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Sinking (Sinking Trilogy #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a Historical Young Adult Fantasy that starts off in Ireland, but travels to China and India. Jocelyn is washed up on the beach with no memories of her own. She is completely naked and clutching a locket. She is found by a lady, who decides that she will take the locket for herself as she orders her servants to take care of the girl.

As the story progresses, you learn more about Jocelyn at the same time as she learns about herself. She has two human men who show interest in her, but the ocean also speaks to her and she feels an amazing pull to return - to what or to whom, she doesn't know.

This story moves smoothly throughout, building to the cliffhanger ending that will leave you wanting to know more. This is a wonderful story of mermaids and magic with a historical twist. Recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Smoke Thieves
The Smoke Thieves
Sally Green | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

From the author of the popular fantasy trilogy, Half Bad comes a brand new historical-fantasy series: The Smoke Thieves. Featuring a princess, a traitor, a soldier, a hunter and a thief, Sally Green’s fictional world is a dangerous place for these five teenagers. From demons to tyrannical fathers, they must do their best to overcome every obstacle placed in their way to survive a world that is destined for conflict.

The five main characters are a mixed bag of personalities and status. Princess Catherine is preparing for her arranged marriage, which aims to politically unite two nations, or so she believes. Her brutally ambitious father, on the other hand, has other ideas. Ambrose, Catherine’s guard and a traitor to her father, escapes death by chasing after Catherine with news of her father’s real plans.

Meanwhile, March, a soldier whose entire family and heritage were wiped out in a war, aims to get revenge by finding his king’s illegitimate son and only heir, however, he does not anticipate the prince being the naïve thief, Edyon. March and Edyon travel through the country in the company of an elderly man until they are ambushed by a demon hunter and his thirteen-year-old assistant, Tash. All Tash wants to do is hunt demons, collect their drug-like smoke and sell it so she can buy a pair of boots, but fate has other plans, and it is all because of demon smoke.

Coming from all walks of life, the unlikely characters join forces at the conclusion of the book, preparing to face the biggest battle of their young lives. The first book of the series is an exciting introduction to the action promised in the following novels. Slow to start but growing increasingly interesting, The Smoke Thieves is an engaging story with fantastic main characters.

As a work of historical fantasy, The Smoke Thieves is a welcome change from the contemporary fantasy Sally Green has previously written. This book suggests the author has great ideas to come in the near future.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Greg Rich and his parents are still stuck in 17th century France, and Spanish assassins have just targeted Greg and his friends, the Musketeers. This leads them to think that their old nemesis is plotting to overthrow the French government, so they take off to learn what kind of army is on the way. However, dissention in the group is making the trip hard. Can they keep it together to save the day? This is a fun mix of fantasy and historical fiction for kids. And adults. I certainly enjoyed it. It was another can't put down for me.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Great pacing (2 more)
Simple yet likeable characters
Historical inaccuracies (0 more)
Batman & Robin Begins...
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie is bonkers. History, costume and set design are just thrown to the wolves when it comes to any form if accuracy.

But the film was well paced, action packed and great fun. Like any Robin Hood folk tale should be. Granted, it would have been much better and probably better received if they had taken more care to stick to the time and place which it was set, but as it was, it was a work of pure fantasy.

As long you suspend your disbelief at the door and let this wash over you then you are in for great time. Simply enjoy.
A Suitable Replacement (Deceived #4)
A Suitable Replacement (Deceived #4)
Megan Derr | 2014 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an MM Historical Romance with a dash of fantasy added to it. After all, I don't think anyone studying the magical theory of the Goblin Wars would have gone down too well with the 'ton' in normal circumstances. However, there are parts of it that rang true for the historical genre - the attempted assassination of the royals, the child having to atone for the 'sins' of his parents, etc.

This is a fast-moving and intricate plot involving a Duchess who has run away with a love match, her brother just returned after three years away, the jilted fiance and the lady the love match was supposed to be marrying for reasons of her own.

It is written very well with enough plot twists to keep you on your toes. I loved the relationship between Kelcey and Max and the way that you were constantly left wondering what would throw a spanner in the works next. At the same time, I wanted to knock their heads together to get them to talk honestly with each other.

A thoroughly enjoyable read and definitely recommended.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 1, 2015
Wonderful book. I was unsure about picking it up at first but fell in love with it within the first few pages. It ties other famous authors and locations from both history and well known fantasy worlds into a story all its own. At first I did not notice some of the references made in the beginning of the story but once I started paying attention, it was amazing just how much James A. Owen researched to provide readers with an amazing, one of a kind experience. The author writes so wonderfully that readers feel as if they were actually in the Archipelago of Dreams, a place that I am sure most anyone who loves myth and fantasy would like to visit at least once in their lives.
I am a part of a book club at my local library, and plan on recommending this book to my fellow members, most of who are teachers and would appreciate not only the literary references but the historical ones as well found in this book. I also plan on reading the rest of the series.
<b>This is a highly recommended book in my opinion.</b>

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Romanov in Books

Jun 7, 2019  
Nadine Brandes | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Completely Captivated
From the time I heard this book was coming out I just knew I had to read it. I will tell you that I lived Anastasia's life while reading this book and that's in part to the author's creative writing style. I found myself caught up in all of the emotional turmoil and upheaval that the entire family went through and I cried with the losses that occurred within this storyline. The blending of historical facts with fantasy kept me captivated until I turned the very last page. I quite honestly did not want the book to end and will reread this book. I really wonder how Anastasia's life would have turned out if she hadn't been murdered and this author gave me a glimpse of what could have been.

Book Divas (227 KP) Jun 7, 2019

47 Ronin (2013)
47 Ronin (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
I've read reviews of this movie and they mostly were not good. I honestly don't know why. Perhaps people were trying to take it too seriously? Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. A fun fantasy story filled with magic, monsters, samurai and of course, sword fights. I have always enjoyed samurai movies(Seven Samurai is my absolute favorite). This one was just a lot of fun. The acting and cinematography were well done and the story flowed nicely. Plenty of intense action and it even had a love story. Didn't have the happiest of endings but not all movies do. Supposedly based on a historical group of samurai in Japan but, of course, with some great fantastical story telling weaved throughout. This one is definitely worth a watch!
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
Imogen Hermes Gowar | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stunning prose (2 more)
Enjoyable plot
Interesting characters
It ended. (0 more)
This is the best book I've read in months, it immediately made my list of favorites on Goodreads and I'm sure that I'm starting to annoy people with my raving about this book.

Visually the book is a stunner and one you can definitely judge by its cover. It's rare to find a historical fantasy where the fantasy aspect takes more of a backseat. I love both genres but this was a perfect balance between the two. The Regency London setting rather than Medieval or Victorian was really refreshing as was the use of mermaids rather than vampires/werewolves/zombies/magic. I've read a few reviews where people complain that the mermaids are prolific enough considering the title but I think this is only the case if you enter it anticipating the focus to be mermaids. It's definitely a consistent theme from start to finish but it doesn't take center stage until the very end. If you go in expecting mermaids galore, you might be a little disappointed.

A lot of historical fiction written after the time it portrays attempts to emulate the formal language of the time and usually with cringe-worthy results. This book is an exception. The prose is lightly reminiscent of a Jane Austen novel and beautifully descriptive but not overly so. The plot isn't one you can guess from the first page and while you can make educated guesses, the journey there is full of delightful twists and turns.

Really though I cannot say enough about this book. The only word that seems to come close is 'sumptuous'. It's the sort of book you can easily reread because the enjoyment doesn't hinge on shocking plot twists or mystery and suspense. It was a sheer joy to read and I dreaded the ending from the very first chapter. I almost never reread books but this is one I actually look forward to rereading.
Clara (Stories of Lorst #1)
Clara (Stories of Lorst #1)
Suzanna J. Linton | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clara (Stories of Lorst #1) by Suzanna J. Linton
Clara is a young girl of ten when we first meet her, enjoying her last day of freedom although she doesn't realise that. Her life is about to change for the worst, but there is also a spark of hope in the form of Emmerich, a gypsy boy she meets. Clara loses many things, including her voice, during her trials and tribulations but it looks like her life is changing for the better when she meets Emmerich again. Is everything as it seems, or has Emmerich changed in ways too many to be ignored?

This is a well-written historical fantasy with a hint of romance. With good guys doing bad things, bad guys turning over new leaves (possibly), plus evil dudes without any form of redemption, this story captured my imagination as I read through.

Well-written and smoothly paced, this was a good, solid book. Definitely recommended.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!