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ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Farm in Books

Sep 1, 2019  
The Farm
The Farm
Joanne Ramos | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a world where everything can be bought and sold, even pregnancy has a value in The Farm by Joanne Ramos. Make no mistake: this isn’t dystopian fiction. In fact it’s probably closer to what is actually happening than we could imagine.

Jane (a Filipino immigrant to the USA) has been persuaded by her aunt, that the easiest way to provide for her infant daughter is to become a surrogate for someone else’s baby. Mae runs Golden Oaks (nicknamed The Farm by Lisa, another of the surrogates), a luxury resort set in woodland, far from prying residents of Golden Oaks are all young women. And they’re all pregnant with the babies of wealthy parents. It came as no surprise to me that the vast majority of these women were immigrants from The Philippines or Eastern Europe. Mae has just started to look at a more ‘luxury’ host: women who have very good educations. The future parents are willing to pay a premium rate for women like Reagan. Not that it could make any difference, because all of the surrogates are merely incubators (referred to by their numbers, not their names, when staff are talking about them out of earshot), and carry embryos made from their parents sperm and eggs. These are mainly people who don’t want to waste their time with pregnancy, childbirth and recovery. This part really didn’t sit well with me: pregnant women reduced to numbers, and parents who didn’t have time to be pregnant (how could they have time to be parents? Would their babies be like a new designer handbag?). The other thing, was that they largely speaking didn’t have time to even visit the women who were carrying their children. At one point in the book, an ultrasound technician doesn’t even acknowledge the pregnant woman that she’s seeing (or isn’t!), angles the screen away from her as she shows the picture of the baby to its parent who isn’t even in the room. The pregnant woman is a non-person - merely a walking incubator.

Make no mistake, this is a pretty damning insight in to class and race. I felt so sorry for Jane. She is cut off from her daughter. None of the women have regular contact with friends or family on the outside. And seeing foetuses and babies being used as commodities and benchmarks of profit really made me uncomfortable.

I did really enjoy this though. I liked the women who were the main characters - they all had valid reasons for their choices. And I liked that this wasn’t written as an alternative dystopian novel à la Handmaids Tale. It’s all so frighteningly plausible.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Remain Silent in Books

Jun 11, 2020  
Remain Silent
Remain Silent
Susie Steiner | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the third book in Steiner's Manon Bradshaw series, we find Manon at work part-time in cold cases, leaving her "time" to raise her toddler, Teddy, and teenage son, Fly. She's adjusting to domestic living with Mark and all the bliss that comes with it: who will take out the garbage, pick up the kids, cook dinner, and more. Then Teddy and Manon take a walk to the park and discover a body: a Lithuanian immigrant named Lukas hanging from a tree, a note attached to his body. Manon's annoying and perhaps clueless boss assigns her to lead the case--with her faithful partner Davy Walker--and Manon is back, attempting to juggle work, motherhood, and what could be a very dangerous murder case.

I love Manon and this was yet another well-written mystery from Steiner. The introduction to this book features one of the most amazing, realistic, and yes, depressing, ruminations on marriage, life, and death that I may have ever read. In fact, Steiner so perfectly captures real life, especially juggling being a working mom. I love that she doesn't shy away from how hard Manon finds parenting, or gloss over the difficulties of marriage. Once or twice I might have found these tirades a bit tiresome (back to the case, I say!), but overall, it's refreshing to find a book that tells it like it is.

Speaking of, this is such a timely read, focusing on immigration, racism, and the overall hatred of "otherness" that seems to permeate the world right now. The central plot focuses on the infusion of immigrants, particularly Eastern Europeans, into England. The story told is a heartbreaking one of anger and loss. Steiner deftly weaves a tale from multiple points of view and time periods--we hear not only from Manon and Davy, but Lukas' friend Matis, who spearheads the pair's immigration from Lithuania, only for them to find themselves basically prisoners. They are indebted to the man who brought them over, trapped in a smelly workhouse, and forced to do menial labor to pay off their "debt." With Lukas dead, the story leading up to his death unfolds, and it's absolutely riveting and heartbreaking. Steiner handles the sensitive issues surrounding immigration and racism wonderfully, crafting a well-done mystery that still gives this topic its due.

"'Why do they hate us so much?'"

Overall, I cannot recommend this book (4.5 stars) or this series enough. I have followed Steiner on social media for years and was devastated to learn she was diagnosed with a brain tumor after submitting this book. My heart goes out to her and her recovery.
Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
2014 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Revenge of the Green Dragons starts as we follow the two young boys that immigrated from China to America and New York City, in a neighbourhood that is run by the Chinese gang known as the Green Dragons.

Recruited at a young age Sonny (Chon) and Steven (Wu) have grown up as part of the Green Dragons under the leadership of Paul (Shum Jr) a businessman that uses the gang to get what he wants. We get to see how the two rise through the ranks in the Green Dragons that even grabs the attention of the FBI.


Thoughts on Revenge of the Green Dragons


Characters – Sonny is the quieter of the two friends that gets taken in by the gang, he is the one that would like a life outside the gang which isn’t as easy as it seems, even when he falls in love. Steven was built for the gang, even after he gets seriously injured in the battle between the gangs, he becomes the one that won’t hesitant to pull the trigger. Paul is the leader of the Green Dragons, a businessman on the outside, that uses his intelligence to make sure he can stay ahead of the game in the gang battle.

Performances – The performances in this movie are fine, nothing is great or bad, we get to see the different ranges of emotions that the two friends must face during their decisions. We don’t have any of the performances that stand out though.

Story – The story follows the gangster storylines we have seen before, two young men or in this case boys get recruited to a rising gang to become big players in their gang in a war against another gang, until they step out of line. This time we follow Chinese immigrants in New York and it shows how they would never hold back on anybody of any age or gender. This does give us a brutality in the story, but in the end it is just more of the same.

Action/Crime – The action is just gun battles and brutality to the people who get in the way of the crimes being committed by the Green Dragons, as we see how they try to stay off the radar while conducting their business

Settings – New York will always be a great choice for settings for crime movies, this is unlike any other showing us how gangs had neighbourhoods and always want more.

Scene of the Movie – Put the gun down, it brings a clever kill.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It offered nothing new to the genre.

Final Thoughts – This is a by the book crime movie, it shows the rise of two in a gang and just where they would go onto be in the gang, but otherwise gives us nothing we haven’t seen before.


Overall: Been Here Seen This.
Last Christmas (2019)
Last Christmas (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
I guess I’m not exactly the target audience for a Christmas rom-com, but I don’t usually mind them. Providing the leads have believable chemistry, there’s a good story behind it all, a few laughs and something that gives you that Christmas feel good feeling, I’m happy to watch them. Sadly though, for the most part, Last Christmas struggles to tick most of those boxes.

Emilia Clarke stars as Kate (short for Katerina, her original Yugoslav name), a 26 year old who’s struggling at life right now. Her nights are filled with one-night stands and sleeping over at friends houses, dragging her suitcase behind her the next morning as she either heads to work in a Covent Garden Christmas shop or off to an audition for a West end show. She’s also currently ignoring calls from her mum (Emma Thomson), disappointing her boss (Michelle Yeoh) and coming across as selfish and not really very likeable. It’s safe to say, she’s lost her way - “Why is my life so shit?!” she exclaims after yet another disaster happens.

And then one day, Kate notices a man gazing up at a bird outside the Christmas shop and goes outside to see what he’s doing. His name is Tom (Henry Golding) and he’s handsome and charming (but a bit wooden) and despite them turning out to have zero chemistry together, they strike up a relationship - because, y’know, this is a rom-com after all. Tom takes Kate on spontaneous walks down alleyways and into nearby pocket parks, making her look up regularly so that she can appreciate the world around her. He rides a bike everywhere, doesn’t have a mobile phone and disappears for days on end. Yet his presence and friendship appear to have a positive effect on Kate, who begins to start turning her life around.

The first half of the movie is just terrible. Badly written dialogue and characters in an attempt to try and recapture some kind of Love Actually spirit, but just failing. It even tries to cram in some Brexit references and a little bit of racism to highlight the plight of immigrants. Written by Emma Thomson and directed by Paul Feig, Last Christmas is said to be inspired by the music of George Michael although, aside from its namesake, not very much of it actually ends up featuring much in the movie.

If you’ve seen the trailer, then you may well have figured out the twist that comes towards the end of the movie. If not, then you’ll probably work it out pretty early on anyway. However, I’d be lying if I said that Last Christmas didn’t manage to hit me emotionally when the time came. It also managed to invoke some warm Christmas feels and spirit too, so not quite the complete disaster it started out as.
The Forever Purge (2021)
The Forever Purge (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.0 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In what is being billed as the final Purge movie; “The Forever Purge” has arrived and like elements of the prior films; gains traction from current events which have only made elements of the film more chilling seeing how the film was originally planned for July of 2020.

Following the abolition of the Purge at the end of the “Purge Election Year”; the Holiday where all crime is legal for twelve hours is restored due to radical elements fueling fears of illegal immigration and the increase in crime immigrants will bring to the largely crime-free country.

It is not made clear what happened with the new President who was a staunch critic of the Purge and only that it has been restored so citizens prepare for its return by arming up, barricading themselves, or paying for armed security in a fortified locale.

It is against this backdrop that Adela (Ana de Reguera) has come to America fleeing the violence in her country as she enters illegally and finds work. Dylan Tucker (Josh Lucas) is a wealthy Rancher who along with his family hires friends and family of Adela though having some disdain for them and what they stand for.

The Purge comes and goes with the main cast unaffected and as they prepare to resume their lives; roving bands of armed gangs have continued to Purge in violation of the law similar to those who took to the street in protest of the election and plans to eliminate the Purge years prior.

This new group is well organized and has no issues taking on law enforcement and the military forcing Dylan, Adela, and their family and friends to flee for their lives. As the terror spreads, their only safety is to try to make it to Mexico who along with Canada has agreed to a six hour window to allow people to cross to escape the violence.

As the danger mounts, the severity of the movement is known as the authorities seem powerless to control and stop what is called The Forever Purge.

The film uses a slightly different formula than the prior films which focused mainly on a group of people trying to survive the night and the terrors that come with Purge Night. There is a greater emphasis on racism and Xenophobia this time around directed more towards foreigners than minorities and poverty-stricken individuals but the underlying message is the same.

This time around we are given a longer timeframe of terror and more social commentary as there are elements from the film which seem eerily inspired by headlines past and present which makes the film even more chilling.

While the story is rather bare and the characters do not get much development; the movie should give fans of the series what they look forward to although it lacks the dramatic tension of the previous films.

In the end “The Forever Purge” is an interesting new chapter in the series but not one of the stronger entries and serves as an effective finale to the series should this turn out to be the final film.

3 stars out of 5
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Science Vs Fate
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Following the success of her debut novel, Nicola Yoon’s second book, The Sun is also a Star, has been highly anticipated amongst young adult readers. In twelve hours time, senior student, Natasha will be deported to Jamaica. Her family are undocumented immigrants and can no longer remain living in the United States. Despite her best efforts, Natasha has not succeeded in getting the courts to change their mind, and now there is barely any time left. Today is the last day before things change forever; little does she know how significant this day will be.

Only half the story is told from Natasha’s point of view. The remainder is narrated by Daniel, a Korean American whose parents’ high expectations have resulted in an interview with the prestigious university, Yale. With several hours to go, Daniel is wandering around New York when a chain of events leads him into saving Natasha’s life – literally. Instantly infatuated with Natasha, Daniel attempts to convince her that their meeting is fate. Yet, Natasha’s factual, scientific brain refuses to concede, leaving Daniel with less than 12 hours to convince her otherwise.

At heart, The Sun is also a Star, is a romance novel, however it contains so many other themes. Both characters are from immigrant families whose histories greatly impact on their current and future lives. Natasha’s father’s impractical dreams have lead to this disastrous consequence, whereas Daniel’s parents are adamant that he become a doctor and avoid the poverty they grew up with. Naturally, the teens are unhappy with the way their futures are being plotted; Natasha more so, however the poetry-loving Daniel wishes he could become who he wants to be rather than who he is told to be.

Although being deep thinkers, Natasha and Daniel are total opposites, yet something is pulling them together. Whether it is love or the simply the way the universe works, the character’s break all ethnic stereotypes as their relationship races from strangers to something much more intimate.

Nicola Yoon has experienced first hand growing up in both Jamaica and New York, therefore readers can assume that Natasha’s experiences are largely based on the author’s own – presumably not including the deportation. Society generally tends to assume all people from Jamaica or Korea fit into a certain box – liking certain music, academic success, wearing particular fashion – yet Daniel and Natasha prove otherwise.

Despite the narrative being condensed into one day in the life of these two characters, there is so much going on. Firstly there is the rushing around New York trying to get to appointments on time and so forth, however the content in between these scenes will keep the reader thinking for hours. Daniel’s poetical theories about love and Natasha’s scientific explanation about the universe will make you question your own philosophy about the world. Whether either or neither of them are correct, what they do prove is the difference a single day can make.

The Sun is also a Star has a similar vibe to novels by Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan and John Green – some of the top Young Adult authors of the current era. It is a story that will pull at your heartstrings while your logical brain refuses to see chance of a happy ending. With no way of guessing what the universe has in store, this book will keep you thoroughly engaged from beginning to end.
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Following the success of her debut novel, Nicola Yoon’s second book, <i>The Sun is also a Star</i>, has been highly anticipated amongst young adult readers. In twelve hours time, senior student, Natasha will be deported to Jamaica. Her family are undocumented immigrants and can no longer remain living in the United States. Despite her best efforts, Natasha has not succeeded in getting the courts to change their mind, and now there is barely any time left. Today is the last day before things change forever; little does she know how significant this day will be.

Only half the story is told from Natasha’s point of view. The remainder is narrated by Daniel, a Korean American whose parents’ high expectations have resulted in an interview with the prestigious university, Yale. With several hours to go, Daniel is wandering around New York when a chain of events leads him into saving Natasha’s life – literally. Instantly infatuated with Natasha, Daniel attempts to convince her that their meeting is fate. Yet, Natasha’s factual, scientific brain refuses to concede, leaving Daniel with less than 12 hours to convince her otherwise.

At heart, <i>The Sun is also a Star</i>, is a romance novel, however it contains so many other themes. Both characters are from immigrant families whose histories greatly impact on their current and future lives. Natasha’s father’s impractical dreams have lead to this disastrous consequence, whereas Daniel’s parents are adamant that he become a doctor and avoid the poverty they grew up with. Naturally, the teens are unhappy with the way their futures are being plotted; Natasha more so, however the poetry-loving Daniel wishes he could become who he wants to be rather than who he is told to be.

Although being deep thinkers, Natasha and Daniel are total opposites, yet something is pulling them together. Whether it is love or the simply the way the universe works, the character’s break all ethnic stereotypes as their relationship races from strangers to something much more intimate.

Nicola Yoon has experienced first hand growing up in both Jamaica and New York, therefore readers can assume that Natasha’s experiences are largely based on the author’s own – presumably not including the deportation. Society generally tends to assume all people from Jamaica or Korea fit into a certain box – liking certain music, academic success, wearing particular fashion – yet Daniel and Natasha prove otherwise.

Despite the narrative being condensed into one day in the life of these two characters, there is so much going on. Firstly there is the rushing around New York trying to get to appointments on time and so forth, however the content in between these scenes will keep the reader thinking for hours. Daniel’s poetical theories about love and Natasha’s scientific explanation about the universe will make you question your own philosophy about the world. Whether either or neither of them are correct, what they do prove is the difference a single day can make.

<i>The Sun is also a Star</i> has a similar vibe to novels by Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan and John Green – some of the top Young Adult authors of the current era. It is a story that will pull at your heartstrings while your logical brain refuses to see chance of a happy ending. With no way of guessing what the universe has in store, this book will keep you thoroughly engaged from beginning to end.