Always (1989)
Movie Watch
A story about life, love and loss, Steven Spielberg directs Always, a heart-warming romantic...

Copycat (1995)
Movie Watch
Psychologist Helen Hudson (Sigourney Weaver) and detective M.J. Monahan (Holly Hunter) team up to...
Profiler serial killer

Star Wars Omnibus: Boba Fett
John Wagner, Mike Kennedy and Thomas Andrews
Boba Fett, the most feared, most respected, and most loved bounty hunter in the galaxy now has all...

Ednapedia: A History of Australia in a Hundred Objects
It's very rare that we see the emergence of a completely original idea in the world of books. Dame...

Hungarian Pretati - Speak with Audio Translation
Travel and Reference
The Hunagarian Pretati app is great for foreign travelers and those wanting to learn how to speak...