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Kurt Vile recommended 12 Songs by Randy Newman in Music (curated)

12 Songs by Randy Newman
12 Songs by Randy Newman
1970 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first song on it ['Have You Seen My Baby?'], I don't love, but it was just another one... I just picked that one because I think, on Trouble In Paradise and Little Criminals and Born Again, there's probably songs on there, if you go song-by-song, that I like better, that are more produced. But I think starting maybe with track two or so, I burned that one from vinyl - it has that same effect, that sprawling effect, because it's more primitive, before it got too produced. It's just got that bluesy piano thing, it's well recorded and I don't know, I think at the end of the day, if you listen to an album as one piece - sure, maybe start it at the second track - but it just travels in this sort of good, honky tonk bluesy way. I'd say my record came off more like something like that than 'Baltimore' from Little Criminals. I love that song, but it's very produced, very polished and 12 Songs is more just naturally... it's got it's warts, but they're all pretty beautiful."

Nashville is the next stop on the summer camping trip. After introducing the reader to Nashville hotspots, a trip to a famous honky-tonk bar leaves Irma and by extension Mabel and her camping buddies with the task of discovering who murdered two people two decades ago.

“If you like wacky characters, quick-witted banter, and crooners with a twang, then you’ll love Rita Moreau’s clever caper…”

It is always fun when a promise is made and kept. This book is full of wacky characters with snappy dialogue that makes turning the page a privilege rather than a chore. The well-written, quirky characters are the core of the story and with a couple of new additions to those returning from book one, there is more to love this time around.

The mystery comes at a fair pace and makes this book a quick steady read. This is the second book in the series and reads well enough as a standalone, but for the full effect of the camping summer of fun picking up book one is recommended.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily


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