Calendar Tools
Business and Productivity
Calendar Tools – A Supplement (Not A Replacement) To iPhone Calendar Calendar Tools gives you an...

200 KPI & Formulas for Business
Business and Reference
Key point of any successful business is correct and logical planning and measurement. Once an...

JW Language
Reference and Education
JW Language is an official app produced by Jehovah's Witnesses to help language learners improve...

Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Reference and Education
ATUAL, COMPLETO E INDISPENSÁVEL Mais de 7 milhões de downloads nas várias plataformas A app do...

Universal Codigo (Code) Control Remoto Mando
If the computer does not respond to the remote after trying all codes corresponding to the mark...

HighStereo - Enjoy the sound difference
Music and Entertainment
Youtube video. 100K radio stations. mp3,, flac, opus, ogg, ape file play. 10 bands EQ, Bass, Treble....

Get The Focal
Reference and Education
GET THE FOCAL IRISH TRANSLATOR What's the Irish for "handy"? Find out within seconds with Get the...

Dictionnaire de français
Reference and Education
Larousse is one of the world leaders in dictionaries. This application by Larousse allows the user...

Caracas Offline Map
Navigation and Travel
OFFLINE MAPS FOR the city of CARACAS with ONBOARD ROUTING, places such as hotels, restaurants and...

Nile River Africa Tourist Travel Guide
Navigation and Travel
Explore the best places in the world with the best unique Tourist Guide app on store. App...