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Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Lily Archer | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
191 of 200
Faes Captive ( Faes captive book1)
By Lily Archer

My college roommate is the worst. Cecile steals my food, brings guys over at all hours, and parties instead of studying. But those quirks pale in comparison to what she does next. She drugs me, and I wake up imprisoned in an alternate universe full of terrifying creatures. Now, the biggest and scariest creature of all--a fae king--believes I'm his mate. He's freed me from the dungeon but keeps me close. So close, in fact, that I'm beginning to like his wintery gaze and ice-chiseled body. But secrets and villains lurk throughout this new world, and I don't know if I'll survive long enough to figure out how to get back home.
Author's Note: Fae's Captive is the first book in a series that will set your imagination--and other parts of you--on fire. Mind the cliff, but book 2 is already out.

Had so much potential but read as a novella instead of a novel! Short and apart from the kidnapping and palace escape (which I didn’t actually get why as he was a king in his own right wasn’t he? ) not much happened! I will continue hoping the others get better!
Girl in the Walls
Girl in the Walls
A. J. Gnuse | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book really captured my imagination, and I was constantly questioning whether what I was reading was supposed to be real or paranormal. To me, it read like a ghost story for pretty much the entire book. This is a good thing, by the way.
A young girl has the ability to disappear into the walls of a house and live alongside the people who live there without their knowledge. Now if that doesn’t sound like a ghost story, then what is she? I think that the girl wanted to be like a ghost - themes such as grief and belonging are prominent in this novel. The only attachment the girl has, is to the house itself - she seems to have no family or friends.
There is such an eerie feeling to this book that really unsettled me, and as the boys who live in the house start to realise that someone else is living there with them and look for outside help, the anxiety is tangible. Frankly, there were some breathtaking moments of the “Oh no!” variety.
I honestly can’t believe that this is the authors debut novel - it’s really that good.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to A. J. Gnuse for reading along with us.
Where the Wild Things Are
Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak | 2000 | Children
8.1 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
I bought a classic book for the family. I did not read it while growing up. However, I have heard of it. It's called "Where Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. I knew about this book and heard of it. Why I never read it is beyond me. I have not read it and reviewed it now.

It is adventurous and playful. Max travels to a faraway place that has Wild Things. I wonder if this book plot is imagination or something that lets the little boy discover what it is like to be lonely after a while. Also, learn that loved ones still care even if you have to wait. The food will still be hot when you return.

I am not sure. However, the pictures are well done. I do enjoy the images. I do not get the plot of this story; that might be me; it is a cute book nonetheless. Will Max have fun with the wild things, or will he return home to his bedroom?

Some children will enjoy these books, and parents will want to read and reread this classic book for their children. You may like this for your child's bookshelves as well. The images are superb and colorful, that is for sure.
Intuition by HILDUR
Intuition by HILDUR
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
HILDUR is a multi-faceted singer-songwriter from Iceland. Not too long ago, she released a groovy electro-pop tune, entitled, “Work”.

“We’re been stick so long in this same old situation tryna have this obviously close affiliation. I don’t know no wasted stuff…Baby, let’s do all the things from our imagination.” – lyrics

‘Work’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who wants to make the relationship which she shares with her significant-other work.

Apparently, she believes there’s no logic in them taking vacations. Therefore, if he picks the right location, she’ll be there ready to put in work.
‘Work’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with electro-pop and modern dance ingredients.

“‘Work’ is a fun and quirky song about new love and strong feelings and then putting in some work to make it last. ‘Intuition’ deals with the themes of following your intuition and believing in your gut feeling. Love relies heavily on that gut feeling. Also, when you meet someone you really click with you are willing to do everything and anything to make the relationship work.” – HILDUR

‘Work is the final single from HILDUR’s sophomore EP, entitled, “Intuition”.
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