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Acanthea Grimscythe (300 KP) created a post in Horror Addicts

Jun 8, 2018  
So I just added some images of some horror themed puzzle cubes! I want them all badly. Here’s the article on them:
Other People's Darkness and other stories
Other People's Darkness and other stories
Nicholas Vince | 2014 | Horror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great collection of short horror stories.
This is an excellent collection of short stories of the macabre written by Nicholas Vince, who is probably best known for playing the Chatterer cenobite in the original Hellraiser films.
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
2000 | Crime, Horror
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 5th entry in the Hellraiser series is certainly a mixed bag. It's has a script and narrative that clearly threw in Hellraiser elements as an afterthought, really scales back on the cenobite stuff, and has some truly dodgy effects work.
With all that being said, everything about Inferno that's surrounds those points is pretty positive. The corrupt cop who cheats on his wife/snorts coke/is a general asshole whilst trying to solve a huge case trope has been done a million times, but it lends itself well to the conditions of the lament configuration. The films whole vibe screams David Lynch, and there's some genuinely creepy imagery delivered with ambition by a feature-debuting Scott Derrickson, clearly showing off some stylistic choices that he would go on to hone in his future successful career.
Throw in some decent gore and a pretty solid cast, and we're left with a Hellraiser film that would 100% be seen in a more favourable light if it had been afforded a bigger budget.
Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
2005 | Crime, Horror
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not gonna lie, I spent a lot of this film completely zoned out, I was that bored. The seventh installment in the Hellraiser series has some decent ideas, and a few creepy moments here and there, but it's not enough to raise Deader above the extreme monotony presented. All of the dialogue is typical mid 00s edgelord tripe, and it's just all round difficult to focus on as a result.
It's not all bad - Kari Wuhwer is a likable enough protagonist, and the closing 5 minutes are gloriously Hellraiser-esque, but it's ultimately another sequel that feels like a completely different project with Pinhead thrown in at the last minute to sell more copies. Still more enjoyable that Hellseeker though. It's the little victories.
Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
2005 | Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Hellraiser franchise has certainly hit some low notes by the eight entry in the series, but you know what? Hellworld ain't one of those low notes, and this a hill I am willing to die on.
It's without a doubt, the cheesiest Hellraiser thus far, and the first one to really lean into the dumb, sex-crazed teenager horror usually associated with slashers. It kind of works. There's a bit of an identity crisis going on. It's part slasher (complete with an I Know What You Did Last Summer set up), part typical Hellraiser, part Saw (this was the mid 00s after all), part haunted house horror. Suffice to say, there's a lot going on, and the plot even manages a semi decent twist during the climax which is a rarity with these later entries. It sometimes feels a bit muddled but most importantly, it's something different at this point! 5-7 all feel VERY similar so I can respect the fresh angle Hellworld was aiming for. Throw Lance Henriksen into the mix, alongside a returning Doug Bradley (unfortunately with little screentime yet again), and some early roles from Henry Cavill, Katheryn Winnick, and Khary Payton, and you have a pretty solid cast doing their best to traverse a typical low budget horror script. When all is said and done, it ain't too shabby, and even has the courtesy to include some memorable gore, and brings back the much loved Chatterer.
Hellworld is way more entertaining than it has any right to be, and is easily the best of the Rick Bota trilogy, which isn't exactly a high bar to clear, granted. Either way, it deserves more love!
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
A wonderfully imaginative and creepy Mythos (1 more)
Doug Bradley becomes a horror icon
The Special Effects are a little dated (1 more)
Sometimes seems confused about what sort of film it is...
We have such Cenobites to show you...
Hellraiser is arguably the finest in the series, creating horror icons in Pinhead, Kirsty, Frank and Julia, whilst giving the viewer some of the most extreme horror scenes ever seen.

The mythos of Clive Barker's Hellraiser series is fascinating, and hints at underworlds, other dimensions, hell and all sorts of demonic entities, and although this first entry is mostly set in an indistinct U.S town, the feeling that hell is just under the surface haunts the movie.

What follows is a tale of morality, lust, love and judgement as our characters seek to fulfill their heart's desires, all whilst trying to make sense of the dark forces that seek to envelope their new home.

Our Heroine, Kirtsy, is played by Ashley Laurence, who has more than a dash of Ripley about her at times, as she snarls and fights the forces of evil, showing more courage than most of us watching the film I am sure.

Pinhead (as he was dubbed by fans) is a fairly minor role in the film, and yet Doug Bradley's ominous delivery lingers long on the memory, giving us lines that echo long after the film has finished.

All in all, Hellraiser is a flawed, but imaginative horror tale, that threatens the viewer with a fantastically demonic realm filled with violence, gore and underdogs, and a plot that is easy to follow, but still feels new.

Sadly, like the Cenobites, the following movies would often fall prey to their mantra of pain & pleasure, but certainly this and the immediate sequel should be considered must-see for fans of physical effects and slow burning horror.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) in Movies

May 27, 2020 (Updated Aug 2, 2020)  
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
1992 | Horror
Second Hellraiser sequel and the first no-two-ways-about-it lousy one. Chief bondage demon Pinhead has been stripped of the limitations constraining his unpleasant recreational activities, which he likes, but also turned into a piece of interior decoration, which he doesn't. He endeavours to get himself released while a plucky young journalist tries to figure out why people keep turning up skinned or lacerated by flying chains.

A Hellraiser movie made with an American sensibility and for a mainstream American audience - one almost gets the sense the writers think they're making a Nightmare on Elm Street movie. The first half, with Pinhead stuck in a pillar, is not too bad, but they have to let him out eventually at which point the film's IQ and sense of restraint both vanish. Too much lazy gore and silly action (rubbish Cenobites wandering around New York City fighting the police). Doug Bradley just about saves the movie from being completely worthless, as he manages to chew the scenery even while being part of it; Terry Farrell was better in Star Trek. The occasional interesting idea or image but the film's main achievement is making the first two look better than they actually are.
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
All these years later, and Hellraiser is still a treat. I've always had respect for Clive Barker's directorial debut. It came out in a decade where the genre had become more schlocky and less serious with each passing year, and dared to go for the jugular with its straight shooting, no nonsense brand of horror.
It has an engaging plot, focusing primarily on a forbidden love between Julia, and her husband's brother Frank. When Frank is quite literally torn apart after messing with an ancient puzzle box, it quickly becomes apparent that he can return to the land of the living through blood sacrifice, resulting in Julia luring unsuspecting victims to their doom in order to be with Frank once again. It's a twisted love story, effectively making Hellraiser a romance-horror, centering around a toxic relationship. The cast performances are varied for sure, but of course Clare Higgins is a stand out. Her portrayal of Julia is sympathetic as she is quite clearly besotted with and somewhat scared of Frank, whilst also managing to be a confident and calculating villain.
Then there is the iconic Pinhead, one of several cenobites that are summoned when the puzzle box is completed, and a horror antagonist that stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger. His presence here is effective in the way that it's seldom. When he does appear, Doug Bradley delivers every line with terrifying conviction, with some hugely memorable dialogue.
The practical effects on display are fantastic as well. Frank's ressurection scene in particular is striking, and one of the finest examples of practical horror effects out there. The cenobites themselves boast some memorable designs, and looks suitably unsettling. It also has a haunting and beautiful music score, courtesy of Christopher Young, that really ties everything together nicely.

Hellraiser is an all timer. A film that deserves its place in the horror hall of fame without question.
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
Still a masterpiece!
The first time I saw Hellraiser I was amazed and disgusted simultaneously which doesn't happen too often when going to the movies nowadays.

I was thoroughly mesmerized by the gothic world Clive Barker had created and the interesting, yet enigmatic characters he created. The film has a unique look which is impressive considering the low budget.

I can see how those seeing it for the first time now would consider some of the optical effects dated by today's CGI perfection standards, but the ideas and themes are still compelling.

I have revisited often when I want a good creep.
Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
1996 | Horror, Sci-Fi
6.3 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Honestly, I can't help but admire just how much batshit-crazy content is crammed into this film. The established lore from the first two movies is more or less out of the window by now, with the narrative concentrating on the guy who originally invented the lament configuration in the 1700s, and then subsequent members of his bloodline trying to stop hell on earth once in 1996, and then again in the distant future aboard a space station. Like I said, batshit.
It also happens to be stupidly entertaining. It never threatens to get boring at any point. Pinhead has been scaled back once again to a more menacing presence as opposed to his pantomime villain from Hellraiser III, and the new cenobites looks suitably evil and gross. Angelique (Valentina Vargas) is a great new villain to stand alongside Doug Bradley, and goes someway to making sure Bloodlines has its own identity. Hats off to Bruce Ramsay as well for effectively playing three separate characters. There's liberal splashings of decent and practically done gore, and the CG effects for the space station still hold up for the most part. There's really not a huge amount to complain about in my opinion, and I can't quite comprehend where the general disdain comes from.
Hellraiser IV is certainly not a perfect movie, and doesn't reach the lofty heights of the first two, but it does enough different to ensure its a memorable entry into the franchise.