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A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) (1960)
A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) (1960)
1960 | Crime, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It was 1966, my senior year of high school, and with one of my closest friends in tow I cut school and went into New York, to the Bleecker Street Cinema, to see a double bill of Breathless and 8 1/2. I had seen foreign films before, but nothing like these two. We loved Breathless. It was rebellious, anarchic, romantic, and the characters were so superkool we wanted them in our seventeen-year-old lives. But as much as Breathless moved and influenced me, 8 1/2 rocked my world. In the first five minutes, during Guido’s dream, I could feel my brain collapsing in on itself. The camera’s POV of Guido’s foot tethered to the ground as he floats high above the ocean, then suddenly falling only to awake with a hand grasping for consciousness, was deeply personal for me. I often wake from my nightmares in much the same way. Forty years later, in season one of Heroes, an episode called “6 Months Ago” afforded me the opportunity to re-create those very same shots. It was thrilling to use those same images in the service of a different story of my own creation. If forced to name my all-time favorite movie sequence, the childhood memory of “Asa Nisi Masa” would make the final four. It is cinema as magic. The way the mentalist grapples with the words Asa Nisi Masa, and we travel through Marcello Mastroianni’s mind and into a haunting memory of the past. His childhood is alive with mysticism, mischief, and a lost family’s love. Don’t get me started about the exquisite finale, with its parade of characters and clowns. Is Guido dead or not? I still haven’t decided. Leaving the Bleecker, my mind permanently blown, I thought that I would never understand this movie—and that is one of its strengths. After forty-two years and as many viewings, it reminds me of the best of Bob Dylan, the last line of “Frankie Lee & Judas Priest”: “Nothing is revealed.”"


Laetitia Sadier recommended The Smiths by The Smiths in Music (curated)

The Smiths by The Smiths
The Smiths by The Smiths
1984 | Rock

"It really is just this album. After this I think it was all downhill, and I never followed Morrissey's solo career. Musically I felt it was lost on me. I think the real power that hit me was in this record; the urgency and the energy of the record. Also I lived in France; I was a French adolescent when I first heard them, it was either 'This Charming Man' or 'Hand In Glove', and obviously in the UK it was a complete social phenomenon, everyone knew The Smiths, but in France you were really leftfield if you knew The Smiths or listened to The Smiths. And there were corners in those songs that were totally mysterious and fascinating and unpredictable. That was what I loved about them: there was a kind of beauty that you couldn't catch. I'd never heard this type of songwriting before. I think in the UK and Ireland there is the folk tradition, and I feel more depth in the folk music I've heard that's British, and more unaffected beauty. I've heard little French folk music, but what I have heard is highly repetitive, and nothing poetic or haunting or deep. It maybe had its uses at the time, but I don't feel that it has crossed that barrier into the modern world as well as the British folk music. So I don't know if it's because of that, if the roots would come from that and that differentiated it, because at the time I lived in France. But it had a huge resonance because it was new and different. It was beautiful. It had confidence and spunk to it, and of course Morrissey was a tremendous energy and singer. With the lyrics you would learn words and the meanings were not readily thrown at you; you had to think more deeply about what he was saying. The irony and all of that made it very fascinating. I don't own this record, but I'm sure if I played it today I would still enjoy it very much."

The Girl in the Letter
The Girl in the Letter
Emily Gunnis | 2018 | Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, so there is no single protagonist in this novel. Sam is a journalist who finds a letter from Ivy, written in 1956, and she is trying to find out who Ivy was and is she related to her own family. Even though we learn about Ivy through her letters, the whole story kind of circles around her. I really liked all the characters chosen for this novel, I think they are well well developed and truly intriguing. I liked Sam, and her personality, but my most favourite one was Ivy. Her story is mesmerizing, and the way everything unfolds as you carry on reading left me unsettled.

The narrative of this novel is very creatively written, the plot keeps travelling between the present and the past, unravelling long forgotten secrets and mysteries. There is plenty of great turns and twists in this book, and I was kept on my toes page after page. There is plenty of great topics discussed in this book, such as mother-baby bond, couple relationships, family dramas, cruelty and abuse from church workers, revenge, and many more. I really loved the research done for this novel, I could feel the pain Ivy felt and see how this kind of institutions ruined lives instead of saving them.

The writing style of this book is easy to read but difficult emotionally. The setting of this novel constantly changes between different characters, so it doesn’t leave the reader bored. The chapters are pretty short and flew by really quickly for me. The ending rounded up the novel very nicely and left me satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, it is a really powerful book, filled with pain, love, and broken lives. The characters are very well crafted and the narrative just sucked me in from the first pages. If you, like me, like the books about haunting and scary institutions from the past, this book is definitely for you!
Do No Harm
Do No Harm
L.V. Hay | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is a very haunting thriller told from multiple perspectives – mainly Lily’s and Sebastian’s. I really loved the characters in this book, they all seem like regular people, whom we meet every day. Even though the characters are very believable, they have their very unique characteristics, which makes them very amusing and absorbing. LV Hay is famous for her diverse characters, and I really liked that she carried on with diversity in this book as well. I really liked Lily in this book, her inner fight and thoughts were very interesting to me. The least favorite to me was Fran, Lily’s new mother in law, I found her very unpleasant attention seeker, and I really don’t like such qualities.

Oh, the plot was absolutely fantastic! The author was playing mind games with me every time. When I thought I knew where the events were heading to, she used to throw in a major twist or turn, which left me baffled every time. The wish to find out what was actually going on got me “glued” to this book, and I really didn’t want to put it down. I really liked the way the author was describing all the feelings and thoughts regarding little Denny, all his actions were so cute to read about.

I really enjoyed LV Hay’s writing style, the language used was very understandable and the way she incorporated all these little bits and pieces from character’s pasts, were very enlightening and allowed to get to know the characters even better. The Author left me very pleased with chapter lengths as well, they were short but had very good transitions between the chapters. I really can see the improvement in this author’s work, and I hope she will carry on doing such an amazing job. To conclude, it is a very fast paced and gripping thriller, filled with false leads, mind games and very realistic and amusing characters. I loved it, and I hope you will give this book a go and will enjoy it as much as I did.
Cursed Films - Season 1
Cursed Films - Season 1
2020 | Documentary, Horror
Cursed Films is a 5 part series focusing on the ins and outs of film productions that were deemed cursed for one reason or another - the 5 parts concentrate on The Exorcist, The Omen, Poltergeist, The Crow, and The Twilight Zone movie respectively.

When this series is focused on the films themselves, it's a real treat. Some of the interviews are moving as hell - in particular the conversations with Richard Sawyer, Lance Anderson, Jeff Most, and Gary Sherman. These guys are to this day still affected by some of the things that happened during their film productions.
The Twilight Zone episode includes footage of the infamous on set accident which is genuinely haunting, and is honestly a really powerful part of the documentary having Sawyer's interview running alongside it.
The Crow episode is great as well, and the look we get at Anderson's relationship with Brandon Lee is so human and raw.
These moments really shine a light on how ridiculous the curse theories are, when in fact, they are just tragic events that effected real people, people who then had to deal with a following media circus.

The big thing I really didn't like about this series is only really relevant to The Omen and Exorcist episodes. It's almost like they didn't have enough material to fill the runtime of these segments, and so opt to pad it out with interviews with real exorcists, or magicians that practice black magic. I'm sure that there are interesting stories to be told by these people, but it feels really out of place and forced here. It's even cringe inducing at times and feels like very obvious filler. It detracts somewhat from what is otherwise a pretty solid documentary series.

Cursed Films is certainly an interesting watch, and is easy to digest in the 30 minute episodes that are presented. Also, that theme music is wild (found out it's by an Italian space-prog band from the 70s called I Signori Della Galassia!)
Worth a watch for sure, just ignore the silly filler parts.
It Comes At Night (2017)
It Comes At Night (2017)
2017 | Horror
There are some things that are truly frightening. For some, it could be ghosts while others fear zombies. There are many things that concern us and even keep us awake at night. With It Comes At Night, audiences are faced with one of the greatest fears that man has: the unknown.

The film features Paul (Joel Edgerton) a father and husband who is seeking to keep his family safe in the wilderness from unknown threats. He and his family are uncertain of what has taken place. They are not sure if the population has become victims to terrorism, disease, or some sort of supernatural occurrence. Paranoia builds as a stranger arrives on their land. What are his intentions? Can they trust each other long enough to survive? Will they outlast whatever has consumed countless others?

The film is haunting and will have its audience trying to guess and discover what exactly is taking place. The film is reminiscent of The Village, The Happening, and other movies that rely on ambiguity. For some films, the mystery may be the downfall as it leads nowhere. With It Comes At Night, the filmmakers allow for reality to seep into the lives that viewers are witnessing on the screen. For this film, the ambiguity allows for the audience to question how they would behave or adapt in a seemingly post-apocalyptic environment. We like to think that we know, but we can never be sure. This comes through with the actions of each of the characters. They are alone and afraid.

The film is deep in its approach to what the world would look like should calamity approach. People would become distrustful, fight, turn on each other, kill without thinking, and eventually sink into the realization that they don’t know what to do. It Comes at Night allows for the reality of horror to be exposed. It is not knowing how to face a certain danger, it is about having to come to terms with the unknown.



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