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Inherent Vice (2015)
Inherent Vice (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“Inherent Vice” Follows Doc (Joaquin Phoenix), a private investigator, as he falls down a dark rabbit hole into a world of crime and systemic corruption.
Phoenix is a transformative actor, delving deep into his role. We’ve seen him do it before in movies like “Walk the Line.” He becomes his character to the point that it is conceivable this just might be the real him.

It is set in bohemian 1970s California. Everything from the way the camera captures the scene, to the outfits that adorn the characters, exudes a hippy-grunge vibe.
The film encompasses multiple genres including crime, comedy, and drama.

Similar to movies like “The Big Lebowski,” it is filled with humorous moments as Doc, a well-meaning and laid back stoner, is constantly found in the middle of the proverbial shit.
When his ex-girlfriend Shasta Fay (Katherine Waterston) reappears one random day, telling him of a plot to kidnap her billionaire boyfriend and then disappears shortly after, Doc becomes consumed by his investigation into her whereabouts. He is led into a conspiracy-like web of drugs, crime, and corruption.

It is not a typical movie with a coherent storyline, rather it is an experience of what Doc goes through as a mind bending mystery unfolds before him.
Strange, subtle details leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the audience to follow along with Doc, as he tries to make some sense out of the connections he stumbles across.
The plot transpires in a blur, floating into the perceptions of the audience like the winding smoke of an opium den. With a few dull moments, it drags on at times, much like the reality of human experience tends to do.

The musical selection only adds to the film’s tantalizing stylistic ambiance – at times it’s a dull and prolonged high, other times it’s a seedy bluesy underground, or absolute instrumental lunacy. Interestingly, much of the music was composed by Radiohead lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood.

Adding to the intricacy and authenticity of the film, is a brief cameo by what is perhaps the most psychedelic band of our time, The Growlers. This moment will only be recognized by fans who are paying close attention, but is an absolutely fitting detail.

Director Paul Thomas Anderson adapted the film from the original novel written by Thomas Pynchon. Like reading a novel, the film is consuming. But because it goes by much quicker than reading a book, it may need to be watched several times for the viewer to grasp exactly what happened.

Audiences will leave theaters with a resonating feeling of pure delirium from the cerebral experience that is “Inherent Vice.”

A surreal masterpiece, I give “Inherent Vice” 5 out of 5 stars.
High As the Heavens
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Breslin's new book is FINALLY here! I have been waiting for this day since the moment I finished Not by Sight. And I am so excited to share my review with you. Filled with raw emotion that will grip your heart, this is not a light read, but it is an AMAZING story!

"How in the midst of all this sorrow"...Can hope possibly be found?*

Kate's books continue to elicit emotions in me that I have rarely felt on such an excruciating level. Set in Belgium during WWI we live through the memories of our heroine. We walk with her through the heartache, the pain, the suffering, but also the joy. Evelyn Marche has seen her fair share of evil and sorrows, but as a nurse she is able to bring peace and comfort to those who are also suffering. Through her work, she is making a difference in more people's lives than she knows. I don't want to say TOO much about Eve's story, because I want you to read it! Be warned though...I was not even half way through and I thought I was going to puke, cry, and throw the book across the room.** THAT is how powerful Kate's words are. There were many times of laugh out loud moments, but this is a book set in a WAR ZONE.
While in the middle of reading this book, I had the opportunity to hear a WWII survivor speak. (I know, I know...different war...but a hero is a hero.) Her name is Marthe Cohn, she is 97 years old. Marthe is a French Jew who served as a spy in Nazi Germany during WWII. She was a nurse. She is a HERO. There are SO MANY PARALLELS to Eve in Marthe's story that it was kind of weird. Marthe was instrumental in bringing about the end of the war. I share this with you because I want to honor those who have any war. Those who would risk their lives daily so that my family may live in peace. The heros who, without them, things could have ended so very different.

Evelyn is a strong and powerful representation of the many women who served in WWI. The heroes who cared for the wounded. The heroes that changed history one day at a time. Eve's independent spirit and tenacity has been an asset throughout the war. But living in "survival mode" can wear a person down. Will she continue fighting in her own strength or will she open her heart to God, and allow Him to carry her burdens? Although I have not seen the same horrors that Evelyn (and Marthe) were faced with, I hope that in the midst of chaos I will stand strong, be a light and do what I can to make the world a better place. To bring hope to those who have none.

*Quotation is from the song Days in the Sun found on the 2017 release of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
** No books were harmed during the process of reading this book and writing the review.

I received a complimentary copy of High as the Heavens from Bethany House Publishers I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Desert Spear
The Desert Spear
Peter V. Brett | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Desert Spear is the second book in the Demon Cycle by Peter V Brett. The first book is The Painted Man which introduces a world where demons rise at night and try to kill people, the only protection from them being to draw 'wards' which the demons are unable to cross.

I approached this second book in two minds. I liked the first book, the concept is excellent and well imagined. The main protagonist is interesting and the directions taken are unexpected. The only let down for me was that apart from the Painted Main himself, I found the other 'main' characters a little less interesting. Leesha's story was interesting and gave insights into Brett's world. However Rojer's story left me cold to be honest, he didn't seem to add very much to the book. I was a little concerned that this second book might be the same for me.

I needn't have worried. The first third of the book concerns the back story of Jardir, a desert warrior prince who appears as a second tier (though instrumental) character in the first book. In this book he is definitely a leading character. He has declared himself the Deliverer and is determined to unite all of humanity under his banner to fight the demons, as has been long foretold. He is determined and quite prepared to take cities by force if required. The back story explains what drives him and also the reasons for his actions in the first book.

Meanwhile the Painted Man is being called the Deliverer by the free peoples of the North, something he strenuously denies. But there can only be one Deliverer and as Jardir encroaches on the North their worlds will come into conflict.

This is a long book - the paperback I read ended on page 750 - and there is a lot to read. Brett is all about character development and there are a lot of characters in this book, some new some returning ones. Rojer is a much better character in this book, possibly because he is not required to carry the storyline but instead can provide a different point of view on events. Leesha is once again a main character and of course the Painted Man plays his part, fighting demons both physical and his own mental demons. There is a lot of dialogue as the story and plot are very much personality driven. There are of course scenes of demon fights large and small but they in no way make up the bulk of the book.

There is another plot strand that I won't give away here but adds more dimension to the demon threat and provides some excellent moments.

The writing is excellent and the characterisation outstanding. This is one of those books which makes you wonder why there is such snobbery in the wider fiction community for 'niche' genres such as fantasy. I would hold the writing and characters from this book against any established classic.

Despite my reluctance to pick this book up, I really enjoyed it and am very much looking forward to the third installment - The Daylight War. It promises to be an absolute corker.

If you liked the first book just for the demon fights and skimmed all the talking and character development in the middle then this is not for you. However if you found at least one character from the first book interesting and worth following, read this book.