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Happy Hour in Hell (Bobby Dollar #2)
Happy Hour in Hell (Bobby Dollar #2)
Tad Williams | 2013 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
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In the second book, Bobby has the wonderful idea of jailbreaking his demonic girlfriend out of Hell trying to free her from the grasp of Grand Duke Eligor's grasp.
This book never fails to make me cry--and not for the reasons you think. There is plenty of torture, trauma, even rape--he is going to actual Hell after all-- which makes the interludes on why he is doing what he's doing refreshing even if they make me blush.
I admit my imagination fails me after a while with this book and while he does cheat on some of the torture it is still quite graphic, having both sex scenes (also in the non rape variety) and torture scenes. It is actually how Bobby himself slowly changes that is the most chilling as he adjusts to slowly losing himself in his new environment.
This book will make you think and may even challenge some of your views.

Guillermo Del Toro recommended Brazil (1985) in Movies (curated)

Brazil (1985)
Brazil (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi

"Terry Gilliam is a living treasure, and we are squandering him foolishly with every film of his that remains unmade. Proof that our world is the poorer for this can be found in two of his masterpieces. Gilliam is a fabulist pregnant with images—exploding with them, actually—and fierce, untamed imagination. He understands that “bad taste” is the ultimate declaration of independence from the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie. He jumps with no safety net and drags us with him into a world made coherent only by his undying faith in the tale he is telling. Brazil remains one of the most important films of my life, and Time Bandits is a Roald Dahl–ian landmark to all fantasy films. Seeing Time Bandits with my youngest daughter just two weeks ago, I was delighted when she laughed and rejoiced at the moment when Kevin’s parents explode into a cloud of smoke."

Time Bandits (1981)
Time Bandits (1981)
1981 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"Terry Gilliam is a living treasure, and we are squandering him foolishly with every film of his that remains unmade. Proof that our world is the poorer for this can be found in two of his masterpieces. Gilliam is a fabulist pregnant with images—exploding with them, actually—and fierce, untamed imagination. He understands that “bad taste” is the ultimate declaration of independence from the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie. He jumps with no safety net and drags us with him into a world made coherent only by his undying faith in the tale he is telling. Brazil remains one of the most important films of my life, and Time Bandits is a Roald Dahl–ian landmark to all fantasy films. Seeing Time Bandits with my youngest daughter just two weeks ago, I was delighted when she laughed and rejoiced at the moment when Kevin’s parents explode into a cloud of smoke."
