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ClareR (5784 KP) rated Someone Like Me in Books

Jul 14, 2019  
Someone Like Me
Someone Like Me
M.R. Carey | 2018 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great paranormal thriller!
I always know I’m going to get a book from M R Carey that stretches my imagination, keeps me guessing and makes me late for work (actually, that last one isn’t so good, to be honest). I don’t want to say too much about what actually happens in this book at the risk of giving the whole plot away, but here goes!

Liz is a single mother with two children, and the book starts with their father returning the children late from spending the weekend with him. When Liz points out that they have school in the morning, he snaps. He starts to strangle her, and just as she thinks he’s going to kill her, she senses an outside influence taking her over. This ‘influence’ saves her life.

Fran is a teenager coping with the PTSD and hallucinations caused by her kidnapping as a six year old. Their paths cross thanks to Zac, Liz’s seventeen year old son.

This is a story that requires the reader to leave their rational, logical mindset at the door - and I’m all for that! I loved everything about this book. I don’t know how M.R. Carey comes up with the ideas for his novels, but I’m just incredibly glad that he does!

Many thanks to NetGalley for my copy of this book.
The Dream Defenders
The Dream Defenders
Neal Denhartog | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good if you fancy something different (0 more)
Have to really use imagination (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I really enjoyed this book. I loved all the different stories going on with all the different characters.
The end definitely shocked me but I like books that I can't second guess.
This isn't a genre I would normally read but when I read the blurb I got the feeling that is was going to be very similar to Desperate Housewives and I enjoyed that show. I wasn't wrong. The characters and stories were similar. The blurb gave off just enough to make me want to read the book.
The book took me a little while to get into but once I picked up who the characters were it keep me reading.
I liked getting to know the characters even if I didn't like the type of people they were but that was not a bad part of the book. It gave me compassion for some of the characters and helped me get involved in the story line.
I would definitely recommend this book to other people especially people who like desperate housewives and for anyone who loves to gossip (both telling and hearing it).
Please note I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers Only within your review.
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