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Craig Ferguson recommended Run Lola Run (1999) in Movies (curated)

Run Lola Run (1999)
Run Lola Run (1999)
1999 | Action, International, Drama
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Run Lola Run is a movie that I really love. It’s very much of its time. I watched it recently, and it’s kind of funny; it doesn’t age that well, but I loved it at the time. And I did a movie around the same time called Saving Grace. Run Lola Run won Sundance the year before us, and then we won at Sundance for Saving Grace — we won the Audience Award — and I remember thinking, “Oh my God!” You know, I can’t believe that we would even be in the same league. That’s when Sundance had movies and stuff — before, like, f—ing drink commercials or whatever the f— they do, some kind of Hollywood ski vacation. But I really loved Run Lola Run. It had a really nice feel to it."


John Bailey recommended Black Narcissus (1947) in Movies (curated)

Black Narcissus (1947)
Black Narcissus (1947)
1947 | Classics, Drama, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A film that is the cinematic antipode of The Battle of Algiers. Photographed by the great Jack Cardiff, designed by Alfred Junge (both of whom received Oscars for their work here), this film was considered by Michael Powell to be the “most erotic” of all his films. That it takes place within a community of nuns gives his claim a deliciously profane edginess. It is the film that made me first realize how much cinematography can and should contribute to the emotional, dramatic thrust of a movie. It was also a great influence on my own film, the never released Mariette in Ecstasy, a bittersweet experience that made me realize how much more freedom I would always have as a cinematographer than as just another struggling director trapped in the Hollywood system."


Nicky Wire recommended Zuckerzeit by Cluster in Music (curated)

Zuckerzeit by Cluster
Zuckerzeit by Cluster
1974 | Dance, Electronic, Metal, Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"You could be generic and call it krautrock but I think it’s much more than that. I really think it’s the most modern of that era, you can hear it on so many records, especially on The Good, The Bad & The Queen, those kind of filtered drums that just shuffle. You can hear it everywhere. The track ‘Hollywood’ - we were touring America and I had it on repeat. That, ‘Caramel’, ‘Marzipan’... Damon [Albarn] must have nicked ‘Caramel’ for a title for a Blur song, on 13. I love the cover as well. Artwork has always been really important. I think every band will admit that there’s at least three Neu! tracks they love or three Can tracks, but it’s hard to love a whole album. I genuinely love Zuckerzeit."


Dork_knight74 (881 KP) created a post

Jun 25, 2019  
Does anyone else have an issue with sound on movies? It always seems like they can't mix it right or something. I watch most of my movies on my tv. When I watch shows they're fine. People talk, you can hear them, yadda yadda. When I watch movies and someone is talking I can barely hear them so I have to turn up the volume. Then when something happens(like suddenly) is so loud it almost blows my ear drums out. So I turn it back down- then I can't hear them talking... again. This happens a lot. It's like Hollywood can't get the soundtracks mixed right. I've been tested so I know it's not my hearing. Drives me nuts. Ok, rant over. Please tell me I'm not alone in this, friends. Smdh.
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Ross (3284 KP) Jun 25, 2019

It is a nightmare, especially when the kids are sleeping, you have to watch a film with your fingers over the volume controls, constantly adjusting it.


Dork_knight74 (881 KP) Jun 25, 2019

I'll check my tv settings. I'm glad it's not just me though. Lol

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Great cast (0 more)
Way too long (2 more)
Painfully slow
A bit pointless
There will always be a lot of hype for a new Tarantino film. After seeing a trailer for a peek of Hollywood in '69 this looked interesting. It has a large ensemble talented cast playing many of the stars of the era.
Unfortunately there doesn't appear much point to this film until the last 15 minutes. Up to then it's very slow and overly long at nearly 2 hours 40 minutes long. It jumps from scenes of characters to others with little connecting them. I thought this was going to be a fairly accurate account of events that took place at the time... But it's far from that. It has its good elements but overall it was a bit of a dissapointment.
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Dean (6927 KP) Jan 9, 2020

Yes it did seem a somewhat odd film overall.


The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jan 10, 2020

I liked Brad Pitts performance.... but Oscar buzz? I'm not seeing why....

The Double (2014)
The Double (2014)
2014 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jesse Eisenberg has definitely paved his own path. The Double is another in what is becoming a long string of movies that are pretty far off the beaten path and outside the normal route of Hollywood stardom.

Jesse actually stars in two different roles, Simon James and James Simon. There were quite a few elements of the movie that reminded me of Fight Club, but not in physical form. More in regards to the mental aspect than anything else. The notion of "creating" an alter ego to live a world you formerly only dreamed of without consciously realizing that it's happening.

Bit of a mind bender, but in a good way. I love the stylistic approach to sets and costumes that the film employs. I've never seen a combination quite like it.
In the Shadow of the Moon (2019)
In the Shadow of the Moon (2019)
2019 | Thriller
It's getting harder and harder to find anything that resembles a new and fresh idea in Hollywood these days. In the Shadow of the Moon definitely fits that bill.

There are loose ends added throughout the film right until the end that are all wrapped up quite beautifully in the final moments. There are excellent scenes and story arcs that occur regularly and allow the viewer to become completely engrossed in the mental twinings of the main protagonist. Interestingly, the movie ultimately ends up stretching the definition of the word protagonist and reminds us that we are sometimes looking at more than one, although they appear to be on opposite sides of the storyline.

Definitely give this a go. It's a Netflix original (one of the best I've seen).