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    TJ (9 KP)

    fantasy, anime, comics, music, cats, music

    Last Active: Mar 10, 2019
Grim Prairie Tales (1990)
Grim Prairie Tales (1990)
1990 | Horror, Western
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good western horror anthology
Another film with a collection of short Horror stories as 2 guys try to scare each other. Some of the stories are very good!
Umma (2022)
Umma (2022)
2022 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sandra oh (1 more)
Fivel stewart
Watched on sky movies this week decent horror that's better without the gore and more on jump scares which makes a better horror movie
    Scare Package (2019)

    Scare Package (2019)

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Chad, the owner of Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, recounts a series of bone-chilling, blood-splattered...


alex (68 KP) rated Get Out (2017) in Movies

Jul 13, 2017  
Get Out (2017)
Get Out (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
Loved the plot and overall idea of the movie (1 more)
Creepy without being tacky
Return to the psychological horror
Loved this movie, a return to the psychological horror rather than the cheap gruesome horror so often portrayed in recent horror-thriller movies. Fantastic cast and premise with enough humor to alleviate some of the stress. Personally the ending wasn't too bad but could have been explored a bit more in the film.