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Ice Guardians (2016)
Ice Guardians (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Speaking from my own personal perspective, Ice Guardians is one of the most interesting gripping documentary’s I have watched recently. Full Disclosure first… I am a Brit, a little Englander if you will so my knowledge of Ice Hockey and the world of that sport is very limited to the Mighty Ducks movies. However I love a good personal Documentary that can engage me in something I know little about. Ice Guardians covers that for me so lets do this.

Director Brett Harvey carefully and passionately explores one of the most controversial and provocative positions in the history the National Hockey League, the Enforcer.

This movie is the Story of the most controversial positions in the world of sport, from its birth (out of little policing by the refs in the game) to today. ‘The Enforcer’ this is a position that has been talked about through the decades. Is it needed? Is it Necessary? Who the hell would take this role in a game of Ice Hockey?. Essentially the role is to be an “Ice Boxer” hit harder and faster than the guy on the opposite side, be such a menace that everyone on your team is safe because the opposition are scared Shit-less to start something because you will get them.

Of course my simplistic analysis above is that of a man before watching this movie. Watch as giants of the game and some of the hardest son of bitches in the position, strip everything back to bare all on the role they play, why they play it and the sheer scrutiny they are are faced with on a day to day basis. I will honestly say I was moved by this Documentary at times, these men are looked at like caged beasts, Unhinged if you want. However these men are exactly that ‘MEN’ with more Honor, Integrity and way more Loyalty than most Sportsmen.

Written by Harvey and Scott Dodds, the film features interviews with NFL greats such as Dave “The Hammer” Schultz, Clark Gillies and Dave Semenko.

We at 365 Highly recommend this Documentary and hope you will it a chance because it is engaging as hell and gives you a deep insight into the role of the Enforcer from the Enforcers point of view. Its not as black and white as you may think and I truly think you will take something away to think from this flick.

I want you all to watch this movie its wonderfully made and deals with a subject like this carefully and with the respect it deserves.
Ryker (Owatonna U Hockey #1)
Ryker (Owatonna U Hockey #1)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not sure I liked Ryker!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

**This review will be short, I really dislike writing the three star reviews!**

Ryker is hockey royalty, coming up as 4th generation championship winning players. Jacob works his family farm with his mum and dad. Both end up at hockey camp for the summer, and are polar opposites in most things. Sharing a room brings them closer, then camp is over and they are on opposite sides of the country. When Ryker switches college to be closer to Jacob, will Jacob let him?

I can't put my finger on why this one didn't work for me, and ya'll know how much that does my head in! So, here's what I DID like.

Both Jacob and Ryker have their say, so we get both sides of the coin. Both voices are clear and very different, and their voice is in the first person. Each change is clearly headed, and comes as the chapter changes.

I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I tagged it as a short read, because it does NOT seem as long as the billed 196 pages! One sitting read, too.

There are some characters from the series this one spins off, and that makes me want to go back and read THEIR series, or at least, Jared and Ten (Ryker's dad and step dad) stories.

I just . . . .DON'T know what didn't work!

Or at least, that was what I thought when writing this review. Now I'm typing it up, I *think* it might be Ryker himself. I dunno, maybe. Possibly.

So, gonna leave it at that.

3 good solid but maybe not for me, stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Good Green Earth (Colors of Love #3)
The Good Green Earth (Colors of Love #3)
V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
an enjoyable read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the Colors of Love series, but save for the hockey player and the agent (Arn) there is not real connection, so you don't need to read Lost In Indigo or Touch of a Yellow Sun before this one.

I enjoyed this one, as much as book two, but not as much as book one, and the same reason applies.

Only Nathan has a voice. Now I know I say it often enough, but here I think I'm justified!

Nathan is a force of nature and he plows himself into Bran's business while doing his community service. Bran is still grieving the loss of his husband two years before. Nathan decides he wants Bran but Bran is in a position of power over Nathan and Bran doesn't want Nathan, or so he says.

But I wanted to hear from Bran, about how he feels about the attraction to Nathan, a much younger man. About his grief for the loss of his husband. About taking the steps he does to, not remove his husband, but to allow Bran and Nathan to move on, without his presence. And Bran doesn't have that voice.

I enjoyed watching Nathan get to the root cause of his behaviour, felt for him when he finally lets it all out, when we hear what happened. Wanted to punch the brother so bloody hard though!

I don't know if there will be any more of this series, but I hope so. I'm enjoying watching these hockey players meet the men who will colour their world!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Shadow and Light (Arizona Raptors #3)
Shadow and Light (Arizona Raptors #3)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the Arizona Raptors series. It says that it is not a stand alone and you should read books one and two first, however, I don't think its entirely NECESSARY, but it certainly would help. I have read those two books, and they were both solid 4 star reads.

THIS one, though, is a whole different kettle of fish!

I LOVED this book!

You feel for Henry. His life has taken a turn he didn't expect. The man who was using him, almost killed him. His money is all gone, and he is living in someone else's house, mansion, all by himself. His hockey is on the line, because of the accident and his mind is on a downward spiral.

Enter Apollo.

Apollo is the best friend of Adler, the man paying for the house, who is Henry's brother's friend. Apollo is at a loose end since Adler is all loved up, and Apollo needs some sun. So Apollo goes to Arizona to look after Henry while he gets backs on his feet and back onto the ice.

Apollo is just the kind of man Henry wants, but who would want a washed up hockey player who might go blind? Apollo clearly wants Henry, but he is supposed to be going home at the end of the summer. Can he let his heart take the break?

This one is my favourite of the three, it really is.

It had me crying in places, laughing in others. Shouting at the kindle, and cheering away. I wanted to wrap Henry up in cotton wool and I wanted to smack him upside the head. Apollo too!

There are numerous references to The Harrisburg Railers players and pop ups from all the major players and team from this series. I loved that.

The relationship between Apollo and Henry is slow and sweet, and I loved that. They grow into each other, you know, as the book progresses. It's beautifully written, and gave me so many feels!

Ryker Madsen is Henry's team mate, he plays the same line (although, to be honest, I have no idea what that actually means, I just thought someone MIGHT!) and HIS book was in the Owatonna U Hockey series. I did NOT like Ryker in that book. He does redeem himself in that series somewhat, but HERE? As Henry's best friend, that kid done good! So, as a totally irrelevent point, Ryker? I forgive you!

So, my favourite of the three so far, but I know there is one more out later this year.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Debbiereadsbook (1087 KP) rated Unrivaled (Hockey Ever After #3) in Books

Mar 24, 2024 (Updated Mar 24, 2024)  
Unrivaled (Hockey Ever After #3)
Unrivaled (Hockey Ever After #3)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so bloody good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Hockey Ever After series, and I am reading it after I read book 4. They can all read as a stand alone, the characters from previous books do pop up, but you don't need to haveread those to fully enjoy this book.

And I bloody LOVED this book! It is absolutely on a par with book 2, that got 5 stars from me, but for a very different reason. That book was very emotional, heavy on the angst scale. THIS one? Opposite end of the scale, low on the angst. Emotional, still, but different.

Max and Grady has chemistry on the ice, just the sort that the media have billed it as hatred. Grady doesn't hate Max, Max breaking Grady's arm years previously really was an accident. But when a hookup who Max thinks is a catfish usingGrady's picture turns out to be Grady, that attraction goes into overdrive. And from that very first time, both men were hooked. But they play for rival teams, can it really work when one or both could be traded and moved at a moments notice?

I loved this, I really did!

Max and Grady are perfect for each other, each with their quirks and faults that compliment the others and I fell in love with these guys right from the start.

The chemistry is powerful, and plays a huge part all the way through the book. But I found this one was a bit more fade to grey, than full on page smexy times, and I think for THESE two, it was perfect.

The hockey match descriptions, while a lot, I found I enjoyed then more because of the interaction between Max and Grady when they were on ice together. Even when they played other teams, I didn't feel overwhelmed by the technical stuff. I still have no clue how it works, but having been to an ice hockey match here in the UK, I can appreciate the SPEED these matches are played at!

The only real angst, I think, was when Grady got traded. He reacted badly to something someone said, and instead of reaching out to Max, Max bore the brunt of Grady's anger...? No, he wasn't angry, he was HURT. But Grady does redeem himself, quite wonderfully.

I have already read the short that comes after this, and I'm finding it really REALLY hard not to write in here, what happens there. So I will leave this one as this:

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Crushed (Gold Hockey #18)
Crushed (Gold Hockey #18)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CRUSHED is the eighteenth book in the Gold Hockey series and is Will and Lily's story. Let me start by saying I know I will be in the minority with my review and I apologise for that.

Going wide first, I love the Gold family. I love how they are there for each other, no matter what, but are not afraid to speak bluntly either. I'm not looking forward to Britt retiring any more than any of the others.

Now, on to Will and Lily. Individually, I loved them. I thought Lily was so strong, her backbone is made of steel. She did the right thing for the right reasons and it all went pear-shaped. But she stepped up and carried on, regardless. Will is the one guy you can always count on, good to his friends and everything you could dream of. BUT - and this is the part I hate - I just didn't see them as a couple. Yes, they had chemistry, but the back and forth of their 'relationship' drove me insane. I really didn't enjoy that bit. If it had just been like that at the beginning/middle, it would have been okay. But it went all the way through. And I know angsty stories are a thing, but I don't know. Something about these two as a couple didn't work for me.

The epilogue that leads us to the next book was amazing though! The sparks were flying between Lucas and Maddy whenever they shared a scene. I can't wait to read their book.

Crushed is a great addition to the Gold Hockey series, just not one of my favourites. I can still recommend it though as I know it will appeal to many.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 23, 2023
Friday the 13th (2009)
Friday the 13th (2009)
2009 | Horror
6.6 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sleepaway Camp 2009
Since its Friday the 13th today, im going to review the remake/reboot of Friday the 13th film. The one that was actually pretty good. The one that was the 12th one. This one continued teenagers being teenagers. The one with Jason as the villian.

The Plot: Against the advice of locals and police, Clay (Jared Padalecki) scours the eerie woods surrounding Crystal Lake for his missing sister. But the rotting cabins of an abandoned summer camp are not the only things he finds. Hockey-masked killer Jason Voorhees lies in wait for a chance to use his razor-sharp machete on Clay and the group of college students who have come to the forest to party.

platinum dunes produce this one, and i actually like their horror remakes, and i think their really underrated.

This one continues to be scary, horrorfying, terrorfying and overall a good friday the 13th film.
Offside (The Barker Triplets, #1)
Offside (The Barker Triplets, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this.

Though how those triplets are related, I'll never know. They're always arguing and b*tching about one thing or another in each others lives and it drove me wild whenever they were together in the same room. I get sibling rivalry, but jeez! They were vicious.

As for the romance between Billie-Jo and Logan, I really liked it. It was slow and sweet and had me sighing at certain parts.

I liked the storyline, a female ex-professional ice hockey player playing on an all men's team and showing them that she's good enough to do it and in most cases better than them.

The bits we saw of Bobbie-Jo kinda made me like her, though I'm sure I'll come to like her fully <b>when</b> I read her and Shane's story. As for Betty-Jo, she seemed like a bit of a b*tch with what she did to Billie in this and at present I'm not a fan.
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th (2013)
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th (2013)
2013 | Documentary, Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jason Forever
Crystal Lake: The Complete History of Friday The 13th is a excellent documentary of the whole history of the Friday The 13th franchise. Going through each one of them, learn how their got made, interviews with cast memebers, the history of them and more. This is the first horror documentary that i watched and what a excellent start. I love the Friday The 13th franchise, and so watching a documentary about the whole franchise with cast members and learn more about each movies production was intresting. My favorite one is the third one, cause thats where Jason first wears his Hockey Mask and its in 3D and also that theme song. Kane Hodder is my favorite Jason and just wish he was in Freddy vs. Jason. Anways if you love the Friday The 13th franchise and want to learn more about the productions of each one of them, how their got made, the cast interviews and more than you will love this documentary.
Love, Pucks, and Other Stories (Rush Hockey #4)
Love, Pucks, and Other Stories (Rush Hockey #4)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great read but that cliffhanger is a doozy!
LOVE, PUCKS, & OTHER STORIES is the fourth book in the Rush Hockey series but the first book in Billie Rose and Joel's trilogy. I haven't read the previous three but that didn't impact my enjoyment of this story.

Oh, man, but I'm conflicted on this one. Let me start with the good things:

I loved how dedicated Billie Rose was to her town, even when people didn't see everything she did. And how she brings joy to her own life with washi tape. Joel accepts his place as a minor league hockey player, giving his support to those who will move on whilst he is happy to put down roots. Although he and Billie Rose are usually at loggerheads, when he actually opens his eyes, he sees there is so much more to her than he realised. And he goes about breaking through her walls, ever so softly, until he gets to see the real Billie Rose - workaholic and all.

Okay, so (without spoilers) here's what did me:

That ending! Well, that and it took so long for Joel to figure out that harpy isn't necessarily a nice word! I mean, come on. Even if he didn't see her flinch, on what planet - when he grew up with a nice mum and sisters - did he think that was okay? And speaking of his nice mum and sisters, plus his dad, I can't believe that no one, NO ONE, ever mentioned said ending. Not once! Not even in passing. I'm sure most people will be loving that cliffhanger but, for me, it ruined it slightly. Now there's going to be unnecessary angst with Joel explaining, Billie Rose not believing, and lots of time grovelling until hey, everything's fine again.

On the whole, I enjoyed the story and would recommend it if a) you're a fan of Ms Faber's writing and b) if you don't mind cliffhangers because, trust me, this one's a doozy!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!