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A Pearl for My Mistress
A Pearl for My Mistress
Annabel Fielding | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to begin this review by saying that I really loved the cover of this book, it looks pleasant and very sophisticated, another thing which intrigued me, was the lesbian relationship in 1930th England.

The characters in this novel are very interesting, sophisticated and at the same time very believable and down to earth. The whole book was mainly told from Lady Lucy’s, Hester’s (the maid) and Sophie’s (Hester’s sister) perspectives. I really liked that author chose multiple perspectives, it allowed me to have a better insight into characters personalities and made the whole story more indulging. My favourite persona in this book was Hester. I liked her simplicity, pureness and adventurous heart.

The narrative of the book is filled with historical knowledge and politics. It was very clearly visible that author has a passion for history and she has done a great research for this novel. For me it wasn't a very easy read, there are a lot of things happening in this novel and a lot of politics involved, because of that I had to keep my concentration going to understand what was going on. However, I really enjoyed all the details which author shared about aristocratic life, their struggles and wish of Independence. I also loved the insight into maids world in that period, as most of the books I read was mostly set in the 19th century, and it was nice to compare how it changed during the time.

The writing style of this book is very rich and elegant, it reflected that particular era very nicely, and I felt the spirit of 1930th through the pages. The chapter length was quite long to my liking, even though it was divided into smaller parts. (Well, what can I say, I love short chapters…) The ending of the book concluded the book really nicely but still left me guessing where life will take Hester. So to conclude, it is a very interesting book about aristocrats and their lifestyle between the wars in England, filled with secrets, manipulations, and fear or support of new regiment. I would strongly recommend this book to all historical fiction readers and people who like politics. Enjoy :)

Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.
The Serpent's Mark
The Serpent's Mark
S.W. Perry | 2019
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>Nicholas Shelby Series</b>

#1 <a href="">The Angel's Mark</a> - Not Read
#2 <a href="">The Serpent's Mark</a> - DNF

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<b><i>The first book in 2019 that I didn't manage to finish is The Serpent's Mark by S.W. Perry.</i></b>

I am sad and disappointed. If you know me, you will know how I don't want to leave things unfinished, especially when reading books. I want to finish every book I read, so I can have a thorough opinion and valid comments.

I stopped reading this book at page 75, which is very early days, but I just couldn't continue because of a few points.

Before I start, I need to mention all the things that attracted me to this book in the first place. I love mysteries, and this book promised conspiracy, murder and espionage in Elizabethan London. It is set in the year 1591, where a doctor is investigated of his questionable practices. This was, by itself a promising start. And if you haven't seen the beautiful cover already, please do. It's art to have this book on your shelves.

However, while reading those 75 pages, I haven't encountered any murder. Conspiracy and espionage maybe, but it is so subtle, that everything else comes in first place, while I am here, flipping pages and desperately waiting for something to happen.

A book that contains a lot of politics and religion in a same chapter is just not the book for me. As a person that moved into the UK, I know a little bit about politics and not much about history politics, but I am also not very interested in it either. Documentaries, yes - but books for pleasure, not quite so much. This book was over-flooding with politics and religion, and it is something I just couldn't put past me. After deciding to DNF it, I also realized that it was a second book of a series, but can also be read as a standalone.

I wish I enjoyed it, but I just couldn't. However, if the book seems like something you might enjoy, please go for it, read it, and let me know how it went. <b>We all have different tastes in book - and that's OKAY! :)</b>

Thank you to ReadersFirst, a UK based website that sends me books every month in exchange for my honest reviews. What you do it absolutely amazing!

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Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King
Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alfred is a mostly ordinary boy, going to school, playing video games, and reading books about medieval history. His mother is a bit eccentric but all in all, he is living the regular life of an 11-year-old. That is until a mysterious man shows up one night and Alfred suddenly finds himself in a fantastical, medieval kingdom. What is even more strange, Alfred soon discovers he has families ties to this strange land and is the only heir left to the kingdom’s throne. Thrust in the middle of a country cursed by a witch, a dark lord, terrible creatures, and famine, Alfred has his work cut out for him. But thanks to the help of a few new friends, his medieval video game, and book knowledge, he is up for the challenge.

Alfred is a determined, hopeful, excited kid living out a child’s fantasy. He manages to stay strong through horrible circumstances and uses his knowledge of the period along with that of his own time to try and make things better for his people. The mashing together of periods offers plenty of hilarious moments as Alfred tries to explain things like TV and pro-wrestlers. His knowledge of things like agriculture and battle defenses quickly become lifesavers for the peasants who have accepted the return of the king.

This fantastical adventure is a beautiful story that balances the dark, harsh realities of 6997428survival against both enemies and natural, the struggle of the weight thrust upon Alfred’s shoulders, while also remaining lighthearted, funny, and fun. The story unfolds like a puzzle before the reader, much like it does for Alfred, as you discover more about his family, magic, and the politics of this magical world. Author Ron Smorynski has done an incredible job of creating an extraordinary world and characters that you can become invested it. The story captures the pure adventure and action so longed for in fantasy adventures while also tackling growing up, history, and family struggles. To me, it brings to mind such classics as Narnia and The Castle in the Attic.

The book is an excellent beginning. While the story itself is well rounded in itself, the real magic is in the story that it has left to tell. Throughout the book, we get the beginnings of magical rules, political struggle, villains powers, and the complicated history of Alfred’s family and those that knew them. The book leaves you with as many secrets as it answers and simply begs for a sequel. I am excited to see more from this author and continue my journey with Alfred and his friends, hopefully soon!

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Vice (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Vice (2018)
Vice (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Honestly Christian Bale should probably get an award for his commitment to a role. Gaining weight, doing exercises to get a thicker neck as well as studying up on all the policies and things so that he could ad-lib in character... just wow. This guy might just be a couple of parts crazy.

Being relatively fresh out of The Front Runner I was wondering how I was going to fair with another American political film. The two are very different beasts, The Front Runner is generally inoffensive and consistent drama while Vice tends to sway wildly between scenes of drama and some comedy.

Vice uses a lot of different ways to convey the story, it bleeps and blurs faces, it uses shots that avoid faces and candids with voiceovers, there are moments that go from 0-60 in no time at all. Visually as well as audibly it's chaos, and the timeline jumps around a fair bit, but at least that was easy to follow given the ageing that the characters go through.

As well as Bale's incredible performance a shout out has to go to Sam Rockwell. From Justin Hammer and Dixon in Three Billboards to Zaphod Beeblebrox he has a great range as a supporting actor.

I did like that at the beginning with regards to having to fill in the blanks of the story it said... "but we did our f***ng best." I'm sure it won't stop people saying that the film isn't accurately depicting history but I appreciate the fact it tries to stop them.

Vice is a crazy concotion of things and an assault on the senses, it has the wow factor though. Overall there are a lot of characters to follow. Some portrayed with stellar performances and others that fall by the wayside and left me confused about who they actually were. I think this just missed the mark for me, my knowledge of US politics being limited to what makes the news and social media means that again this is probably a film better suited for politics buffs and the American audiences.

There's a mid-credit scene which I did not stay for, I think this was probably a benefit to this review as by the sounds of it I would have left more confused after seeing it.

What you should do

If politics is your thing then you should definitely give it a go, you might have more luck with it than I did.
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
1999 | Drama, History, War
Sprawling, episodic historical drama which brought the Hollywood career of Luc Besson to a firm stop. 15th century France is invaded by the English, but leading the resistance is a teenage girl who believes she can hear the voice of God. She may be able to defeat the invaders, but can she survive the snake pit of court and church politics?

So: Joan of Arc, an iconic, legendary, complex figure, is brought to the screen by Milla Jovovich, whose performance mostly consists of her rolling her eyes a lot and squeaking. No matter how distinguished the rest of the cast, or how well staged the various massed battle scenes, this is a problem which any film would struggle to overcome. Some other odd creative choices don't help much (Dustin Hoffman turns up as the embodiment of Joan's self-doubt). Still, there is a genuine sense of the medieval grotesque, and Besson is very much in his comfort zone during the battles. Certainly a brave and imaginative take on history, but the end result is too close to Monty Python and the Holy Grail for comfort.
Within Our Gates (1920)
Within Our Gates (1920)
1920 | Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Because that’s what I’ve got on my mind, at the top of the list is an Oscar Micheaux film. Oscar Micheaux was just a legendary figure, especially among African-Americans. And fortunately, because we’ve been able to recover his silent films, he now has a place in general film history. Within Our Gates, like many of his films, really deliberately and explicitly takes up questions of racial politics in America. The film is about a woman named Sylvia Landry (Evelyn Preer) who is a teacher and she goes up north to try to raise money for this small black school, the Piney Woods School, which was an actual full black school that still exists. We experience what she does in terms of the feeling of isolation that many people who moved from the south to the north felt. She’s escaping a really traumatic family history of violence in the south. The film represents lynching and the attempted rape of black women. Micheaux was just really out there in terms of showing the ugliest aspects of racism in America. He had very clear ideas about the way forward and how education uplifts the right living. These are the things that he felt were keys to black success. He’s a filmmaker whose films still spark really powerful debates today. Amazingly, this film had been lost for decades, and it was found in an archive in Spain. It had been there for decades. It was a title that just wasn’t recognizable to scholars who know Micheaux’s work. In the 1990s, the film was repatriated to the United States and restored. The inner titles had to be translated back from Spanish into English. In addition, it’s just the visual and the narrative power of film itself. It’s a real lesson for us to work hard to try to recover these lost works."

Crystal Blade (Paladins of Crystal #2)
Crystal Blade (Paladins of Crystal #2)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Write quicker, Ms Cameron, write QUICKER!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Paladins of Crystal series, and it cannot CANNOT be read as a stand alone. It picks up immediately after book one, Crystal Shard, finishes.

It picks you up, and drags you along for such a ride!

We learn more about this world and the people in it. Their ways and politics, their rules and traditions. And we learn more about Crystal, and her birth and what happened all those years ago.

It drags you, kicking and screaming, through history, through drama, through the beginnings of love between Crystal and her Buff Lords, and possibly it might all end in death for one and all.

The romance that didn't happen in book 1 begins here. Granted, it comes in single and double instalments, but the group scenes haven't happened, YET!

I loved Crystal's strength. She gets wrung through the wringer here, and she just takes it all in her stride. A great skill for a budding empress!

And again!! Oh my god, this author is gonna kill me, she really is!

Massive cliff hanger, people, MAHOOSIVE cliff hanger, that I kinda saw coming, but really hoped that Crystal might just get her Buff Lords in her bed! But no. Cameron decided to throw another freaking spanner in the works, and now we gotta wait!

How long, though?? That is the big question. There is a bit about that at the end of this book. Apparently, if I threaten to camp outside the author's door, she might write the nexxt book a bit quicker! So, that's what I'm-a gonna do!!


5 full and shiny stars, more if I could!!

Write quicker, Ms Cameron, write QUICKER!!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Life on the Mississippi in Books

Feb 22, 2023 (Updated Feb 22, 2023)  
Life on the Mississippi
Life on the Mississippi
Rinker Buck | 2022 | History & Politics
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Wanders Like a River – Not Always for the Best
Journalist Rinker Buck decided to take his love for the flat boats of the 1800’s and make that his next trip into America’s past. He has one built for himself and sets out to sail it down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Along the way, he studies up on this part of American history. How will his journey go?

The idea of a trip like this appealed to me, so I sat down to read this with high hopes. Sadly, it wasn’t quite as good as I’d hoped it would be, mostly thanks for things the author put in he didn’t need to. There was more history than I was expecting; I was expecting more of a travelogue. That’s on me, although I did find much of this interesting if a little too long. However, I didn’t need all the biographical sketches about Rinker. I feel like some of that was his grieving process over having recently lost his mother. It would make for good reading, but in a different book. He also seemed to want to inject politics into the book where it didn’t need to be, and his attitude was very smug when this came up, even condescending at times. However, when he was actually describing the river and talking about what it took to navigate it, I was enthralled. I never thought about what it would take. The stories about some of the people he met along the way were good as well. The end result was a mixed bag.
Two Women in Rome
Two Women in Rome
Elizabeth Buchan | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two Women in Rome is a truly captivating story set in two time periods. In the present day, Lottie is an archivist working in Rome who comes across a painting once owned by an English woman called Nina who died in the late 1970’s. The painting appears to be valuable, painted in the fifteenth century.

Lottie also finds Nina’s journal in her personal effects, and the more of it she reads, the more she wants to find out about her life.

I loved the details about Rome in both timelines - I’ve visited Rome and loved it. The strong female characters were also a big plus point for me. Lottie is a head archivist, she really knows what she’s doing and is confident in her abilities. Nina is also an assertive woman - she is often in new situations that many would find themselves floundering in (Ok, that sounds really vague, but I don’t want to give anything away!)

This is a book about secrets: about keeping them, and what happens when they are revealed - both good and bad. This isn’t a book that goes fast and hard in its revelations. Quite opposite in fact, and probably why I liked it so much. I love a well told story, and I really felt that I knew the women in this because of that feeling of not being rushed through the story.

There’s a fair amount of Italian politics in this, some of which I had never known about, so that was another plus point. I hadn’t realised that Italy had had quite such a tumultuous political life for so long after World War Two. The novel has a great mix of themes, actually: secrets, history, politics, life in Rome, betrayal, guilt. I think I’m becoming a bit of an Elizabeth Buchan fan because I really enjoyed her last book The Museum of Broken Promises, as well. Both books are set in Europe, with the aftereffects of great political upheavals, ostensibly going back to World War Two. This book is well worth reading - I’d definitely recommend it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and NetGalley for my copy of this book.
Hornet Flight
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
51 of 220
Hornet Flight
By Ken Follet

On the rocky coast of Denmark, two brothers, Harald and Arne Olufsen are straining against the rigid confines imposed by their elderly parents. Meanwhile, a network of MI6 spies is attempting to decipher an encrypted Luftwaffe radio signal which mentions the new Freya-Gerat - a rudimentary form of German radar equipment. Arne's relationship with Hermia Mount, an MI6 analyst draws him into underground politics, putting him under surveillance by the Danish security forces - and by one man in particular who has a personal motive to see Arne fall. It is only a matter of time before the brothers' paths converge in a united effort to overcome the Nazis. A disused Hornet Moth biplane is their only means of getting a vital message to the British...

Another enjoyable book from Ken Follet. This is set during World War Two a story of spies trying to tip the scales in a war that Germany are winning. I love this era in history it was a really good read. You will love this if you love Ken Follet , war time and espionage.