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Recipe for Disaster (Violetta Massoni #2)
Recipe for Disaster (Violetta Massoni #2)
Theda Vallee | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
137 of 250
Recipe for Disaster (Violetta Massoni book2)
By Theda Vallee

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Mix two parts mystery, a dash of danger, and a sparkling heap of fabulous….

Etta Massoni used to work in her families bakery, now she chases supernatural baddies, trying her best to keep Stella-her attitude ridden magic -and her family in check.

When the cities nightclubs fall prey to an ancient curse, the bodies start piling up. The supernatural world is under threat of exposure, her team is in shambles, and a group of drag queens needs saving.

When the Massoni family decides to fight, they go all in, even if it means Nonna has to learn to twerk in the name of justice.

Ok this has to be one of those books that just hits you in the face! It’s so bloody funny and I mean hilariously so. Nonna and aunt Sophia have to be 2 of the best characters I’ve ever encountered and that’s before we meet the the Queens! I didn’t think Theda Valle could beat Stir until Petrified (Violetta Massoni book 1) but this just killed it and I loved that first book so much! This lady has some serious talent and I really can’t wait to see what else she produces. Aswell as the funny side the serious side comes through just as powerful it really is a treasure you find when you give these Indie authors support. It’s not that often I get excited like this over a book or author that’s got some serious talent although not sure my husband would agree when I’m laughing that hard I wake him at 2am 😂😂😂.
Hades is Mine: Rise of Hades (Gods and Monsters #4)
Hades is Mine: Rise of Hades (Gods and Monsters #4)
Mila Young | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
187 of 250
Hades is Mine: Rise of Hades ( Gods and Monsters book 4)
By Mila Young

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

I am a Legend. Born to fight Death itself. Sworn to act as Zeus' thunderbolt against the darkness.

And now I'm mortal.

Despite having Apollo, Poseidon, and Ares by my side I lost. I don't have any second chances. Ares trained me to be a stronger warrior, Poseidon taught me to be the wisest leader, and Apollo showed me passion to be a glorious champion. Each of them has entrusted me with their hearts, and I have given them mine as well.

And it's still not enough.

I need to convince Hades, Ruler of the Underworld, to help me. With his aid we stand the smallest chance, the slimmest of hopes. He's one hot mess of a God and the closer we get the further he pulls away, and the more it tears me apart. But I need to win him to my side, to our side, and make this brooding loner deity a team player too.

Can I even trust Hades with my heart, when I have already lost my soul to something darker?

This book was an emotional rollercoaster!! You know it’s a good book when you get that gasping and aching feeling that you can’t wait to see what’s written on the next page! Hades needed a slap for 3 quarters of the book. It was just a brilliant ending to such a good series. Mila Young has become one of my favourite indie authors and this series has me wanting to read so much more of her work. If you love Greek Gods and you love a bit of spice and spice done well I highly recommend this series. Just brilliant!
The Darkest Universe (2016)
The Darkest Universe (2016)
2016 | International, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Talk about a movie where you just don’t know where to start with!! Co-Directors (Yes Co) Tom Kingsley and Will Sharpe have crafted what I can only describe as my favorite completely surreal yet right down to earth drama I have watched in 2016… Wait no… In years.

As I have said recently I am on a real Indie hidden gem kick right now and the ever amazing Phil Wheat of asked me to check this movie out suspecting that it would be right up my street. The Darkest Universe is an absolute gem of a movie for more reasons than I can explain, but I will try.

Co-Director and Co-Writer Will Sharpe plays highly strung and highly stressed Zac Pratt. We join Zac on the verge of a complete breakdown following the disappearance of his sister and Break-up with his girlfriend. We follow him on somewhat of a journey of self realization and discovery. Zac starts up a fledging blog making video diaries of his search for his sister due to his frustration with the police coming up short. During this time we have a wonderfully interwoven series of flashbacks showing us what happened and giving us breadcrumbs of information.

A movie like this can live or die in the intricate plot woven style and this one flourishes because there is not one unnecessary moment on screen, it all matters. We find that Zac’s relationship with his girlfriend Eva (Sophia Di Martino, Channel 4s Flowers and Casualty) is strained and fragile which leads to a wonderfully awkward marriage proposal failure. While Zac would like us to believe from the get go that his sister Alice (Tiani Ghosh Co-Writer and first time acting, You couldn’t tell) is unhinged we slowly find she is probably the sanest person in his life, as she meets mis-fit wanderer Toby (Joe Thomas Inbetweeners and Fresh Meat). The relationship between Toby and Alice is almost as captivating as Sharpe’s all round performance and is just such a delicious watch.

Okay lets just get to it Will Sharpe in this movie is bloody outstanding. Think about Ezra Miller in We Need to Talk about Kevin, that is how intense this role can get, but he can also switch-up and be this charming at times funny sincere chap. There were moments I just didn’t know where it was gonna go and his performance was layered as such. Of course the script helps aswell because its to the point, at 90 minutes long the movie gets in, messes with your head a bit and gets out. Also no spoilers from me but this movie is never what you think it is and the ending is just a thing of beauty.

I take nothing away from anyone else in this movie because for her first time acting Tiani Ghosh is well above par and her chemistry with Joe Thomas is undeniable. On that note Joe Thomas of Inbetweeners fame was a surprising delight for me in this. A cheeky little cameo from fellow Inbetweener Simon Bird was received well and rounding off our cream of Brit comedy crop Chris Langham (The Thick of It) does not disappoint as Toby’s dad.

I really don’t think you will disappointed if you give this movie a shot, it has all the ingredients of what I would call an indie classic, people will find this movie and talk about it for years to come. Sharpe and Kingsley are a directing duo you have got to keep an eye on. I myself am pissed I never saw there first effort (did I mention this is just there second directorial outing) Black Pond but I will rectify that. They are miles ahead of there Ages and show a level of film-making maturity that most directors will struggle to get to. Effortless and beautiful I am so glad I will be ending 2016 with this movie.
Green Room (2015)
Green Room (2015)
2015 | Horror, Thriller
After a fruitless tour, a punk group, The Ain’t Rights, find themselves out of money and stealing gas to get back home. When a recommendation from a fan looking for an interview leads them to play one more show out in the backwoods of Oregon to a crowd of white supremacists, they become witnesses to a murder and barricade themselves in the green room. With no clear escape, they enter into a deadly battle of wills with the owner of the club, and his band of skinheads, and quickly discover that they have no intention of letting them leave alive.


It’s to the point now where if the A24 logo is at the front of a flick, chances are I’m handing over my hard-earned cash. Enemy, Locke, A Most Violent Year, Ex Machina, Slow West – they’ve been distributing some of my favorite films from the last few years and are fast becoming a powerhouse for indie movies, not unlike Focus Features a little more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, this means I set my expectations a little too high on my way into Green Room, which was not hard to do when you combine A24’s track record with the emerging talent of writer/director Jeremy Saulnier. Blue Ruin, his second feature, was the surprise indie hit of 2013. Expertly crafted and deliberately paced, it harkened back to 70’s-style bleak and gritty filmmaking. Green Room also features some of the DNA that made Blue Ruin great, those quite moments of high-tension leading into heart-stopping explosions of extreme violence are present and accounted for, but a thinner plot and characters who are severely underdeveloped show that this story, to its detriment, was in much more of a rush to get where it was going than its predecessor was.


Green Room’s major selling point is of course, Patrick Stewart. Adding one part Cameron Alexander (Stacy Keach’s character from American History X) to one part Walter White/Heisenberg, his performance will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest departures of our time. Having said that, and believe me when I say I’m loathe to fly in the face of what an exceptional casting choice this was, he is frustratingly underutilized. It does speak to what an unrivaled talent he is when he can build most of his menace from the other side of a locked door, but regardless of how solid the performance is, his presence is merely a set-piece. A role with this little screen time rivals Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs (they both had what probably amounted to about 15 minutes of screen time, or less), but I’m certain Stewart’s won’t leave as lasting an impression. To be blunt, if you’re queuing up just for him, you may come away disappointed.


The flip side to this comes about through Imogen Poots as Amber, friend to the murder victim and unfortunate enough to get trapped backstage with the band. Much of the best dialogue, along with some incredible moments of jaw-dropping spontaneity, comes her way and it’s her deadpan delivery that steals the show. Though we are supposed to root for the band, it was her cynical “inside man” that drew me further into their nightmare situation and kept me hoping that she might be the one to survive and give the skinheads the brutal justice they deserved.


For now, I’m sticking to my guns and giving Green Room just half marks, but I look forward to a second viewing at home in a few months, where I’m certain my opinion of it will improve, due to my expectations being more aligned and the foreknowledge that this is simple and standard survival horror fare…that just happens to feature Picard as a neo-Nazi.
    Warm Gun

    Warm Gun


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    "Warm Gun will pull your eyeballs out of your head at first glance." - TouchArcade "Something...


groundedGeek (4 KP) rated Welcome to Night Vale in Podcasts

Jan 10, 2018 (Updated Jan 10, 2018)  
Welcome to Night Vale
Welcome to Night Vale
8.7 (36 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Voice acting (3 more)
Welcome to Night Vale is sheer brilliance
Welcome to Night Vale is a brilliant concept for a podcast and has created a world that is so outlandish and weird that every visit is amazing. While it is somewhat difficult to jump in the middle since it's ongoing, after a few episodes you may begin to get the drift, but I highly recommend binging this from the beginning. There are characters that recur and "in-jokes" that long-time listeners will enjoy much more than a new listener, but nothing to take away from the experience of a new listener. We have actually gone to see one of their live shows and they are absolutely entertaining and well worth it. The writing is tight and eerie and often hilarious. Once you find yourself a new citizen of Night Vale, you will find it very difficult to leave. It is hands down my favorite podcast and it only keeps getting better.

Each episode features Cecil, the golden voiced community radio host updating you on the goings on in the desert town of Night Vale where the weird and bizarre are simply the norm. Usually something happens that becomes the central theme of that episode's story arc and Cecil comes back to it from time to time, updating us as he goes... and then it's always time for the "weather:" which is actually an indie artist song. Sometimes the musical guest is amazing, sometimes it is hit or miss, but it's a great way to hear and find new kind of obscure artists to listen to. When the "weather" is over, Cecil usually returns and wraps up the current storyline and the listener is left to fret and dismay as they are thrust back into the real world again and must wait until the next episode to return to their beloved Night Vale.

The writing is actually genius. No lie.
Pyewacket (2017)
Pyewacket (2017)
2017 | Horror
6.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pacing (6 more)
Dark tone
Dark and sadistic ending
Fantastic acting from every character
Well thought out story
Moral lesson: Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Moral lesson 2: Be careful what you do in anger. You might never be able to take it back.
Somewhat of a rushed ending (1 more)
Some minor loose ends that could've been tied up better.
Pyewacket is definitely a hidden gem. I love indie horror films because they have so much more freedom to be what the filmmaker wants, rather than something with great potential but watered down to appeal to a wider audience. Pyewacket plays to it's audience and it makes the film that much better. I typically do not like supernatural horror because it's just so ridiculous. I know, it's a movie and I should learn to be more forgiving. I'm a slasher fanatic and not too many of them are high on realism. I guess it's just a preference I've developed. Anyway, I do enjoy the occasional supernatural get down, especially if it's dark and done well, ex: Sinister. Pyewacket is both dark and done well. I'm also a sucker for a good slow burn that's not afraid to set itself up and properly build tension. Again, Pyewacket succeeds here. The film is extremely dark and gives us one hell of a dark and twisted gut punch ending. It even teases the ending, convinces you it's going there, pulls back enough to fake you out, then dives right back in and gives it to you with an extra punch. Magnificent! The only real gripe I have is that while the ending is fantastic, it also feels a bit rushed. They could've tacked on an extra 20 minutes and really went for it, but I surmise budget was to blame. I also wish we could've seen more from her friend who went nutty, but that's a smaller issue and definitely forgivable. Definitely worth the rent.