in it’s universal themes: parenting, nature versus
nurture; morality and scientific advancement- and the whole idea of stitching a creature out of
corpse-parts and electrocuting it to life is pretty darn cool. And there are some really effective
horror scenes, such as the vignette of Victor ripping apart project lady-monster (I kind wish she had a name- a working title- but given he can’t even be bothered to name monster number one I guess this was all too much to hope for).
It’s readable, but it’s value, for me at any rate, lies in the offshoots and creativity it has spawned, rather than the work itself.
We Still Kill The Old Way (2014)
We Still Kill The Old Way (2014)
2014 | Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: We Still Kill the Old Way starts as we see a new hooligan gang led by Aaron (Hatchered) causing havoc in the streets of London, they use their numbers to beat, harass or threaten their victims, which sees them clash with legendary Charlie Archer (Berkoff), killing him. Charlie’s brother Ritchie (Ogilvy) has been living away in Spain, with Susan Taylor (Doody) leading the investigation.

When Ritchie gets the news, he heads back to London in search for answers, which sees him bring back the old gang Roy (Ellison), Arthur (Cosmo) and Butch (Denham) to hunt down Aaron and his gang.


Thoughts on We Still Kill the Old Way


Characters – Ritchie is the respected former gangster of the streets of London, retired now, living in Spain, he returns after the murder of his brother, bring his old gang together to take on the younger gang that is running terror in the old neighbourhood. He remains in control of each situation knowing how to play each and everyone of the gang, police and neighbourhood to remain under the radar. Susan is the lead detective investigating the case, she wants a clean answer, though she does know what Ritchie is capable off. Roy is one of the gang, he enjoys helping Ritchie, missing the old ways the gang once had. Aaron is the leader of the gang of hooligans running chaos around London, his behaviour is complete disgrace, you will hate him from the opening scene, from the way he treats his girlfriend to the way he treats the elders.

Performances – Ian Ogilvy in the leading role gives us a proper cockney gangster figure we can believe in. Alison Doody makes for a solid local cop. Christopher Ellison will strike fear in anybody that crosses him, while Danny-Boy Hatchard makes his character truly disposable.

Story – The story follows a retired gangster that returns to his old stamping ground after his brother is murdered by a young gang causing problems in his old neighbourhood. This is the basic revenge film in the way Ritchie conducts his business, while mixing the idea that the new generation isn’t respecting the old style of the people who ran the area before them, they have no rules or manners. It is good to see the whole gang being truly hated and how respected the old generation is around the area. There are certain side stories that are overly tagged in and with Lauren is one of the worst characters in the history of film.

Action/Crime/Comedy – The action is plenty of side ways pointed guns trying to be threatening, while having close up brutal punches being delivered. The crime side of the film uses the ideas of the two different generations of gangs in the underworld, this does give an element of comedy to how the older gang acts the town.

Settings – The film is set in London’s east end which shows us how the gangs operate around the neighbourhood.

Scene of the Movie – Hospital shoot out.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Lauren’s decision-making.

Final Thoughts – This is a proper gangster film set in London which does work well with everything it is trying to do with the clash of gangs in London.


Overall: Fun gangster film.
The Photo Traveler
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally posted on <a title="'The Photo Traveler by Arthur J. Gonzalez"' href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste (includes picture lost as well)

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> I received this book from the author for free to review for the blog tour. My review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     Seventeen-year-old Gavin Hillstone has been in foster care with an abusive father since his parents died in a fire at a young age. The only thing that lets him escape the torturous life is taking photos. Just when he thinks that he's going to be miserable for the rest of his life, he finds out that his dad's parents are still alive and enters the dangerous world of a small group of people called Photo Travelers.

     I honest to goodness hate his adoptive family, except for maybe Dina and Leyla. What a nasty temper his adoptive father has. I'm so glad Gavin found his grandparents, because if I could, I would probably say good riddance to Jet (of course, if I actually said it... it would probably get pretty... ugly). Then there's Gavin's adoptive sister. Mel. I was thinking she at least changed a bit when she went after him after he left. I mean, I can see why she would act like that, but still... I'm sad to say I'm disappointed in her. :(

     I guess that shows manipulative the villain is. 2 simple words with very simple (and good, if you look in the dictionary...) meanings... yet totally against what the other Photo Travelers are thinking of. It's kind of ironic what they mean to do for the good of mankind in the future, yet they can still break rules of all kinds.

Gavin is a pretty likable character in broad terms. He's loyal and protective when his family and friends are threatened by others. Though when it comes to some of his actions, I sometimes just want to give him a facepalm and ask, “Why, Gavin, whyyy?”

     I love how The Photo Traveler started. My very first thought after reading the prologue was, “Oh boy, this is going to a great 'ride!'” I also love how Gonzalez was very accurate (at least in historical facts) when it came to Gavin's trips to places such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Great Depression. What's a bit aggravating about the book, however, is the dialogue. The characters, including Gavin himself, just seem so... happy, excited or yelling all the time. There just seems to be a bit of overuse in exclamation marks. :/

     Then there's the ending. There's always that dreadful last few sentences at the end of the book where you hit the end and it seems to say right back, “The End.” With a lovely little cliffhanger. Somehow, you just want to say, “But... but... it was just beginning to get really interesting!” Despite the little mini protests, no one's going to hear me, so I'll hide in a cozy little corner, sip something nice and cold, and read on (after all, it's summer and time to... chillax). *unhappy face* I'm so glad cliffhangers don't have the ability to laugh at me... otherwise I'll be laughed at often. >_<
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>The Queen's Choice</i> may not be my favorite faery book (it's far from being my favorite, but I didn't actually hate it), but it's definitely about time someone wrote about fairies in an entirely different way other than the usual summer and winter fairies.

Kluver has all the good things to write a fantastic book – the world building is interesting, the characters are complex (for the most part), and her writing style is interesting enough that it somehow managed to keep my attention with the whopping 500 pages it has (for the most part).

On the fabulous elaborations of "for the most part," Anya and her companion (Shea, for the most part) probably spent approximately 300+ pages walking, getting attacked, and avoiding the Constabularies of the Warckum Territory. Then the cycle pretty much repeats itself – no particular pattern. Anya spent approximately 100+ pages being healed before all of that walking, attacking, and avoiding began – perhaps I'll even call it WAA for the fun of it all – does it sound appealing? Probably not.

But somehow, in some way, Kluver managed to keep my attention, despite the fact I don't really "connect" to her writing. Maybe it's the writing style (eh... not really), or perhaps the complexity of her minor characters (Illumina and Shea are certainly complex enough that they're not entirely predictable). Maybe it's just the entire idea behind the book in the first place, though that part is most likely not true.

And then there's Anya. Anya the main character, Anya the Royal Faery of Chrior, and maybe Anya the Hopeless. Anya seems a little stereotypical – or perhaps, more accurately, Anya simply makes quite a few assumptions sometimes that may be hilarious to a little human like me. Certainly not as hilarious as <i>Of Mice and Men</i>, to which I make fun of the book the entire time I'm reading it just so I'm not bored. It's no wonder why I'm called the sarcastic one among my circle of friends.
<blockquote>"Now, how do I get on this thing?" she asked, taking the reins to her mount from me.
"You don't know?"
"Nope. Not the slightest idea."
"I thought all humans knew how to ride horses."</blockquote>
You know, for a nonhuman who seems to visit the human world as often as possible, you would sort of expect them to not assume all humans can ride horses. Really, I'm not terribly sure how one can be born with a talent like riding horses. Though, oddly enough, that's probably possible. The person would then have to nurture it. But really, humans are not centaurs. For one to be a centaur, we're missing a horse's ass. Pardon my language (and the grotesque image coming soon), but no horse – and certainly no human – would appreciate being cut in half and glued together to become a centaur.

Grotesque image and crude comments aside, Kluver puts us at a sort of a cliffhanger with something Anya discovers about Illumina in the last couple pages in the book. Much as I'm interested in the sequel, I'm not terribly sure I want to continue reading about Anya walking and traveling constantly (and avoiding and being attacked).

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<b>I am in love with that title</b> – it's probably what got me interested in reading this in the first place. The first in Crista McHugh's <i>The Queen B*</i> series focuses on Alexis Wyndham, a high school senior who got bullied for years and decided to start a blog to expose the popular crowd at her school. Using her status as the Queen Bitch, Alexis primarily helps out other students who get bullied.

It goes without saying: <b><i>Confessions of a Queen B*</i> is quite literally a book with many common high school stereotypes and clichés.</b> There's the Queen Bee with her tiaras, entourage, and more often than not the head cheerleader. There's the star quarterback of the football team who probably has a six pack (if not, a flat stomach), dating the head cheerleader, and seems to have a perfect life with colleges all around trying to recruit him. There are the "freaks" and the "outcasts," who really have a different perspective on life but the Queen Bee says they're completely abnormal and probably asks "Why are you even here on this planet?" on a daily basis.

<b>The book has it all – high school stereotypes wise.</b> Not exactly my type – high schools in books are full of immature drama and I hate dramatic books unless you're highly entertaining. But <b>every once in a while, a book set in high school with all the bells and whistles comes around and sneakily gets into my good graces, even if it has immature moments here and there committed by the characters.</b>

<i>Confessions of a Queen B*</i> is just <b>a fun book to read and I enjoyed every moment. You see all sides of Alexis – the sarcastic and snarky one that's public, and the secretly hidden side where she's actually a nice and down to earth person. You also see all sides of Brett – the whole star quarterback with the perfect life, and the secretly hidden side where he's an absolute inner geek</b> who will probably like Sherlock and <a title="Read Ella's Confessions of a Queen B* review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">sweep Ella's heart away (damage is already done there)</a>. Woe is to Brett if he ever reveals it out to the world.

Their relationship is pretty typical – the popular falling for the smart – but it's quite realistic. <b>There are complications and ups and downs that stop Brett's and Alexis' romance from falling into THE ugly trap.</b> There are heartfelt moments and banters between the two-layered throughout the book – <b>it's adorable and I ship them.</b>

The whole x-rated videos might be a subtle plot, but I was too busy enjoying myself to even care – I already have a soft spot for this book.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5

     It's been awhile since I last read the series (read: last year) so I'm pretty vague on details (I know. It's sad that my memory details are so vague. On an awesomous vampire series. But I know enough where I can at least know almost all of what's going on the last one :)) on the finale. And now that I've read the series, I think I see why my friend actually gushes over the series (imagine my poor ears after hearing it in Book Battle 24/7 last year - well, not exactly 24/7).

     I suggest you know what you're doing if you're reading Twelfth Grade Kills because you definitely don't want to end up in the sorry hole with this kid (read: me. Not that I skip books. I honestly don't. Because if I do, it's my mom's random library book choices fault). The book simply has too much going on that if you're reading from the series backwards, I'm suggesting you go back and read from Eighth Grade Bites and onward (not that anyone would read backwards in a series). Or if you're not paying attention to what you're reading, you'll be missing out on a LOT so do yourself a favor and pay attention. ^_^

     After reading Eleventh Grade Burns over the summer, I just HAD to read the last book due to it's killing cliff-hanger. But the thing is, I got thrown off at the end. I'm still going "Say What?" and pondering over what happened as I'm typing this. I mean, you don't usually see a cliff-hanger on the finale of books... do you? Chances of it happening are rare, lol (at least in my knowledge of reading. Even those with spin-offs don't seem to have it... do they?). There's always a happily ever after and so on. In this case though, there may be a happy ending, but be prepared to be thrown off.

     What I really hate though? Practically everyone dies. Which I find disappointing. Dx (No more awesome cookies and frosting fights??? ;( )

     The one thing I find epically funny is the fact vampires don't sparkle (read: be prepared for some meme(s)). Edward Cullen would disagree. On the good side though? Professor Snape agrees. So, in no offense to Twilight peeps (oh hey. Just because I'm not a fan of Twilight doesn't mean I bash it. I just found the quote funny and it well... reminded me of Twlight. Yes, I'm asking for mercy of the tomato throwing).
<img src=""; width="290" height="180"/>
Caption: They're fairiesss O_O

     It might be a risk to my health, but I kinda agree (yes, a risk to my health... but I might be exaggerating a bit over there). So if you're looking for a series in which no one is a sparkling fairy vampire, I suggest you should check this series out. Because apparently, I think I need to grab some kleenex before the computer erupts on fire (that would be BAD). And then go gush to my friend mentioned above some day. (By the way, why another awful cliff-hanger? I only have so many hands. But at least I can get The Slayer Chronicles from the school library soon :D.)
The Second Siege (The Tapestry, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="The Second Siege by Henry H. Neff" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Owls

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste

In the second book to The Tapestry series, Astaroth has already been released from his confinement and is causing trouble in the outside world with his allies. Max McDaniels and his roommate David Menlo are traveling to different worlds on a quest to acquire the dangerous Book of Thoth before Astaroth gets to it first.

      I'm sorry if I can't help but compare the series to Harry Potter (actually, I can't help but compare a lot of books to another book/series...). Both series are just so... similar in so many ways. It may sound ironic, but in my humble opinion, Astaroth isn't that... villainy. I mean, sure, he's cunning and evil when necessary, but I'm pretty sure that if Voldy and Astaroth had a face off, Voldy would probably crush him. Big time. Even if he's noseless. Basically because Voldy is evil 24/7.
<img src=""; width="200" height="143" />
    On the other hand, Astaroth's "minions" are well... completely the opposite of the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters are pretty loyal, but there's always these little loose knots here and there when it comes to loyalty. Apparently, Astaroth's minions are too loyal to the demon, that there are practically no loose ends at all. One big happy family in taking over the world? Possibly... but don't take my word for granted. I may be wrong for all I know and all of his minions will soon overthrow him as leader of Malevolency.

     In a nutshell, you can say I'm sadly disappointed that Astaroth just doesn't seem like a villain at certain times. I don't know. Maybe he'll be more evil later in the series, but for now, I think I'll categorize him a bit as Mr. Nice Guy. I'll nominate him as Dr. Evil II when he has more of the muahaha added in (okay, not exactly muahaha, but closer).
<img src=""; />
     So, the ending. Er, not exactly. Kind of a happy-sad ending, but not exactly an ending that will make me emotional that I'll need a Kleenex in hand and hide someplace so no one sees me crying, because if I get seen crying, it'll be as embarrassing as saying something in an awkward silence.. But I'm pretty glad that Max and his father saw someone they deeply cared for at least one more time after so many years. It's also not an ending where there's this lovely cliffhanger that keeps you at the edge of the seat, eager to read the next book.

     As much as I hate cliffhangers, I just feel that there needs to be some sort of cliff waiting to catch more "victims" at the end when it comes to a series (maybe I'm so used to that frame of mind...), which I find missing in The Second Siege. Though hopefully I'm just missing that cliffhanger and just need to dig deeper...
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
Hello Neighbor
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is an inspiring and delightful film about a man that was oh so smart and oh so pleasant. I just want to say from the start what an absolute joy this film was to watch, there was something so warm and wonderful there constantly that kept my full attention the entire time and when it ended I almost felt sad there wasnt more of it. Tom Hanks plays Fred Rogers aka Mr Rogers as hes known by most. An intriguing man who is almost investigated/interrogated by writer Lloyd Voge who has many troubles of his own. Hanks transforms seamlessly into Rogers with all his mannerisms replicated flawlessly even down to whats going on behined his eyes. Rogers may seem like theres something more sinister behined him at times but truth is he had a troubled past too and while maybe not a war veteran its almost as if you can see signs of depression or ptsd behined those eyes from the way he was treated in his youth of from the general weight of his job. But its the way the way hes learnt to deal with his anger, frustrations and demons thats so fascinating and how he manages to keep stong/humble so he can teach other children to overcome the harshness of life and the dark times they may face ahead of them thats trully inspiring and commendable. Llyods transformation during the film is also depicted amazingly too, hes so troubled hes almost beyond help, struggling with such emotions as grief, hatred and stress hes seemingly stuck on an ever declining path of sadness. That is until he meets rogers and the on screen interactions between these two are the absolute bread and butter to watch here as rogers uses his philosophy and good nature to help him find happiness in himself once again. See the thing is adults tend to dismiss anything they consider 'childish' but more often than not these so called childish things they dismiss contain more answers, escapism and advise for our problems than anything else be it by nostalgia, wisdom or philosophy or simple innocence. I loved how the tv show scenes felt so nostalgic that you could swear they were filmed way back in the past and the choice to use a different aspect ratio for them was smart. Its odd to say but theres definitely a subbtle element of horror and creepiness I found here too especially with some of the almost fever dream type scenes which worked extreamly well and broke up the film nicely. Lastly I would say if you are planning to see this be prepared to cry as its not only incredibly heartfelt it also constantly deals with very depressing subject matter too. So many times I found It depicted problems, situations, feelings and nostalgia to things that I have faced in my own life leading to me to tear up like it was speaking specifically to only me as I questioned my own life, feelings, relationships and decisions in my head. A splendid film that teaches us how life is to short to waste time on anger/hate and that we should instead spend and cherish the time we have here with the ones we love before its to late.
Spies in Disguise (2019)
Spies in Disguise (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Animation
As my last cinema visit of 2019 I was just hoping for something passable to watch, animation his year has had a few hard knocks so I wasn't optimistic.

Lance is the world's greatest spy, catlike reflexes, excellent deduction skills as well as suave and sophisticated... all the things you'd expect. He's the golden boy of the agency and is ready for another pat on the back and some admiration. But it isn't his lucky day, the device he retrieved is missing from the case and now he's under investigation. He knows that he's innocent but there's damning evidence against him, his only hope is to clear his name, and the only way to do that is to escape the agency and track the real culprit down. His next problem, who can he trust?

This really is Bond for kids, everything is fantastically reminiscent of it, from his slightly too cocky demeanour to the brilliant opening credits. It's a pretty solid film, there's nothing much to dislike. It's essentially Bond mixed with Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs... what's not to love about that?!

I have to wonder about opening kids films this way, it seems to be very common at the moment. The lead needs to have a tragedy to get through the movie and have their moment of realisation. Playmobil did it in a much less subtle way, as did Wonder Park to some extent.

There aren't any real issues with the voice acting, though I do wonder about the choice of Ben Mendelsohn paired with his animated character, the two don't really match as well as the others. But that's not a deal-breaker.

The animation style is very clean and easy to watch. There are before and after shots of some scenes that show what the lighting guy does, it's really interesting to see. After having brought this topic up after seeing Klaus it was nice to see some of the "hidden" parts of animated films. The effort is immense.

Music is used well in parts of the film, and my favourite has to be the "romantic" portion towards the end, very amusingly set up and clearly well thought out.

Walter, our inventor, really does have the sort of imagination that would get him hired by Chester V. My favourite invention was probably the glitter distraction, I believe this may already exist though as it appears to have been deployed in my home over Christmas. This may be the only major continuity note... once Lance brushes the glitter off we don't see any little specks again, completely unrealistic!

There are a lot of great sequences during the film and the action moves it along quickly, add in the humour from the pigeons and all the gadgets and you get something really fun. I will definitely watch this again when it hits streaming. My score may seem a little off considering I didn't hate anything, the reason for this is that it's essentially a lot of other films mixed together. As I said, we've got Bond and Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs with an assortment of action movies and Home Alone 2 thrown in for good measure, which made it enjoyable but not instantly rewatchable.

Originally posted on: