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Joe Hill | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderfully detailed, amazing world and story. (0 more)
Not unique to Joe Hill, feels more like a book by his father (0 more)
Just Because Review
While I imagine a few already know this it is important to note that Joe Hill is Stephen King's son, which is actually what made me interested in his work. This book reflects the works of Stephen King so much that I almost thought he was the actual author. It is very clear that this book resides in the same universe as Stephen King's works. It mentions things like the Pennywise Circus and True Knot (Doctor Sleep). It also reminded me of Christine and multiple people in the book have "a touch of the shinning" and if readers pay attention they may notice elements from Dreamcatcher and Finders Keepers as well.

As a child, Vic discovers a bike that gives her the ability to cross the Shorter Way Bridge to locate lost things, so long as they are in a fixed position. The bad thing about this is that using the ability has its cost and the price she must pay is the risk of losing part of her mind each time she goes across. One day after fighting with her mother she takes off across the bridge looking for trouble and finds just that in Charles Manx. Luckily she manages to escape but Charles Manx will forever hold a grudge against her and she will see him again after she is an adult and has convinced herself that the Shorter Way Bridge was just a fantasy from a delusional mind.

I highly recommend this book. The only reason why it did not get a 5 out of 5 was that while the story was original the world felt to firmly set in the Stephen King universe and I am not sure if that was intentional or if it was just a by-product of the household that Joe Hill grew up in.

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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Things In Jars in Books

Sep 22, 2019  
Things In Jars
Things In Jars
Jess Kidd | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Victorian England, a female detective and a touch of the supernatural - what’s not to like?
Things in Jars is set in Victorian London. Bridie Devine is a female detective who is called on by Sir Edmund Athelstan Berwick, a baronet, to find his secret daughter, Christabel, who has been kidnapped. However, he doesn’t want to involve the police (this is where alarm bells start to go off!). Very few people in his household know about the existence of Christabel, and she is shut away, ostensibly to protect them from her. Because Christabel is not an ordinary child: she has supernatural powers that can harm people. Bridie doesn’t believe this, of course. So with the help of Cora, her 7 foot tall housemaid and Ruby, the ghost of a prizefighter, she sets out to rescue the child.

I absolutely loved this book. I was never sure if the mythical, fairytale elements were real, or whether Bridie believed them to be real. The seedy, macabre side to London, the sights and smells of the winding streets and the general atmosphere were so well described, that I could have been standing next to Bridie, watching the moving tattoos across Ruby’s torso! Bridie is an excellent character. She feels compelled to find Christabel, mainly because she is coming to the job with a failure weighing heavy on her shoulders, but also she can remember being alone in the world as a child.

Mrs Bibby is a superb villain - she has her conspirators dancing to her tune. She has a gun (and a limp!) and she’s not afraid to use it! Her macabre ‘fairytales’ really ramped up the atmosphere, and showed how truly awful she was. There was a real menace about her.

Other than what I’ve said here, all I can really say is - go and read this book! I loved it (I’ve said that already, I know!), go and read it - you won’t be sorry!

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Spires in Books

Oct 28, 2021  
The Spires
The Spires
Kate Moretti | 2021 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Penelope Cox thinks she's put her college years behind her, when, twenty years later, her old friend Willa shows up unexpectedly on her doorstep. Willa Blaine needs help escaping her abusive husband. Penelope hasn't seen Willa since their gap year after college, when they and three other friends lived together in a converted church. Calling themselves "the Spires" they were a close-knit group, until hidden resentments and jealousies tipped over. Focused on their leader, Jack, things started to change when he brought home a girlfriend, Grace. Then tragedy struck and the group went their separate ways. Now, Willa seems the perfect guest, bringing order and happiness to the Cox household. But Penelope feels like her friend is putting her life off-balance and bringing up horrible memories: memories she'd rather leave long buried.

"Six months after they moved in, he brought home Grace and sent them all into a tailspin."

This is slow burn read--it's sluggish to start, but picks up as the story gets moving. Less thriller, more character-driven, THE SPIRES focuses on relationships more than mystery, though there is certainly plenty to figure out as the tale progresses.

The book skips back and forth between the group's gap year after college at The Church House and present day, when Penelope's friend Willa shows up without warning. The two haven't seen each other since they scattered after The Church House tragedy. We know something bad happened at The Church House, but it takes a while (basically the whole book) to get it all figured out. There is a lot of drama and angst as this all happens. None of the characters are particularly likeable, but there are plenty of motives and secrets tossed in along the way.

I didn't find THE SPIRES as thrilling as some of Moretti's other books. Still, it became more interesting and suspenseful as I read, and there are definitely some good twists. This is an especially good read for those who like a good psychological mystery. 3.5 stars.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<u>I Feel Like Going On</u> tells the story of Ray Lewis's life through his point of view. From his early childhood to the man he is today. I learned quite a bit about Ray Lewis that I didn't know and found very interesting. A religious and family man with seven children, he is a very different person than the man who used to be on the football field.

Growing up in Maryland, I only root for two teams, the Washington Redskins and whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. When I was a kid, the Baltimore team had been long, so the Redskins were who I went for. I respect, Ray Lewis as an amazing defensive player in the NFL. Occasionally, I would cheer for Baltimore especially when they were in the Super Bowl. It was interesting to find out that the Redskins were Ray's favorite as well. He has a very religious side to him that you don't get to see on the field. He is also very family oriented, always there for his kids as well as his mother and brothers and sisters. There are a lot of things I learned from this book about Ray Lewis and about life in general. The best part of the book came at the end when Ray talks about what his mother taught him.

"Be an example. Be a force for good. And know that every one with a great name has been through something. A great deal of something. It's not about doing what everybody else is doing. It's just about being true to yourself whatever the majority of people are doing, go ahead and do the opposite--if you know what you're doing to be right and good and true. Live your legacy. Do your thing. Walk in a certain light."

This book is an inspiration to anyone who is struggling through life and may be unsure how they are going to make it through the storm. Ray Lewis made it through a single mom household, losing friends and coaches, and being accused of the most terrible things. He made it through alive andd on top.
The purpose of this book is quickly understood to motivate and aid the reader to prepare for a "man-made disaster" of the magnitude that is illustrated through a fictional story that the author, Karen McHale, apparently believes is impending for the U.S.A. I won't address whether or not I believe such a disaster is imminent or not. The story takes up the first 132 pages of the book, and the remaining pages is a quick guide to self-sufficiency, with a step-by-step guide and divided by Pantry and Utilities.
What I will address is the text of the book itself, which, frankly, could use some work. I can be a stickler for grammar, and it is obvious to me that the author used the spelling and grammar check function that is found in your typical text-formatting program, such as Word. Simply having someone read over the book before publication could catch these errors. For example, starting on page 50, the word "panty" has replaced what should have been "pantry," not every time, but often enough to be obvious. Other things showed up in the text to show the author's weakness in writing fiction, such as this: "...the unspoken thought hung unspoken in the air..." (pg. 11).
The story itself is a thinly veiled attempt at teaching the reader what is already listed in the section at the end of the book. Much more of the book is devoted to detailed descriptions of these preparations than to the development of the different characters. Towards the end of the book, time speeds up as the author skips ahead several times to fast forward the plot to 2012, with snapshots of plot to show the progress of the fictional family in its preparations for the economic disaster.
Honestly, this book would have been much better written had the author spent more time developing the different characters and made them unique and interesting to the reader, as well as gotten a few extra people to read the text before publication. McHale does not even bother with last names for this "typical American household." Sadly, except for the eight page guide at the end, it is all very forgettable.
Morrigan&#039;s Cross
Morrigan's Cross
Nora Roberts | 2006 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magical & beautifully written
I was gifted this book by Nora Roberts herself as a “thank you” for putting together the #CopyPasteCrisList & helping bring all of the plagiarism by Cristiane Serruya to light. Needless to say, when I opened the package I cried tears of excitement & dived into Morrigan’s Cross almost immediately. This is my very first Nora Roberts, and I can guarantee that it won’t be my last.

I’ve always been hesitant to read Nora Roberts. When I first got into romance, I avoided many of the well-known authors simply because I felt the need to be “cool.” Luckily, I got out of that phase because I would have missed out on some of the best books I have read. Morrigan’s Cross by Nora Roberts is beautiful. The writing is spectacular, and I didn’t know what to do with myself after finishing it. The writing style was so formal and elegant. I’m a quote hoarder, and this book was heaven. There were so many quotable moments and phrases that I had to stop myself from highlighting the entire book.

One thing that struck me with this book was just how developed each character was. Many of the books I have read can’t compare. It was refreshing and beautiful to read a book that was so flushed out. It was like every sentence had a purpose, and every character was there for a reason. Because of this, it took me a while to read this book. I realized about halfway into the book that this book needed to be savored and not devoured like I was used to. Everything was just so well done that I took my time entirely immersing myself into this book.

The plot was something completely different. I loved all of the various plot points to it. The time travel aspect was a fun twist, and I loved having both vampire and wizard elements. The romance was also top notch and kept me swooning the entire time.

I could keep going with how amazing this book was, but my words can’t do it justice. This book was beautiful, and I can see why Nora Roberts is a household name.
An Inconvenient Beauty
An Inconvenient Beauty
Kristi Ann Hunter | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kristi's debut series is beyond fabulous and she wraps it all up perfectly with Griffith's story! With several laugh out loud moments and an equal number of touching scenes that will tug at your heart, you will want to read this book in one sitting. (If only that were a reality in my household.) Griffith has been my favorite since the first book, A Noble Masquerade. And he completely lived up to (and quite possibly exceeded) my expectations that I have held on to. Especially picturing him as Chris Hemsworth...

One of the aspects that stood out to me in this story, is discerning God's direction for our lives. Especially when it comes to thinking that we don't deserve happiness, or a second chance, or forgiveness. These blinders can distract us from the GOOD that God wants to give to us.

I.LOVE.GRIFFITH. That is all...actually, I could go on about him for hours. So, what I want to highlight is his protective nature. His family is more important to him than anything, and he would go to any lengths to keep them safe and cared for. However, that means he puts their needs before his own. And this sacrificial love hasn't left much room for him to worry about his own future. BUT, when love strikes, things change. You could say his "world is turned upside down." He is adorable and hilarious!

Isabella is my new favorite woman in the Hawthorne Series. Even though she has secrets to hide, it is impossible to ignore her pure heart. And Uncle Percy, can only be described as the opposite of pure. The bitterness that stemmed from a heartbreaking loss has turned into a vendetta.

Four books, five if you include the novella, a slew of Hawthornes, romance, kidnappings, adventures, foiled plans, and upstanding and *ahem* SWOONY gentlemen...while my heart is sad that this series has ended. I am so thankful for the friends that I found within these pages.

I received a complimentary copy of An Inconvenient Beauty. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017) in Movies

Jan 6, 2021 (Updated Jan 6, 2021)  
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017)
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017)
2017 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well here we have it - a messy and underwhelming finale, to a messy and underwhelming franchise.

Where to begin with this - even though it was silly and impractical, the previous film in the series ends on a cliffhanger (?), setting up a big ass battle between an army of undead, and a line up of heroes mainly made up of characters from the games (stood on top of the white house of course because Paul W.S. Anderson). This film opens in the aftermath, meaning that we don't even see the ensuing battle, but all these characters are un-ceremoniously killed off screen between movies. Alice is alive though....yaaay.

You know what comes next by now, an opening Milla Jovovich speech about who she is, edgy soldier characters saying edgy shit all the damn time (with added Ruby Rose for a little extra edginess), wire frame blue print segments of whatever facility they're in this time. Anderson mercifully cuts out all the gratuitous slow motion for his final bow, but unfortunately replaces it with seizure inducing quick edits. Like, it's fucking ludicrous how many edits there are whenever a fight starts and it just sucks. It's unexciting and difficult to sit through at times.
Then there's the ret-conning. Jesus Christ, Iain Glen is back for no reason other than the fact he became more of a household name thanks to Game of Thrones, plot be damned. Wesker is a villain again and the Red Queen is now a good guy, the origins of the T-Virus is different, and Milla Jovovich is actually an old woman (complete with Jackass quality aesthetics). These movies stopped making sense a while back but they just went full ham on this one. You know when you're on your last day of work before leaving a job and you just don't really give a fuck about your final shift? Yeah it's that, but a multi million dollar film.

I'm extremely happy that Resident Evil is finally being rebooted, into hopefully something that resembles the source material a bit more, and is actually scary. And good. Maybe. This franchise has given me trust issues.
The Viscounts&#039;s Christmas Temptation
The Viscounts's Christmas Temptation
Erica Ridley | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

– Character/ Story Development
X Enjoyed Reading/ Would Reread
X Plot
X Grammatical Errors
X Overall Story

Review: This little novel is what every feminist wants to see in a romance book. My wittle feminist heart was so blown away with the story line and how the roles were kind of reversed. Lady Amelia Pembroke is in charge and running her household, single and getting to the ripe ole age of being too old to be appealing to any man. Yes, this is set back in the early 1800’s so not quite 100% a feminist novel. But there are many parts that are!

I’ve never really been a fan of historical romances but The Viscount’s Christmas Temptation has really brought about a new love for a new genre! This novel was short, simple, and all around sweet. I was left wanting more and more with each turn of the page and I fell in love with Lord Sheffield every darn time he came into the picture. He stole my heart just as fast as he stole Lady Amelia’s.

The only thing that I have against this cheesy novel, is that there wasn’t really any story or character development/ background. But it also worked really well for this story.

Reasons why I rated it 4 stars:
1. No character development
2. Story was amazing and easy to get into.
3. Background on the characters was non-existent.
4. I enjoyed the romance between the main two characters.
5. The novel had a bit of a feminist feel to it, which is really nice to see in this romance style.

“We should go,” he said gruffly, his face inscrutable.

“Why?” Her heartbeat thundered. She gripped his arms tight to keep herself from twining her own about his neck.

He lowered his mouth to her ear, brushing it with a feather-soft kiss. “It isn’t safe.”

Her answering shiver had nothing to do with the cold. She had never stood so close to any man, had never fought the urge to press herself even closer.

“What could happen?” she whispered.

He cupped her face in his hands. “Anything.”

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Home Fire in Books

May 10, 2018  
Home Fire
Home Fire
Kamila Shamsie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two families both from Britain and both with Muslim backgrounds, but from different socioeconomic classes. The Pasha Family, Isma, Aneeka, and Parvaiz, they have lost both of their parents and Isma is the head of the household. When Aneeka and Parvaiz have finished school, she decides that it is now time for her to go to America to finish her studies to be a doctor. With the help of a family friend she does just that, but worries constantly about her brother and sister back home. While in America she meets, Eammon Lone. His father is a high political figure where they are from and it's strange to meet someone like this in America.

This book was a slow start for me. I wanted to dive right in, but it was not very easy. The subject matter is deep. The Pasha family lost their father because he decided to join the ranks of the Taliban and he was killed for it. The fear is that Parvaiz, the brother will go through the same fate. When Isma loses contact with him while she is in America, she really starts to get scared and when the same becomes true of her sister Aneeka, she worries even more. What can she do so far away from her family in order to help them. Maybe with her connection now to Eammon, she will be able to help her family.

Eammon decides to help Isma out, but not in a way she expects. He is returning to England as she is about to send a parcel to her family. Eammon offers to put it in the post in England, but ends up delivering it himself and meeting Aneeka. There was an immediate attraction for him, but Aneeka has an ulterior motive. While Eammon be able to detect this or will he find out too late. When Aneeka asks Eammon to talk to his father about helping her brother return to the country, he feels like he will be able to help her, but his father doesn't want to have anything to do with the Pasha family given their father's past.

How will this turn out for everyone involved. Will they be able to settle their differences in order to help a young man who has made some stupid choices?