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Tim Booth recommended Love by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Love by The Beatles
Love by The Beatles
2006 | Pop, Rock
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I find that many albums by The Beatles don't completely hold together for me. While Sgt. Pepper's… holds together stylistically, it isn't one of my favourite albums. However, I have to include The Beatles, because they are clearly the greatest band that ever stalked the earth. I got into the Love album to introduce my son to The Beatles. George Martin lovingly remastered it and I think he has made some improvements. Sonically it is fantastic. It flows. I love being able to go across their entire span of history. I went to the Love Cirque De Soleil show in Las Vegas, which was a bad idea, but this record is a fantastic introduction and became my son's understanding of The Beatles. The other records are well worth investigating, of course, and they made truly great records, but there aren't any that could go in my Baker's Dozen. The album contains 'A Day In The Life', which is in my top five greatest songs. I love the fact it was created through such a mad, collaborative technique. One part is John, one part is Paul and they left a minute-and-a-half to fill with something. What fucking amazing, arrogant craziness could do that? And, to then produce one of the greatest songs. That song is akin to how James write to a degree. We write through improvisation. No one takes anything into a room. We start improvising and the improvisation may take ten minutes or it may take 90 minutes. We record it all and then whoever wants to can take a track, chop it up in whatever way they want to, and then present it back to the band. Someone else can then input and add a keyboard line or whatever. Therefore, we have this collaborative process that you can hear on the new album that is a little insane, as we might have had a part, which worked in the first ten minutes, and then we might try and weld it to something that worked hours later. They don't necessarily join and we have to find a way of joining them. That acceptance of chance can lead to the best moments. Most bands have one or two songwriters (we now have four) and they are at the mercy of their conscious ability. With us, a chaotic reaction to each other is creating the song, which is probably why we have been around for 33 years and we never get bored. We never know what the fuck we are going to do next. The Beatles had that on their greatest collaborative songs, where they couldn't be sure quite where a song was going. They allowed themselves the possibility of fucking songs up in a great way. The Beatles are the Shakespeare of our time. They will still be played in 100 years' time and people will still wonder how the fuck they made such amazing music."

Live in Dublin by Christy Moore
Live in Dublin by Christy Moore
1978 | World
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Christy Moore is one of my mum’s favourite artists and I listened to this so much growing up. He had a record, Live at the Point, which we would always listen to on journeys around Ireland and Irish music was the first music I experienced live. My mum was born in Dublin, we would go to Galway and go in taverns all the time and it soundtracked my childhood. “I just recently fell in love and ‘Black is the Colour’ was the song that I really liked and listening to it recently I felt like I was like inside romance. I was like, ‘Ah, I’m so in love right now’ [laughs]. I’ve been quite starved of romance for a really long time and I felt I was in it. I was ‘God, this is so romantic and this is just kind of fucking insane’. I’d forgotten the importance of it and how much I wanted it, so that’s why I put the song in here. “If you get the Live at the Point version, at the beginning he says that he’d heard this beautiful song by this guy and at the end he’s ‘gimme that song!’ He wants it and I love that, that’s so cute - that’s what this is about, it’s sharing stories. Christy Moore heard this guy sing this beautiful song and he’s ‘Come on, give it to me, I want to play that tune, I want people to feel that way’ and how beautiful is that? “I’m Irish, so folk is my origin, sharing songs, telling stories and someone else passing on that story. I’ve been really looking into folklore in the past year, that’s one of the reasons that I really wanted to go to Ireland because I was ‘I need to find a record that’s related to this, this is my culture and this is where I grew up.’ As a kid I played the tin whistle and the Bodhrán. I was winning trophies for Irish dancing, I spent my holidays there and I went around playing in fucking fields with cows. And yeah, I’ve been researching fairies and mythology, I love it so much. “There’s so much ancient, beautiful, really respected and protected traditional stuff in Ireland. The traditional aspect can be so cool, there’s so many amazing musicians that just go down to the pub and play and it’s like breathing to them. I stayed in this little hotel with eight rooms in a town called Kilkee, it was in a bay, it was so cute and there was a family playing music in the pub. There was an eight year old boy just staring off, he was playing the accordion and it was so natural - just a bored eight year old that is a fucking genius and has no idea. And then if someone sang an old traditional song a cappella, everyone in the pub would go silent. It was like a movie or something."

The Lighthouse (2019)
The Lighthouse (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror
Weird - and I couldn't look away
I have viewed some really strange films in my day. When asked, I often mention MIRRORMASK (based on a Neil Gaiman story) and mother! (the Darren Aronofsky oddity) as the strangest films I have ever seen.

Add Robert Eggers’ THE LIGHTHOUSE to this list.

Based on a real life tragedy from 1801, THE LIGHTHOUSE follows 2 isolated Lighthouse keepers as they interact with each other, slowly going mad in the process…or did they? Is one of them mad and the other sane? Are they both mad? Or…is it the viewer who is going mad? Eggers let’s you, the viewer, decide.

And…good for him. I have now encountered 2 films directed by former Production Designer Eggers - THE WITCH and now this film. In both cases, the movies are interestingly shot and intriguing to view but almost incomprehensible. The more so with THE LIGHTHOUSE, it is almost as if Eggers heard the criticism of THE WITCH of being incomprehensible and said “hold my beer”.

Besides the production values - which really are quite good (especially Eggers use of Black and White) - what holds this movie in high regards is the acting of the 2 people in film. These 2 characters are the only speaking parts in this movie.

Willem Dafoe portrays the older, veteran Lighthouseman who tells the tales of Mermaids and Curses and has a generally air of foreboding from the start. It is a masterwork by Dafoe - his best work of his career (and that’s saying something). He is unnerving to view from the start. The only thing the viewer needs to figure out is whether he is insane or very, very, very sane.

The surprise for me in this movie is the work of Robert Pattinson, the younger Lighthouseman who is in his first assignment. He is the audience’s eyes into this weird world and he is very much sane at the beginning. At the end…well…you decide. He was able to go toe-to-toe with DaFoe and held his own very well. This young actor has made a conscious choice following the Twilight films and with this movie and with Christopher Nolan's TENANT he is establishing himself as a darn good performer.

As for the film itself, my one recommendation for you is to not be too concerned of making sense of what is going on in the scene you are watching…you’ll drive yourself mad doing this (at least it was driving me mad). After awhile I just sat back and drank in the weirdness - and the quality acting and production values - that was enfolding in front of me and the ending was satisfying (enough).

All in all one of the stranger times I’ve had at the movies.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
All of Me (1984)
All of Me (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Wonderful physical comedy performance by Martin
Over the history of cinema, there are certain Director/Lead Actor pairings that are perfect for each other. John Ford/John Wayne, Alfred Hitchcock/Jimmy Stewart, Martin Scorcese/Robert DeNiro, Steven Spielberg/Tom Hanks all come to mind. Add to that the inspired comedic pairing of Director Carl Reiner and the great Steve Martin.

Starting with THE JERK (1979), Martin and Reiner would make 4 films together the last of which was the 1984 comedy ALL OF ME starring Martin and Lilly Tomlin. And like all Reiner/Martin comedies this one is smartly written with heart and a physically comedic performance by Martin that must be seen to believed.

Martin stars as Lawyer Martin Cobb, an aspiring musician who views his lawyer job as a means to support his dream of becoming a musician. Lilly Tomlin co-stars as one of Martin's clients - a dour, serious millionaire who's dying wish is to have her soul transferred into the body of a younger woman. When the transfer goes wrong, Tomlin finds herself inside Martin's body and the two polar opposites spar each other whilst inside the same body.

A pretty ridiculous premise that is executed wonderfully under the watchful Direction of Reiner. He pushes the premise far - but not too far - focusing (wisely) most of the attention of this movie on Martin and his body's maniacal behavior as both Martin and Tomlin wrestle for control of his body.

Martin, of course, is perfectly cast in a role that was tailor made for him. His physical comedy skills are well used by Reiner and the scene of Martin walking down the street in control of the left side of his body while Tomlin is in control of the right side of his body is worth the price of admission right there. But Martin brings a heart and warmth to his character as well as his well known personae of a person who thinks he is the only sane one in the room - where, in fact, he is the INSANE one.

Tomlin fares less well in her role - being trapped (literally) inside Martin's body and is only seen as reflections in a mirror. Here character is the polar opposite of Martin's, so while Martin is "wild and crazy", she is dour and buttoned up - and this doesn't do her any favors.

Special notice needs to be made of Richard Libertini's turn as Prahka Lasa, the well-meaning "yogi" who is the conduit of the body switching soul. His limited English, earnest and well meaning almost steals the film from Martin.

All in all, an enjoyable evening at the movies which showcases Reiner's ability as a Director and Martin's ability as a gifted, physical comedian very well.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Kolmnurk (1982)
Kolmnurk (1982)
1982 | Animation, Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Love Triangle Gone Insane!
Wow! This was seriously one weird animated short! I have seen many weird animated shorts, but none of them were quite as weird as this one! The only other animated short that was just as weird as this short was Hen, His Wife, which also had a similar premise of a couple experiencing marital problems. This short was a bit easier to understand than "Hen, His Wife," but it still requires some interpretation on the situation that is going on. So, here's my take on what I think is happening in this short:

My Interpretation:

So, apparently Viktor and Julia were a happy couple when they were first married. But over the years, Viktor started to ignore Julia and Julia is trying desperately to get her husband's attention again. I'm assuming that the food that Julia cooks represents her sexual desires for Viktor, as the food seem to weirdly take on any shape or form of her body. Also, there were moments where realistic photo shop images of real life people would appear on both Julia and Viktor's faces, representing their desires to look beautiful towards each other. Then when the mouse sized man, Eduard comes between Julia and Viktor, Julia feeding Eduard the food that she made represents her having an affair with Eduard, due to wanting to feel wanted by somebody, since Viktor won't give her the attention that she wants. So, when Viktor sees Julia feeding Eduard the food that she originally made for him, this could be viewed as Viktor finally noticing Julia having an affair with Eduard and he decides to leave her because of that. Whether or not Julia and Viktor get back together with each other in the end is something you have to see for yourself!

I just loved the way that Priit Parn created these bizarre characters as it was interesting yet a bit disturbing seeing real life photos of people's faces suddenly appear on either Viktor, Julia or Eduard's faces as those real life photos look so out of place on these hand drawn characters. I also liked the interesting way that Priit Parn tackled the issue of martial problems by using food as a metaphor for the couple's deteriorating marriage.

The only problem that I had with this short was that it was a bit confusing to understand at times. Like, I wasn't really sure how the food plays a role in the couple's relationship with each other and I was wondering about where Eduard exactly came from. I mean, this is really good stuff for a surreal short, but it can be a bit hard to swallow at times.

Overall, "The Triangle" is a truly intriguing animated short about martial problems that anyone who is in a relationship will enjoy watching (just to see how weird this short was). Also, if you are a huge fan of foreign shorts, then this is definitely one short that you should check out!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Lies in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
T. M. Logan | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wild, creepy & a little stressful
When Joe Lynch and his young son, William, spot his wife's car while out driving, they decide to surprise her. Instead they see his wife, Melissa, fighting with a friend, Ben. Joe knows he should help Melissa, but when he goes to confront Ben, it goes horribly wrong. The two fight and after Ben hits him, Joe pushes him back and Ben falls and hits his head. At the same time, his son has an asthma attack--and realizing he doesn't have William's inhaler--Joe has to make a choice: race home for the inhaler or stay and make sure Ben is okay. He chooses his son, setting off a chain of crazy events that will forever alter the course of his life.

"I put the car in gear. Made a spur-of-the-moment decision that would change my life. 'Let's go and surprise Mummy.'"

This was an odd book that messes with your head as much as all the insane events seem to do to Joe's. It got off to a slow start for me, and I almost didn't keep reading, but I have a terrible time putting any book in a "DNF" pile, and of course, this one picked up and got pretty exciting about halfway through. (This only adds to my inability to ever not finish a book.)

The main shtick with this one is sort of an unreliable narrator/unreliable plot, as you really don't know who or what to believe as you read. Hence the title, obviously. As it all happens we have Joe, who sort of bumbles along, our hapless narrator, who seems to think he's in control, but really, just no. Poor guy, he's certainly not the brightest--just this clueless guy whom I had a tough time rooting for, hence my inability to really get into the book.

Yes, most of the cast of characters around him are lying to him in some fashion, but still. After Joe leaves Ben in the parking garage to save William, he finds some weird and cryptic posts on his Facebook page, because (of course) he lost his (unlocked) cell phone during his altercation with (obviously tech-savvy) Ben who runs (wait for it) a technology firm. Then Melissa reveals to him that the wealthy Ben has been pining after her for ages, despite that fact that Ben's wife, Beth, is Melissa's best friend. Things unravel from there. I'll admit that they don't necessarily happen predictably, but they do happen in a crazy fashion, so be prepared to suspend a lot of your disbelief.

The book is kind of wild, a little creepy, and there's a good twist at the end, which bumped my rating up a half bomb. This wasn't a particularly fun read for me--it sort of stressed me out--and I didn't really like any of the characters, but once it picked it up, it was at least interesting.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
The Girlfriend
The Girlfriend
Michelle Frances | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tense & creepy (1 more)
Draws you in to characters
Slow at times (1 more)
Melodramatic pieces
Creepy psychological suspense novel
Laura is a wealthy woman with a successful career in the entertainment industry and a very close relationship to her son, Daniel, who is studying to be a doctor. She cherishes this closeness, but that all changes when Daniel meets Cherry, a beautiful young woman who hasn't had all the opportunities that Laura and Daniel's wealth has brought them. When Daniel meets Cherry while searching for a flat, she immediately recognizes all that he could bring to her life. The pair quickly form a romantic relationship, and Cherry and Laura are eager to meet. But the meeting doesn't go well and the two get off to a rocky start. Laura worries Cherry is only after Daniel's money; Cherry
feels that Laura is standing in the way of her happiness with Daniel. Will they ever see eye-to-eye?

This was a slow build novel focused on a limited cast of characters, but it had a remarkable ability to draw you into its tale of an overbearing mother and overachieving young woman. Its strength is in its characters, its slow, tense reveals, and the careful buildup to the ending, which while potentially inevitable, will have you frantically flipping pages, wondering what will happen to these crazy people.

The book works the popular unreliable narrator trope well. There are certainly early clues that neither Laura or Cherry are exactly as they seem, and you are left wondering what is going on, and who can you trust. If you're like me, you'll take sides early on, even both seem a bit outlandish.

Indeed, I found some parts a bit melodramatic. Laura initially seems a little overprotective of Daniel (who is in his mid-20s!) and Cherry a bit to harsh to jump to conclusions; a lot of childishness and pettiness reigns early on. Poor Daniel probably would have been better off jumping on a plane and leaving both behind. The book dragged at times, but really had some power in its characters. Cherry could be quite frightening and there was quite an intense, ongoing mental fight between these two women. It accompanies a slow, tense creep to the book that I definitely enjoyed.

The novel was not exactly what I was expecting. It takes a dark turn about halfway through and then there are some twists and turns in the latter half. Laura is a sad figure even if her actions are a bit insane. I found myself empathizing with her, even if she was a bit frustrating at times.

Overall, this was rather enjoyable. It's slow sometimes and perhaps not really a true thriller. My ARC version was a bit hard to read (words were stuck together and the lines didn't go all the way to the end of the page, plus it's hard to tell when we change POV). Nonetheless, this is a very creepy psychological suspense novel that you'll want to keep reading. 4 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review.
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pleasantly Surprised
Contains spoilers, click to show
I read quite a bit. Young Adult is a genre that is really hit or miss with me. I wasn't expecting to have a very strong feeling for this book, but I was wrong, and pleasantly surprised. I initially read this, because I'm very much a "must read the book before watching the movie" person. I picked it up because it had been sitting on my "too read" shelf for far too long. I breezed through it because it wasn't a tough read, and it kept me hooked throughout.

The big shock came to me in it's unpredictable predictability. That sounds insane, so let me explain. As soon as you meet Madeline, you learn that she's been locked in her controlled environment most of her life because she has a rare disease called SCID. She gives the basic layout of her diagnosis, life of isolation, and the cute boy next door. She soon begins to question everything.
This is the point of the book, very early on, where I begin to think "Mom probably has Munchausen by Proxy," which is the mental disorder where, for lack of fancy medical knowledge and terms, your make your child or other person close to you sick on purpose to gain sympathy, or because you honestly convince yourself they are sick.

As I read a little more, and Maddy meets, and subsequently falls in love with Olly, I start to realize that I may be jumping to conclusions too soon. After all, this is a young adult novel, not a Gillian Flynn mystery.

When we come to the part of the great escape, Madeline's awakening, her most dangerous adventure, out of the controlled world she knows, I am not surprised to see her get very sick, and have to go to the hospital where she comes close to death.

She hits a period of depression, realizes that she can't see Olly anymore, and breaks his, and her own heart. BUT WAIT! She receives a letter from her doctor in Hawaii who tells her she doesn't have SCID, and her world comes crashing down.

She has to confront her mother, and decide what steps to take to finally start a life that was stolen from her.

I was pleasantly surprised to be tricked out of thinking I guessed the plot, and then thrown for a curve when I was right all along. Aside from that gem, this book did a great job of displaying an outsider's view on domestic violence, and her influencing Olly to have his mom leave. It wasn't your run of the mill teen love story. It showed the bitter betrayal that sometimes happens at the hands of the people who are supposed to love and protect you the most. It showed different mental conditions in different lights. It could've gone into more detail, but just shedding some light in a world where having a sick brain is so taboo is a tremendous feat.

This book was executed simply, and done very well. I am glad I finally read it, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quick, yet emotional read.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Evil Within 2 in Video Games

Mar 5, 2018 (Updated Mar 5, 2018)  
The Evil Within 2
The Evil Within 2
2017 | Action/Adventure
Gameplay mechanics (2 more)
Horrifically beautiful graphics
A fantastic antagonist
Some odd voice acting (1 more)
Some duff lines of dialogue
A Gruesomely Good Time
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was a fan of the first Evil Within game, which I felt was criminally underrated. However, I must admit I slept on this game. This was due to all of the fantastic games that were released in 2017 that I was trying to catch up on at the time of this game's release.

4 months after the game's initial release, I finally got my hands on it and I loved the time I spent in this insane world.
The Evil Within 2 does what all great sequels should aim to do, which is to take the best concepts and systems from the first game and expand on them, while adding in some fresh concepts and discarding a lot of the excess fat that dragged the first game down.

This game is a much more streamlined action-horror adventure than the first entry and while it starts out with some creepy and uneasy moments, it focuses more on the action element than the horror side of things in comparison with the first game. I do however feel that the game finds a nice equal balance of horror and action, in a way that feels reminiscent of the modern classic, Resident Evil 4. Even though Shinji Mikami didn't direct this game as he did the first entry, this one actually feels more like a traditional Shinji Mikami game.

The villain that torments you for the first third of the game is brilliant, he is engaging, threatening and over the top in all of the best possible ways. The one issue I have with him is, (SPOILERS,) they kill him off far too early and replace him with a more bland, less entertaining villain.

There is also some ropey voice acting present, they changed the actor playing Kidman and the new VO artist isn't as engaging in her performance. The actor playing the protagonist's daughter Lily, is also, quite awkward and stilted sounding. There are also some strange lines of dialogue that don't feel very natural and come across a bit pantomime, but you must remember that this is a Japanese game, written in Japanese and then translated into English. I did experience some technical issues whilst playing through the final third of the game, mostly to do with the use of the radio transmitter and I experienced one slight hiccup with the in-game physics. Unfortunately, although these weren't game-breaking issues, they are still present 4 months after the game's initial release, meaning I am forced to knock a point off of my overall score.

Overall though, this is a damn good time for any horror fan out there. The fact that this game is a great deal easier than the first may bother some hardcore gamers out there, but for me it was fine as I was mostly playing for the story anyway rather than the challenge. The optional first person mode is also a nice addition and adds a cool incentive to play through the New Game Plus.
Also read my review here:

<i>3.5 stars</i>

<b><i>The problem is that Scientology is a system that makes it nearly impossible for you to think for yourself.</b></i>

What is Scientology? Is it a religion or is it just a way of life? I can’t quite get my head around it. I also can’t get my head around the fact that Scientology has become such a widely followed… thing. L. Ron Hubbard, was a sci-fi author, an adulterer (he eloped with his 2nd wife while still married to his first wife), an abuser, a hypocrite and a criminal. Did you know, when he <i>kidnapped</i> his 2nd wife, he told her she would never see her baby again if she didn’t go with him. He then, obviously, retracted this statement and told her that he’d “chopped the child into little pieces and watched them float down a river” and it was her fault he had done so, because she had left him. What kind of sick maniac was this man, and <i>why</i> do people follow his beliefs? No wonder he thinks psychiatry is evil, they obviously all told him he was medically insane and he refused to believe it because his ego was so big.

Scientology is just a big manipulation machine. Do as you’re told or you get humiliated - it’s disgusting.

<b><i>Anyway,</b></i> on to a review of the actual novel, not just the religion/following (which clearly I have some issues with).

Reading all about Jenna’s life in Scientology from such a young age is certainly eye opening and while a lot of people are saying she gives us too much information, I actually thinks it’s great that she’s included so much of what she did day in and day out throughout her progression in Scientology because it really gives us an insight into how messed up being in the Sea Org is and Scientology as a whole.

The humiliation and abuse she was put through, all because she did something as trivial as fancying a guy with a lower title than her or wanting to call her parents, is absolutely horrid and I’m amazed she’s come out of this life long experience rather normally. That being said, this isn’t as juicy as I was hoping it would be. I’m glad she wasn’t beaten and physically harmed in anyway, but I was lead to believe this was going a bit more terrifying by the “My Harrowing Escape” part of the title. Don’t get me wrong, Jenna went through some awful, awful stuff, I’m not discounting that at all, but… I don’t know, it just wasn’t macabre enough for me, as horrible as that sounds.

This is definitely a great book if you want to get a better look into life as a Scientologist, it gives you plenty of insider info, but I wouldn’t say it was the best of these kinds of book that I’ve read, though it’s probably the best about Scientology.