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The Wonder
The Wonder
Emma Donoghue | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>It came to Lib then that the question to ask was not how a child might commit such a fraud, but why?</b></i>

<i>The Wonder</i> is an absolutely beautiful and thought-provoking novel and by far one of the best books I’ve read this year.

Set in towards the end of the 19th century, we meet one of Ms Nightingale’s own nurses, shipped out to Ireland to investigate a so-called miracle. Young Anna O’Donnell hasn’t eaten since her 11th birthday, which passed four months ago. Lib begins a frustrating journey into learning whether Anna is truly a modern day Saint.
She is determined to prove the miracle a hoax, but being faced with old Irish superstitions she doesn’t understand, sexism and strong Catholic faith, she has a hard time getting to the truth.

It’s a bit of a slow ride, but it’s interesting enough to keep you wanting to know more. Donoghue creates a beautifully vivid story for you to really lose yourself in, you’ll find yourself reading this book within a couple of days (or hours, depending on when you’re reading it). Not what I’d classify at a mystery novel - the story is so much more than just working out the story behind Anna’s apparent loss of appetite. It’s a story of faith, believing in yourself and following your heart.

A really enjoyable book, with a wide array of likable and dislikable characters, beautiful scenery and heart warming lessons to take away, this is a must read for any historical fiction lover.

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated Bumblebee (2018) in Movies

Sep 19, 2019 (Updated Sep 19, 2019)  
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
A transformers film that everyone can enjoy. (2 more)
It actually fits in as a prequel to the first transformers.
Actually made me smile, a feel good film!
Pleasantly surprised
Firstly, thank you Smashbomb for my free Bumblebee DVD!
I was sceptical with yet ANOTHER transformers film, but after seeing it happens before Sam Witwicky met bumblebee i felt like it was worth a shot!
It doesn't follow the same pattern as the other installments of the franchise (in a good way) it's actually got some heart behind the story. Theres action but not too much, enough of a build up to set in motion what happens in Transformers 1.
I love how they showed what happened to bumblebees voice, how he found his Camero alias and how his relationship with Humans managed to become so good. It was a prequel that was made as if it was actually made before the first, like all prequels should be (but unfortunately it's not always the case). It doesn't create anymore questions, start new, never to be finished storylines, it was a straight forward set up.
I honestly thought I'd have another flop on my hands but genuinely enjoyed it and would watch it again.
I didn't feel as though it was another stab at a worn out franchise either, it was fresh and heart warming, a movie in it's own right. Someone could come in completely new to Transformers and the whole world it has created and fall in love with it from this, like I said, it fits in perfectly.
Definitely recommend guys, it's actually a lovely action film!