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    Imgur: Awesome Images & GIFs

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Rembrandt's J'accuse (2008)
Rembrandt's J'accuse (2008)
2008 | International, Documentary, Musical
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Really informative and insightful at first, laugh out loud funny and crazy later. (0 more)
I think Greenaway was serious. He might have had a stroke. No one would know. (0 more)
So insightful, so insane
This thing dives deep into bananas, and then keeps swimming downwards, until it finds a trench of crazy to swim right into and explore exhaustively.

A list of my favorite things:

-The urgency with which he is trying to solve a hundreds year old murder

-The floating head depositions

-"31 mysteries PLUS ONE"

-"...and a dog"

-"It might not be what you oughtn't to think it is not." And other such sentences.

-The fact that he sprinkles in actual, good points- and then promptly goes back to being bonkers

-"Only the dead..."

-"...saying that he is, in fact...satan's shorty?"

-"a midget transexual prostitute"

-The frantic graphics

Among other gems. So good at being both informative and just... I don't even know.
So many drinking games to be had.
Always watch with someone else, the "did that just happen? did he just really say that?" will be distracting otherwise.

Highly recommend, but it is really hard to find.
Elizabeth is Missing
Elizabeth is Missing
Emma Healey | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Informative but far too long
Listened on Audible.
While I loved the concept of raising awareness for dementia sufferers and how frustrating it can be to lose oneself, listening to this gave me a bit of a headache as it was far too long. This is definitely better as a book and not for Audible - you lose track of the Maud's meandering. And while it is based on the tragic circumstances of her sister's disappearance - I actually ended up losing focus over who she was actually talking about after a while. A good effort.
I learned a lot about the Obama's from this book. I think the book is an inspiration to anyone who has big dreams...if you set your mind to it, you can do it. The author could have left out some things to focus more on the relationship. The story of their wedding was a page...I would have liked to know more about those days and the birth not their children as opposed to so much involving just the political aspect. Overall I enjoyed the book...although more informative than enjoyable.
It answers a lot of questions historical fiction would not (0 more)
Sometimes I wanted more! (0 more)
A funny and informative read
As an avid reader of historical fiction, specifically medieval times, I have so many questions. How did the people live, work and travel? What did a village or town look like? Did people have toilet paper and what did they all wear?

This book answers all these questions, and much more!

If you ever want to know more about how people lived back then, this book is for you!
This was a very informative text about the Plessy vs Ferguson case. I had to read this for a Law, Society, and Literature class. It has a lot of really interesting texts about other people's thoughts on the case and essays and speeches that just happened around the time of the case. If you want to learn more about the Plessy vs Ferguson case, pick this book up and give it a read. It's pretty interesting to see what was going on in the minds of the people at this time.