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John Berendt recommended The Earl of Louisiana in Books (curated)

The Earl of Louisiana
The Earl of Louisiana
A.J. Liebling | 2008 | History & Politics, Law
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Earl Long, younger brother of Huey Long and a two-time governor of Louisiana, was one of the most colorful politicians in the South. By the time A.J. Liebling came to Louisiana in 1960 to write a profile of him for The New Yorker, Long had compiled a truly tumultuous political career. His addiction to betting on the horses was legendary, his affair with the stripper Blaze Starr had been the stuff of gossip columns for years and, most notably, he had been committed to an insane asylum (by his wife, “Miz Blanche”) while he was the sitting governor. Realizing he still held the reins of power even though incarcerated, he fired the head of the state hospital system, discharged himself from the asylum, and simply walked out. As Liebling’s profile became a series of articles and then finally a book (which I treasure), his regard for Long evolved from one of bemused contempt to respectful admiration for a wily politician."

Sucker Punch (2011)
Sucker Punch (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Better than expected
I wasn't sure what I'd think of this one as it looked a bit strange, but I liked it. The cinematography and effects were great with lots of fun and exciting action sequences combining a genre-mix of styles. From steam-punk to anime style(live action though) to sci-fi but all with one thing im common, a group of "badass" girls kicking butt. It all kept the story from being what would've probably been a fairly boring tale about a group of women's attempt to escape an insane asylum. Overall a very entertaining movie with interesting characters and a fun, unique style. Worth a watch!
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood VR
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood VR
Take a ride on this VR horror rollercoaster through madness
Rush of Blood is a spin off of the original Until Dawn. It dives into the psyche of one of the characters and revisits several locations as well as taking you to new ones via a roller coaster. There is a very creepy atmosphere as well as really good jump scares. Your mind warps your environment between the asylum from the other 2 games and an insane carnival ride. Gameplay is basic but incredibly fun, you ride the roller coaster, shooting your enemies as well as collectibles. It's not overly long or difficult but has great replayability trying to get collectibles, trying alternate paths, beating old scores, or just enjoying it. It uses the DS4 or Move Controllers.