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Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
To my knowledge, 'Klaus' is the first Christmas film to combine the magic of Father Christmas with the everyday work of a postman - bringing heart-warming results. This movie succeeds on every level; the animation, the music and the script fuse to create a film that deserves a place in everyone's Christmas catalogue, no matter what age.

The concept of this film is extremely touching - a young man spoiled by his father is sent to a remote island with the goal to deliver 6000 letters in a year. There, he meets Klaus, an old toymaker who lives in a wooded part of the island, out of sight of the townspeople. Together, they create Christmas for the island with the help of the resident schoolteacher and foreign settlers. The result is magical, as children and adults alike who have never experienced Christmas, get to soak in the wonders of the season.

The artwork featured in the film is somewhat disproportionate which really builds the tension, especially when Jesper first steps foot on the island. Colour-wise, the whole film is quite dark and drab which perfectly emphasises the change when the island is transformed into a Christmassy wonderland at the end. Together, these elements really help to convey the moods in the film, and the audience really goes on the same journey as Jesper.

This film cleverly sheds light through the use of music in several scenes. For example, when Jesper's attitude changes towards the island and his task, there is a wonderful moment where he transforms his workshop to the sounds of a popular 80s song. I couldn't help but smile as I find that era of music very infectious.

As a postwoman myself, I loved this film because it has made me look at my job in a different way. Especially at this time of year, I help to deliver lots of presents to households which will make people's Christmasses the best of their lives. I bring joy to people, just as this film brought lots of joy to me.
An Amish Christmas Kitchen
An Amish Christmas Kitchen
Leslie Gould, Kate Lloyd, Jan Drexler | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wunderbaar Christmas Collection!
I love Christmas, I love novellas (they’re fast and easy to read!), and I love Amish, so what better combination than all three wrapped up into one amazing collection? There isn’t anything better, if you ask me. And, I have to say, this collection was worth the anticipation, worth the wait. All these authors did a fabulous job!

But, one specific story I want to focus on is Kate Lloyd’s An Unexpected Christmas Gift. After reading all of Lloyd’s other novels, I knew I needed to read this story. And, I will tell you, I was not disappointed! It was a quick read, I read it in just an hour, but it was packed full of amazing characters, and one heart warming, soul moving message of truth and forgiveness.

Following Maria Romano and her story was moving. I loved every minute of this holiday novella. I fell in love with Naomi, Nancy, Anna and Silas, the Amish family that invited her in, I fell in love with Maria herself and Naomi’s sister Linda, I loved Troy Bennett and despite my food allergies and not able to eat a lot of delicious amazing food, I fell in love with the recipe that Lloyd included in the story. I will definitely be making the Christmas Caramel Cake for my guys!

If you’re a fan of Christmas, Amish, and working in the kitchen, then I will tell you right now. This is a collection of stories you don’t want to miss. All the stories are worthy of 4 stars and have a touch of romance woven in. Don’t miss it! You’ll be sharing this collection of holiday stories with all your book loving, Amish loving friends.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher, Bethany House Publishers and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) in Movies

Aug 28, 2020 (Updated Aug 28, 2020)  
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is genuinely wonderful.
Like any good drama, it if course has its somber moments, but the overall atmosphere is so heart warming, it honestly feels like a lovely hug, but one of those lovely hugs that makes you cry because life is hard sometimes.

Growing up in the UK, I never watched Mr Rogers, but was always aware of him, and just how much he meant to a massive number of people. This film is less a biopic, and concentrates firmly one one point of Fred Rogers life, namely when he met Tom Junod (presented here as fictional character Lloyd Vogel), a journalist writing for Esquire and profiling Mr Rogers for a piece on American Heroes.
Lloyd is a cynical person, who doesn't hold much love for his fellow man. This begins to change as he spends more time with Fred, a man who truly sees the good in everyone.
At the same time, Lloyd's estranged father is trying to reconnect with him, forcing him to relive past trauma as he struggles to forgive.
It's all very emotionally charged, but wrapped up neatly in Oscar-baiting packaging.

Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers, and Matthew Rhys as Lloyd are nothing short of excellent. Their chemistry is thoroughly believable. Tom Hanks is at the top of his game here, just as much as he has ever been.
The supporting cast are great as well, especially Susan Kelechi Watson and Chris Cooper.

ABDITN also looks fantastic. The contrast of real life drama to dream like sequences within Mr Rogers' show is an inspired choice by director Marielle Heller, and the use of model cars and cities as segues is effective.
The original score by her brother Nate Heller is just downright pleasant.

Overall, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a decent drama about the importance of family, and what it means to love others, whilst remaining a well written love letter to Feed Rogers himself. It's just a really swell movie, definitely check it out.
Lost Property
Lost Property
Helen Paris | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dot Watson works in the TfL Lost Property office, meticulously labelling items found on London’s public transport in the hope of reuniting them with their owner. However, it soon becomes apparent that it is Dot who is lost, grieving the loss of her father to suicide, her mother to dementia and her ever-deteriorating relationship with her sister.

What isn’t initially clear is why Dot feels guilt-ridden by her father’s suicide but Paris carefully peels back the layers of Dot and her family’s lives to expose their loss, their love and their vulnerability.

Dot herself is fastidious in details, finding safety in rules, routine and order. Her safe words (Sellotape, safety pin, superglue) echo through the novel with no real context except to calm Dot, to allow her to keep everything together and in place. In contrast to this, Dot is clearly falling apart.
Dot’s life is already poles apart from what she envisioned for herself but circumstances cause her to fall further and start looking for an escape: an escape that she finds amongst the stacks of unclaimed items, with a little help from a bottle of absinthe!

Dot’s hallucinations do cause moments of humour but more than this they portray her raw grief and her depression. Dot tries to find a story behind every item in the stacks, to give the item an identity, an owner, a purpose. But what she is really looking for is her identity, her purpose. She passionately fights for these items, believing that their worth surpasses monetary value, but she cannot apply this to herself until it is almost too late.

The characters surrounding Dot serve to reflect how isolated she has made herself.
 Our protagonist has few friends in her social circle and those that she does have seem to be work friends, in whom she often finds criticism. I really appreciated the roles of characters such as Anita, she never stopped inviting Dot to events even when Dot had refused several times before. Anita is the perfect model for a friend of someone with depression: keep showing up, keep listening and never give up.

Dot’s mother, Gail, has dementia and has recently moved out of the maisonette she shared with Dot and into a care home. The relationship between mother and daughter has never been as close as the bond Dot had with her father but Dot’s memories of her mother slowly unfurl into the recognition and acceptance of her as a person and a protector, rather than the background character she has always assumed her mother to be.

Dot’s sister Philippa seems to be a bit of a steamroller of a character at first, bossy and controlling in that she plans to sell the maisonette and thus make Dot homeless. However, Philippa finds her spotlight in the final few chapters, perhaps because Dot allows herself to see her sister properly and acknowledge the life and pain that they both shared. The resulting love between the two sisters is heart-warming.

Lost Property is heart-breakingly honest and open. I laughed and, as someone coming to terms with a dementia diagnosis within the family, I cried my little heart out. I frankly couldn’t believe Lost Property is Helen Paris’ debut novel. This is the most emotive book I have read this year.

Thank you to, Helen Paris and Penguin Random House UK for gifting me a hard copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.