Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-cultural Exchange in Pre-modern Asia
Long before Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope en route to India, the peoples of Africa,...

Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan
In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet...

The Ganges River Basin: Status and Challenges in Water, Environment and Livelihoods
Vladimir Smakhtin, Luna Bharati, Bharat R. Sharma and M.A. Sattar mandal
The Ganges is one of the most complex yet fascinating river systems in the world. The basin is...
The Ahmadiyya in the Gold Coast: Muslim Cosmopolitans in the British Empire
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a global movement with more than half a million Ghanaian members,...

A History of Architecture in 100 Buildings
Featuring over 200 photographs, this stunning book by renowned television historian Dan Cruickshank...
Stamping the Earth from Space
This unique book presents a historical and philatelic survey of Earth exploration from space. It...

The Edge: Is the Military Dominance of the West Coming to an End?
The size of western armed forces, their stocks of weaponry and their readiness for combat are...

Vive Le Color! Africa (Coloring Book): Color In; de-Stress (72 Tear-Out Pages)
Whether you want to unplug completely or be creatively engaged while commuting or watching TV, this...

Band on the Bus: Around the World in a Double-Decker
When nine friends set out from England in 1969 to travel the world in a double-decker bus called...

Solar Farms: The Earthscan Expert Guide to Design and Construction of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Systems
Susan Neill, Geoff Stapleton and Christopher Martell
The market and policy impetus to install increasingly utility-scale solar systems, or solar farms...