The Economics of Ecology, Exchange, and Adaptation: Anthropological Explorations
This volume consists of three sections connected by the elucidation of differences in perspective...
The Future of Branding
Rajendra K. Srivastava and Gregory Metz Thomas
New ideas change the world. From social movements to scientific discovery the power of an idea is to...

Emerging Technologies of the 21st Century
Ex. Consultant (Statistics), College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, Lembucherra...

Innovations in Computational Intelligence: Best Selected Papers of the Third International Conference on Redset 2016: 2017
Brajendra Panda, Sudeep Sharma and Usha Batra
The present book includes a set of selected best papers from the 3rd International Conference on...

Web Engineering
Written in an easy-to-grasp language, the book brings to light the various topics pertaining to Web...

The Middle East and South Asia: 2016-2017
This volume is designed to place in context the passionate controversies and emotional attachments...
The Story of Manu
Manucaritramu, or The Story of Manu, by the early sixteenth-century poet Allasani Peddana, is the...
Sur's Ocean: Poems from the Early Tradition
Surdas has been regarded as the epitome of artistry in Old Hindi religious poetry from the end of...

The Detective and the Devil
'What impresses me most is Lloyd's ability to bring big themes into the weave of the story and yet...

The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows
'Mind you, it was a pukka, respectable opium-house, and not one of those stifling, sweltering...