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Blade Runner
World War Terminus had left the Earth devastated. Through its ruins, bounty hunter Rick Deckard...

Debbiereadsbook (1321 KP) rated Storm (Men Of Hidden Creek) in Books
Apr 3, 2018
warm and fuzzies and too stinking cute! Loved it!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.
OH!!! Warm and fuzzies, AND too stinking cute! Seriously, not had a book like this for some time and after a run of much heavier, emotionally devastating books, this landed in the queue at the very right time!
Chase gets a call and his life turns upside down and inside out. A visit to the doctor's introduces Chase to Hunter, and then Hunter's life is turned upside down and inside out. Spending more time with Chase and his daughter, Lyla, Hunter begins to really question what he wants, or more specifically, WHO. And when Hunter makes his mind up, there really is no stopping him.
Enter a few bigoted individuals in a position of power, and a few more who really surprise you, a three legged dog called Trooper, and you have an amazing little read! Took me couple hours, I lost the whole morning, but I really did love this!
It's very well written, from both Chase and Hunter's point of view, so we get all that internal wrangling that Hunter does, because let's face it, he does have a lot of wrangling to do. Or at least, he DID. But like I said, once he makes his mind up, Hunter is very clear about how he feels for Chase and Lyla and how he wants them both in his life.
This is part of the Men of Hidden Creek series. There were a couple of characters that popped up along the way who have an interesting story to tell and I do hope I get the chance to read them!
Excellent addition to Ms Welch's library!
5 full and shiny, warm and fuzzies, too stinking cute stars!
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
OH!!! Warm and fuzzies, AND too stinking cute! Seriously, not had a book like this for some time and after a run of much heavier, emotionally devastating books, this landed in the queue at the very right time!
Chase gets a call and his life turns upside down and inside out. A visit to the doctor's introduces Chase to Hunter, and then Hunter's life is turned upside down and inside out. Spending more time with Chase and his daughter, Lyla, Hunter begins to really question what he wants, or more specifically, WHO. And when Hunter makes his mind up, there really is no stopping him.
Enter a few bigoted individuals in a position of power, and a few more who really surprise you, a three legged dog called Trooper, and you have an amazing little read! Took me couple hours, I lost the whole morning, but I really did love this!
It's very well written, from both Chase and Hunter's point of view, so we get all that internal wrangling that Hunter does, because let's face it, he does have a lot of wrangling to do. Or at least, he DID. But like I said, once he makes his mind up, Hunter is very clear about how he feels for Chase and Lyla and how he wants them both in his life.
This is part of the Men of Hidden Creek series. There were a couple of characters that popped up along the way who have an interesting story to tell and I do hope I get the chance to read them!
Excellent addition to Ms Welch's library!
5 full and shiny, warm and fuzzies, too stinking cute stars!
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
100 Welcomes to a Dying Language: A Hundir Inboos Till a Diein Leid
This is a collection of Robert Allan Jamieson's Shetlandic poetry spanning the entirety of his...

The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man
Allan Karlsson is a Hundred and One year old man bored in his life as a asparagus farmer in Bali....

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Hunting Sasquatch in Tabletop Games
Jan 30, 2021
Sasquatch. Nessie. La Chupacabra. The Jersey Devil. These are all examples of what is called “Cryptids.” These cryptids are mostly fairytale creatures, and have not been substantiated yet, but many a fool have hunted them nonetheless. You are one of those fools. Your target? Information on Sasquatch. Yeah, you might find other clues to fellow cryptids along the way, but you really need that sweet sweet clear photo to be crowned King Fool!
Hunting Sasquatch is a competitive press-your-luck card and dice game where players are attempting to gather clues to catch Sasquatch. The winner will be the player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game, if any VP are to be had before too many Hunters go missing in the woods.
DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T
To setup shuffle the Location cards (big ones) and reveal as many locations as are players. Shuffle the Hunter cards and deal three to each player. Shuffle the Hunter’s Arsenal cards and place its deck near the Hunter deck on the table. Separate the various tokens by type and place them on the table nearby as well. Have the dice accessible to all players and the game may begin!
On a turn the active player will choose one of their Hunters to visit a Location. The Hunter may visit one of the face-up Locations or draw one to be placed on top of one of those revealed. If the Hunter draws a new Location they MUST visit this newly-revealed Location.
The Hunter then rolls all eight of the green Hunter Dice. If the Hunter had gained any Anti- tokens (anti-camera, anti-book, etc) then those Anti- tokens cause matching dice to be removed from the turn immediately. The Hunter may now spend any Wildcard Tokens they may have earned previously to rotate a die’s value to anything wished.
Once the roll is ready to be resolved, the Hunter will reference the Location they chose for dice values. Each Location has Lost Conditions on the left and Victory Conditions on the right of the card. The Hunter must fill as many Lost Conditions as they have matching dice, and may then assign Victory Conditions dice to their places on the card. Should a Hunter fill up the Lost Conditions spaces with dice the Hunter is then lost to the hunt and their Hunter Card is discarded. Should the Hunter avoiding becoming lost and fill up the column of Victory Conditions they will score the booty from the box in the lower right-hand corner of the Location card (mostly VP, Evidence Tokens, Wildcard Tokens).
If neither column of icons on the Location Card have been filled completely and there are still dice available, the black Fate Die may be rolled. A successful Fate Die roll shows a lucky horseshoe and allows the Hunter to re-roll the available dice. An unsuccessful Fate Die roll shows a bear trap icon and forces the Hunter to apply the Trap conditions on the lower left-hand corner of the Location Card (usually Anti- tokens).
The game ends once a certain number of Hunters are lost (depending on number of players) or once any Hunter has collected all five Evidence Tokens.
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, so components will most likely be different as a result of a successful Kickstarter campaign. That said, I can comment on the direction the game is going, and I like it quite a bit. The tokens will need to be improved to be more usable, and obviously the dice will upgraded, but other than those I like everything else going on here. The cards are nice, easy to read, and have great artwork on them. Similarly the Location Cards are probably my favorite components of the game because they feature hilarious and wonderful artwork. The game looks great as is, but I am eagerly looking forward to what it will be once completely finished.
The gameplay is kind of a crapshoot in my experience. I have had several plays where too many Hunters were lost too quickly and the game ended in five minutes. I have also played games where Lady Luck was on my side and I was rolling like a king. I managed to get three Evidence Tokens that time. Each one of my games have ended in surpassing the total number of Hunters lost, but I feel like the game is winnable. Just probably by someone luckier than me.
I do really love dice games, and when they allow players to alter the face values, or the game alters them I find a great deal of satisfaction. And that is what Hunting Sasquatch delivers. It is a dice chucking game with dice alteration, amazing hilarious art, and a pretty tough difficulty level. It is perfect for gamers who enjoy dice games but find most to be too lame and easy.
I love this theme. I love this art style. I love the gameplay. I do not love the tiny and thin tokens (but I pray they get a huge upgrade for the final version). Hunting Sasquatch is another winner from Spyglass Games, who brought us the incredible VENOM Assault. I am a big fan of the games this publisher is putting out there and if you are like me, I think you will also like this one a lot. I invite you to check out their Kickstarter campaign when it launches, and remember: cryptids are just made-up stories. They cannot come to your campsite and eat all your jerky.
Hunting Sasquatch is a competitive press-your-luck card and dice game where players are attempting to gather clues to catch Sasquatch. The winner will be the player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game, if any VP are to be had before too many Hunters go missing in the woods.
DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T
To setup shuffle the Location cards (big ones) and reveal as many locations as are players. Shuffle the Hunter cards and deal three to each player. Shuffle the Hunter’s Arsenal cards and place its deck near the Hunter deck on the table. Separate the various tokens by type and place them on the table nearby as well. Have the dice accessible to all players and the game may begin!
On a turn the active player will choose one of their Hunters to visit a Location. The Hunter may visit one of the face-up Locations or draw one to be placed on top of one of those revealed. If the Hunter draws a new Location they MUST visit this newly-revealed Location.
The Hunter then rolls all eight of the green Hunter Dice. If the Hunter had gained any Anti- tokens (anti-camera, anti-book, etc) then those Anti- tokens cause matching dice to be removed from the turn immediately. The Hunter may now spend any Wildcard Tokens they may have earned previously to rotate a die’s value to anything wished.
Once the roll is ready to be resolved, the Hunter will reference the Location they chose for dice values. Each Location has Lost Conditions on the left and Victory Conditions on the right of the card. The Hunter must fill as many Lost Conditions as they have matching dice, and may then assign Victory Conditions dice to their places on the card. Should a Hunter fill up the Lost Conditions spaces with dice the Hunter is then lost to the hunt and their Hunter Card is discarded. Should the Hunter avoiding becoming lost and fill up the column of Victory Conditions they will score the booty from the box in the lower right-hand corner of the Location card (mostly VP, Evidence Tokens, Wildcard Tokens).
If neither column of icons on the Location Card have been filled completely and there are still dice available, the black Fate Die may be rolled. A successful Fate Die roll shows a lucky horseshoe and allows the Hunter to re-roll the available dice. An unsuccessful Fate Die roll shows a bear trap icon and forces the Hunter to apply the Trap conditions on the lower left-hand corner of the Location Card (usually Anti- tokens).
The game ends once a certain number of Hunters are lost (depending on number of players) or once any Hunter has collected all five Evidence Tokens.
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, so components will most likely be different as a result of a successful Kickstarter campaign. That said, I can comment on the direction the game is going, and I like it quite a bit. The tokens will need to be improved to be more usable, and obviously the dice will upgraded, but other than those I like everything else going on here. The cards are nice, easy to read, and have great artwork on them. Similarly the Location Cards are probably my favorite components of the game because they feature hilarious and wonderful artwork. The game looks great as is, but I am eagerly looking forward to what it will be once completely finished.
The gameplay is kind of a crapshoot in my experience. I have had several plays where too many Hunters were lost too quickly and the game ended in five minutes. I have also played games where Lady Luck was on my side and I was rolling like a king. I managed to get three Evidence Tokens that time. Each one of my games have ended in surpassing the total number of Hunters lost, but I feel like the game is winnable. Just probably by someone luckier than me.
I do really love dice games, and when they allow players to alter the face values, or the game alters them I find a great deal of satisfaction. And that is what Hunting Sasquatch delivers. It is a dice chucking game with dice alteration, amazing hilarious art, and a pretty tough difficulty level. It is perfect for gamers who enjoy dice games but find most to be too lame and easy.
I love this theme. I love this art style. I love the gameplay. I do not love the tiny and thin tokens (but I pray they get a huge upgrade for the final version). Hunting Sasquatch is another winner from Spyglass Games, who brought us the incredible VENOM Assault. I am a big fan of the games this publisher is putting out there and if you are like me, I think you will also like this one a lot. I invite you to check out their Kickstarter campaign when it launches, and remember: cryptids are just made-up stories. They cannot come to your campsite and eat all your jerky.

graveyardgremlin (7194 KP) rated Dance with the Devil (Dark-Hunter #3) in Books
Feb 15, 2019
I really don't know what to say about this book. I loved Zarek, Astrid was wonderful (I love that name!), the story was perfect. The End.
Okay, so maybe I have a bit more to say...
I believe Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing has gotten better as the series has progressed. [b:Fantasy Lover|84136|Fantasy Lover (Dark-Hunter, #0.5 Prequel)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||2384] was great but a bit choppy, [b:Night Pleasures|84150|Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||4112814] was nice but the weakest so far and still somewhat choppy (not to mention it's the only one I've given away), [b:Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2)|84140|Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2) (Were-Hunter, #1)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||81269] was nice and enjoyable but needed the romance developed more in the first half, but <u><b>Dance with the Devil</b></u> was wonderful all the way through.
This one felt different to me from the two previous Dark-Hunter novels; it rather had the same feeling as <u><b>Fantasy Lover</b></u>. This book was more isolated from the rest of the series because it was set in Alaska and there weren't as many characters or as much action (in the first half that is). Zarek was the perfect tortured hero and Sherrilyn Kenyon captured that...well, perfectly. I felt for all he suffered because he was more than a character in a book to me. Astrid was terrific as the nymph who is believable at helping him heal and love. Ash was, of course, wonderful, and the welcome addition of Simi added some much needed humor to a tense plot. I can't say I enjoyed Artie the Bitch; I really can't wait until she gets hers. I know Ash is getting his own book (or books, rather), and I sincerely hope he gets his freedom from her (and naturally she suffers horribly). He deserves so much better, and though he sees himself in Zarek, he also reminds me of Julian from <u><b>Fantasy Lover</b></u> with his storyline. This is my perfect book and it's staying on my keeper shelf for a very long time.
Okay, so maybe I have a bit more to say...
I believe Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing has gotten better as the series has progressed. [b:Fantasy Lover|84136|Fantasy Lover (Dark-Hunter, #0.5 Prequel)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||2384] was great but a bit choppy, [b:Night Pleasures|84150|Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||4112814] was nice but the weakest so far and still somewhat choppy (not to mention it's the only one I've given away), [b:Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2)|84140|Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2) (Were-Hunter, #1)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||81269] was nice and enjoyable but needed the romance developed more in the first half, but <u><b>Dance with the Devil</b></u> was wonderful all the way through.
This one felt different to me from the two previous Dark-Hunter novels; it rather had the same feeling as <u><b>Fantasy Lover</b></u>. This book was more isolated from the rest of the series because it was set in Alaska and there weren't as many characters or as much action (in the first half that is). Zarek was the perfect tortured hero and Sherrilyn Kenyon captured that...well, perfectly. I felt for all he suffered because he was more than a character in a book to me. Astrid was terrific as the nymph who is believable at helping him heal and love. Ash was, of course, wonderful, and the welcome addition of Simi added some much needed humor to a tense plot. I can't say I enjoyed Artie the Bitch; I really can't wait until she gets hers. I know Ash is getting his own book (or books, rather), and I sincerely hope he gets his freedom from her (and naturally she suffers horribly). He deserves so much better, and though he sees himself in Zarek, he also reminds me of Julian from <u><b>Fantasy Lover</b></u> with his storyline. This is my perfect book and it's staying on my keeper shelf for a very long time.