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The Figment Wars: Through the Portals
The Figment Wars: Through the Portals
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Figment Wars: Through The Portals by David R. Lord is a book that I hope to see a sequel to in the coming years. In fact, the ending of the book suggests at least a sequel if not an entire series. I just wonder how such stories can continue without becoming too far fetched or simplified by the children’s stabilizes in this book, but without giving too much away I have to stop there.

Thomas and his little brother Isaac are visiting their cousin Emily at her house and they are not exactly having a good time. At Emily’s house, the boys don’t even have a TV to watch and they are extremely bored. Then one afternoon when Thomas goes to the woods behind the house to get Emily for lunch something amazing happens. The trees themselves bend and move, forming a portal that all three children fall into. The portal transports the children into the Realm of Imagination, a place where all the things humans imagine come to life.
Almost as soon as the children arrive they are attacked by Monsters but luckily they are saved by Heroes and are taken to the Library in the Impossible City. It is here that they meet Belactacus who believes that the children are Real and not just confused imaginary friends. Sadly the Council who is in charge of the portals that allow beings in the Realm of Imagination to go to the Realm of Reality is corrupted and the children are denied a portal back home. Shortly after this decision Monsters attack the Impossible City and even overwhelm the Heroes. Now the children must find a way to stop the corrupted council member from bringing all the Monsters from human imagination to life in the Realm of Reality, home of the humans.

What I liked best might not seem like much but for a story such as this one, it makes a big difference. I liked how not only was the idea of the Realm of Imagination a great concept but the creation of the Realm was well explained. Also, some of the main people in the Realm were explained to be the result of collective consciousness in humans such as the standard idea of a mother figure which was a very nice touch. What I didn’t like was the budding relationship between Thomas and Emily’s old imaginary friend. I actually thought it was a little creepy. At times I found myself hoping that she would be able to become real and then I thought that it would be way too much like Thomas having a relationship with his cousin.

This book falls solidly into the YA or young adult group of readers. I know this is a broad group ranging from middle school and older, but this book is actually really good and I saw nothing that would make in inappropriate for young readers. The only thing to be careful about is if an advanced reader in elementary school wanted to read this book. I don’t know how well they would take to the idea that monsters such as the Boogeyman are real and just living in a different dimension so to speak. With all that being said I rate this book a 3 out of 4. Everything is extremely well thought out in this book. The idea of the Library and the collective consciousness of humans was amazing. The only reason why this book did not get a perfect rating is that I still felt like it was missing something that gave it that wonderful ability to really stand out, but few books have that.
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
2007 | Horror
OK low budget horror
A true less is more film. In terms of budget and the scares. The film is more creepy than anything else, a lot is left to the viewers imagination, which probably adds to the intensity. Most of it is viewed from the cameras point of view and has that home made movie feel to it, which adds realism which also adds to the scare factor. At first I didn't know if this was suppose to based on true events or not, so with that at the back of my mind made it more creepy as well, but it turns out it just likes you to think that is the case. The build up to the bigger events will make you think OMG or make you jump a bit. You'll definitely be listening out for every creek and thud at night after watching!!
Athletico Mince
Athletico Mince
Comedy, Sports & Recreation
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Bob's sections (0 more)
The rare Andy song (0 more)
On the surface this is a football podcast. I wouldn't normally listen to those but the allure of Bob Mortimer was too much to resist.
The first couple of episodes are very football focused (pun intended) and just need to be endured. They are very much finding their feet and settling into a pattern.
After that we are off into the realms of Bob's imagination as his features ("wife's questions", "Gangs of the EPL", "Scottish tales" etc etc) emerge into the world. All of these features show the kind of quirky comedy that Reeves and Mortimer are known for, but for once it is clear how much of this Bob contributes.
The features are all hilarious or at the very least entertaining and the result of two football fans talking a bit about football but generally just larking about.
Possibly my favourite podcast.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
I thought that the film itself was good. The thing I don't like is everyone else. This film was too hyped up from overly loving Marvel fans. The schtick of the film is to involve as many characters as humanly possible - even if completely unnecessary - just to appeal to as many fans as possible. The fans are then blinded by the plot holes and lack of imagination from their favorite character's 5-second cameo.

It's an alright film to watch if you're a bit bored, but you must watch every film and read alllllll the lore behind every inch of Marvel or this film will go over your head. So be ready to invest in over 22 films and every comic ever, for 3 hours.

One bit I did like, however, was the moment where all the women came together - that did make me a bit happy.

Ross (3284 KP) May 8, 2019

I do agree a lot of people have been blinkered and determined not to see the (quite large number of) plot holes. But a lot of people just love that sort of film and get different things out of it, and are prepared to ignore aspects of it. It's refreshing to see a different take on it, thanks for posting.


Imogen SB (4507 KP) May 8, 2019

I agree, I think it's boring if everyone has the same opinion!

Big Game (2015)
Big Game (2015)
2015 | Action
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It’s been a long time since a simple action movie was just good fun, rather than being exasperatingly long, complex and full of mind-boggling CGI.

Big Game is the complete opposite of those things and much fresher because of it. With Samuel L Jackson’s trademark wit and brilliant comic timing, he plays President Bill Moore with fantastic energy, very much like he did in Matthew Vaughan’s Kingsman: The Secret Service earlier this year.

With a plot that doesn’t require any knowledge of prequels or sequels, this is pure popcorn entertainment and a brilliant way to spend an evening. Yes it’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination with a poor first third, but when the finale is this much fun, you’ll have too much of a good time to remember what came before it.

Andrea Hill (14 KP) rated Amazon Kindle in Apps

Jul 16, 2018  
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle
9.1 (292 Ratings)
App Rating
Access to a whole world of magic and imagination. (0 more)
Not a day goes by that I don't use my Amazon Kindle.
I love Amazon Kindle. As a real bibliophile I didn't think I could ever break my addiction to the printed world. But it did. I love how easy the world of books is to access and how many genres ate available. I have a condition called fibromyalgia which makes my joints weak and painful. This made it difficult to read books in bed which is my favourite thing. Thankfully with Amazon Kindle it is light enough to use and read with one hand, so very easy for me to use on my pad. Plus with Amazon Kindle on my phone, I am never without my latest or favourite books. I read do.much I joined kindle unlimited to save myself some money. £7.99 A month, bargain.
Something Special
Something Special
2003 | Adventure
8.5 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Characters, educational, understanding & fun (0 more)
Mr Tumble and Friends
Something special is a very unique children's television series following the clumsy clown character known as Mr Tumble.
Portrayed by Justin Fletcher and always includes children with disabilities & special needs, involving them in the fun activities of the show.
Over time, the show has created new characters like Aunt polly, Grandad Tumble, Lord Tumble & many more.
A very recognisable character with his polkadot covered patchwork clothes, mr tumble has become a welcoming household name & continues to evolve.

It has helped children with their creativity & imagination and has even spawned a live stage show.
What is also incredible is that Justin Fletcher is a trained Makaton signer who uses this skill on the show with children who have delayed learning & communication difficulties & has created many memories for so many young children.

It is also the longest running programme on Cbeebies.