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Alice (The Chronicles of Alice #1)
Alice (The Chronicles of Alice #1)
Christina Henry | 2016 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
'Alice' is a dark and twisted reimagining of Lewis Carrol's classic children's story 'Alice in Wonderland' in which Alice (after escaping from the asylum she has been imprisoned in for ten years) has to navigate to Old City with her friend Hatch to slay the Jabberwock. Now, I am a lover of all things dark and creepy in a book, and I have to say that Christina Henry's retelling did not disappoint! The tie-ins and references to the original story were very, very clever and I'm sure that I could have spotted more if I had read or been a fan of the classic.

The main protagonists, Alice and Hatcher, are so well developed (and I'm sure will only get more so in the sequel). Both have compelling backstories and challenges to overcome as the story unfolds and the information is leaked in small, tiny fragments as their memories resurface. I also really enjoyed the comments in italics which were not explicitly attributed to Alice's thoughts as it made her madness (whether real or perceived) to be even more present as part of her character. If you love a good villain as I do then, boy, is this book for you! Sinister antagonists and 'bosses' lurk around every corner to delight and terrify you. I have to say that Cheshire and the Catapiller were my favourite characters - I just loved how smug and manipulative they were. However, I do have to mention that after all the build-up that Henry gives the Walrus and the Rabbit, when we meet them it is, very sadly, a bit of an anti-climax and the Jabberwock (who was supposed to be the Big Bad in the novel), it seemed was defeated too quickly and simplistically. I didn't especially buy it and would have liked a full chapter of it as I thought that the Jabberwock was excellent when we did meet him, so I just wanted a bit more time between him and Alice.

The atmosphere and overall writing-style in the book were both strong. As mentioned previously, everything was dark and strange (and strangeness is something that you would expect in a retelling of 'Alice in Wonderland'). I think the chapters in the Butterfly were well described and felt very real. Those chapters and the chapters in Cheshire's office were my favourites.

Regarding enjoyment and intrigue, there's nothing much to add apart from how much I utterly loved it and was gripped by the adventures. Every single chapter ended with a very Dicken's style cliffhanger, making the book almost impossible to put down and break away from the world that Henry creates. I finished it in pretty much one day, only stopping two chapters before the end because it was 1 am, and I had to be awake for work at 7 am so needed to get some sleep. Every chapter left me with the same thought - "f*** me, this book is good", and that is not a feeling that I've had while reading a book for a very, very long time. For all the lovers of dark tales out there, this is the book for you.

Characters: 8/10
Atmosphere: 9/10
Writing Style: 10/10
Plot: 7/10
Intrigue: 10/10
Logic: 7/10
Enjoyment: 10/10
The Tournament
The Tournament
Matthew Reilly | 2013 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Australian author​ Matthew Reilly is known for his fast paced, edge of your seat, suspension of belief thrillers. This book is a considerable change from that, being a slower and more thoughtful tale of 16th century murder and intrigue.

Reilly's books, under the usual all-out action sequences, always convey a good plot and storyline and have strong characterisation. Here those are to the fore. The main players are a young Princess Elizabeth; daughter of King Henry VIII and soon to be Elizabeth I and her teacher, Roger Ascham. Sultan Sulieman the Magnificent has invited all the best chess players across Europe to play to decide which nation can claim to have the ultimate chess champions. Elizabeth and Roger accompany England's entrant both to avoid the black death but also because Ascham wants to give Elizabeth a wide education just in case she becomes queen.

After a few adventures on the way the party arrives, along with the representatives of the other nations. Court intrigue and politics abound and everyone has their own agenda. When there is a high profile murder, Sulieman requests the aid of Ascham - known for his insight and ability to resolve problems using logic - to find the culprit before there is an international scandal. As the bodies pile up, Ascham and young Elizabeth face dangerous and unknown enemies and uncover plots and dark secrets.

The medieval detective story is not entirely new for Reilly. Previous he has written a couple of short stories that are available for download from his website - - with this theme. Dead Prince concerns the death of the Dauphin in France and is investigated by the king's architect. Roger Ascham and the King's Missing Girl is a story that precedes The Tournament by a few months and effectively introduces Ascham and his skills as he tracks down a serial kidnapper and murderer in Cambridge.

Reilly acknowledges at the end of the book that he was influenced by works such as The Name of the Rose and indeed this has much of the same flavour. The plot is complex and has the chess match running through it (and indeed sections of the book are named after chess pieces). Everything is very well handled by Reilly and everything unravels nicely in the finale of the book.

This has also been well researched. With many real historical figures included (not only Elizabeth, Ascham and Sulieman but a supporting cast that includes Ivan the Terrible and Michelangelo) and the feel of all the descriptions is very authentic.

One aspect that has to be mentioned is that, since Reilly wanted to explore something that may have influenced Elizabeth in her future life, there are a fair number of events of a sexual nature that occur. Some of these have a direct bearing on the plot, others are so that Elizabeth can form opinions on sex and marriage. Reilly has printed a warning at the start of the book that this is not for younger readers, and I can fully endorse that.

I can imagine that a number of Reilly fans will not enjoy this book - the pace is slow and methodical rather than headlong and there are very few 'action' sequences to speak of. However I would recommend this book to anybody who likes historical detective style stories.
Vivarium (2020)
Vivarium (2020)
2020 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I like the idea of these weird and wonderful takes, when I saw the synopsis I knew it needed to make my LFF shortlist.

Tom and Gemma are looking to take the next step in their relationship, getting their very own home. On a whim they visit an oddly minimal estate agents where they meet Martin. Martin is enthusiastic about the chance to show them the perfect home in the perfect community, Yonder.

When they arrive in the deserted town it's instantly strange. Every house looks like the last, every street looks like the next, and Martin's enthusiasm never waivers. They decide to "dine and dash", politely look around and then leave to laugh about the whole experience on the way home, but as they complete their tour they realise that Martin has gone.

As the couple head home in their car they realise they're somehow lost, the simply designed neighbourhood has become a labyrinth that keeps leading them back to that same house. Maybe this is home after all.

Writing that extended synopsis was an exciting reminder of the idea at the core of Vivarium. Its story would definitely fit well into the recent trends of Black Mirror, Dimension 404 and Twilight Zone, and that was something that slightly hindered my enjoyment. Those formats work well in a compact episode size chunk, the film is only 97 minutes long but the content seems to have been stretched out to fit that runtime.

Towards the end of Vivarium we're introduced to a lot of information that you don't really have enough time to process, so much so that it feels like a rather unsatisfying development. That's where the similarities to the TV show idea ends, could it have benefitted from a sharper end? I'm not sure, perhaps that is all just part of the intrigue.

Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots made quite a good match in the leads, from the off you can see their nature coming through, they're in sync and happy. As the situation deepens and they get more confused and frustrated you see them pulling apart while simultaneously clinging to each other because they're all that they have in the world. It's a lot of ups and downs for the characters to go through and yet the pair manage to make it work, with so much of (basically all of) the film relying on this dynamic I'm pleased that there was such a strong performance from them both.

It's difficult to express the way I feel about this film, I love the idea, the acting was great and the design of the town and the sets were picture perfect in that agonising horror kind of way (it reminded me of the fake 1950s towns they'd set up for atomic bomb testing), where I'm on the fence is the ending. Throwing in the scene that was out of tune with the rest of the film didn't add intrigue for me, but that being said, I'm still thinking about the film months after seeing it so... did it?

While my score might not necessarily seem like a recommendation I honestly think that everyone will take something different away from this about a wide range of things. I swing wildly between remembering the film without that ending to with it, and I don't know which version of the town I prefer seeing in my head...

Originally posted on:
Rebecca (2020)
Rebecca (2020)
2020 | Drama, Mystery, Romance
A dull adaptation
Rebecca is an adaptation of Daphne Du Maurier’s 1938 novel of the same name, following a young woman’s whirlwind romance and her battle to rid her new marriage and home of the shadow of her husband’s first wife.

Rebecca as a novel is a classic and a book I very much enjoyed, and whilst I’ve never seen the Hitchcock adaptation, it’s often referred to as a fairly legendary classic too. However I’m afraid to say the same cannot be said about this new version. The basic plot and story is present, although rather frustratingly the ending has been extended unnecessarily, but it has not been executed very well.

The trailer made this look quite sinister and spooky, which is quite right when the original novel is a gothic horror with aspects of a ghost story thrown in. However this film turns out to be nothing of the sort. It’s more of a romantic drama with a hint of thriller thrown in – the gothic horror ghost story is nowhere to be seen and neither is any form of intrigue or suspense. In fact I’d be so bold as to say this is just outright dull, and even the campy over the top sinister vibes from Kristin Scott Thomas’s housekeeper Mrs Danvers are laughable at best. The most interesting part of this was the opening scene with it’s sinister score but this just didn’t carry through to the rest of the film.

Sadly the cast don’t fare very well in this either. Lily James is a great actor, but her version of the new wife is too mousy and timid and you wonder what on earth Maxim ever sees in her. The character herself is very frustrating and irksome as she’s far too naïve and sweet. And Armie Hammer is miscast as Maxim De Winter himself. He looks the part, dashing and handsome, but he’s lacking in the intrigue, charm and secrecy that you’d expect this character to have. He’s also missing the age gap that is rather notable in the book.

The cinematography in this is rather concerning. The scenes in Monte Carlo are far too colourful and garish and they just look out of place, even more so for something that is meant to be a gothic horror. I’m unsure of why this has been done, other than to show a striking difference between Monte Carlo and Maxim’s Cornish home of Manderley. In fact what is most concerning about this film is why Ben Wheatley wanted to direct it. By far the biggest shock of this film was finding out Wheatley, of Kill List and Sightseers fame, had directed it. Wheatley is known for psychological dark (and often funny) thrillers and there is nothing of his style to be seen in this film at all. Which is a shame, as I think a little more of his dark style would’ve propelled this film into more than just a sub-par drama.

Overall this a very disappointing and long winded adaptation of a classic novel. Whilst there are a few decent scenes and a good, if not out of character, performance from Lily James, these are nowhere near enough to save this from being a bit of a bore.
The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Pink Carnation, #1)
The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Pink Carnation, #1)
Lauren Willig | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the ways of mystery, intrigue, and espionage in both the past and present narrative, I thought that [b:The Intelligencer|1098168|The Intelligencer|Leslie Silbert||1135397] was better (only brought up because I read it recently). I am a bit disappointed that there wasn't more of those in it and less romance, but not much. While predictible and not always original, it still has a charm of its own and, at times, was impossible to put down. The characters were great and I enjoyed Amy's spirited ways and the banter between her and Richard. All the secondary characters, epecially Jane and Richard's family and friends, were interesting and added to the story. I really liked Eloise, and even though she's not in it much, I really got a sense of knowing her and I can't wait to find out what happens with her next. That intrigues me as much as finding out what happens next with the Pink Carnation!

I haven't come across many books with the past/present espionage storyline and would be interested in reading more, so I'm glad that the author has decided to write more of these novels. I hope the sequels are equally as engaging and fun! And some more mystery might be nice too.

Mini-kinda-spoiler: <spoiler>
The one thing that kind of bothered me was that the title implies it is about the Pink Carnation when there really isn't much about ol' Pinkie. And the one major mission isn't really described at all! Probably because it didn't really involve the central characters or story, I imagine.</spoiler>

Jessi Bone (48 KP) rated Raging Falcon in Books

Mar 21, 2019  
Raging Falcon
Raging Falcon
Stephen Perkins | 2016 | Crime, Dystopia, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline and Events (0 more)
Closeness to facts (0 more)
Don't loose your place
Stephen Perkins introduces us with another gripping tale of political intrigue, magic, and physiological thriller. This is my second book written by Stephen Perkins and to be honest I did not believe he had another great one in him but he completely surprised me with this story. He takes you and enveloping tale in the world that has been changed and destroyed and what is left is a dystonia society focused on the sustainability of all and where magic reigns. It starts its tale in 2063 in a prison where an old Jim Keogh telling his prison guards about his dad and telling them the truth behind the history they believe they know. Mr. Perkins unique writing style pulls you into the story where you have to pay attention and take your time or you will miss definitely miss something important; it is definitely a book you can read more than once and find things you did not see the first time or even the last time. You will complete all the three hundred and sixty-two pages and not even realized you have read so many the way he pulls you in and you experience exactly what the characters are and you have that feeling like you have been truly their and experienced as they have experienced. The way he ties all the events together in his writing makes you wonder if he knows something about the geopolitical environment that no one else knows. Perhaps that is the point the wonder behind his ideas that make you want to continue to see where the story goes.
Lords of Scotland
Lords of Scotland
2010 | Card Game, Fighting, Medieval
Solid Decisions to be made (1 more)
Card have multiple uses and Values = Followers / Supporters / Actions
Pasted on Theme, is barely there and doesn't do anything to help it, it's mostly abstract. (0 more)
Enjoyable Card Game about Battling for the Throne... without a Throne.
I played this at game night a few nights ago and actually enjoyed it much more than I expected to. It's a small box and there's not much to the cards. But there's more to how you think about your actions, you only have 5 per round. Each round has valuable supporters you are trying to collect and you vie for the top selections among them. the art on the cards is good and doesn't interfere with the graphic design and the cards information which is key. I saw the older design which was a bit cleaner, but less pretty. Anyway, back to the game play, you start off with 5 cards and those are what you have to work with. Each turn you can draw a card, or play a card.... simple, but when you run out of cards you run out of options so there is a balancing act to it. But this makes turns relatively quick, which I love in larger player counts. There is some interesting intrigue with card being played up or down, up for the action, down for secrecy. Also the ability to swap out supporters by one clan or double up on pulling them with another makes for some interesting jostling, and a bit more take that..... It would be perfect at a Game of Thrones themed game with just a bit more depth.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Line of Duty - Season 2 in TV

May 5, 2019 (Updated May 5, 2019)  
Line of Duty  - Season 2
Line of Duty - Season 2
2013 | Drama
Better than the first
I didn't believe it possible, but this second series has really surpassed the first. I think it's partly down to having main characters that are now well established and likeable at that, and their personal lives are shown briefly and all we ever get is an insight into the private lives rather than them being drawn out and over exaggerated. Not matter shows can pull this off without becoming dull or just cheesy.

This show is all about corrupt police, so theres always going to be an element of surprise and ambiguity. However for me this second series really excels. It takes ambiguity and grey areas to a completely new level and I spent the entire 6 episodes unsure of which way things were going to go until the final reveal. This series may not be quite as gory and violent as the first series, but it makes up for it in tension and intrigue, brought in part by the wonderful Keeley Hawes and the rest of the cast.

I should also add that I'm highly impressed with how accurate the portrayal of policing is on this. Yes there is some artistic license in place to make it look more exciting (and even get me started on their lax attitude to drink driving), but aside from this they've obviously done their research. It makes me feel like I'm at work, although obviously a more exciting version).

Although I have to admit the thing that surprised me the most today wasn't the ending to this series, but finding out that Martin Compston is actually Scottish! Arnott is a Scot, mind blown.
The Empress (The Diabolic, #2)
The Empress (The Diabolic, #2)
S.J. Kincaid | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Empress is the second book in the Diabolic series, which is slated to be a three book series. The second book completely flips the story line on its head and I wasn't entirely sure how to feel. The pacing lagged at the beginning, but the final quarter of the book was so gripping that I couldn't put it down. Since this is a sequel, anything beyond this could be a spoiler so I would recommend proceeding with caution.

Despite having not re-read the previous book prior to reading the Empress, it did not take me long to fall back into the world. The sprawling and complex system created in the Diabolic is still as present and nefarious as it was in the first book. I enjoyed watching Nemesis and Tyrus battle the Grandiloquy with their wits and attempt to better the galaxy.

It was nice to see some of the main characters develop and feel like more three-dimensional characters than they were. Even though Nemesis is a Diabolic, she is learning that she can be more than what she was created to be and struggles to be more "human". It was fascinating to watch her development, see her attempt to be more empathetic and not immediately jump to the violent solution.

The plot made me so sad, but also need to know what the conclusion to this series will be - alas it will not be released until fall of 2018. I would recommend this series to young adult/teen readers who enjoy science fiction, battles of wits and intrigue, as well as a dash of violence and mass-murder.
Before I Let Go
Before I Let Go
Marieke Nijkamp | 2018 | Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
6.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp
Before I Let Go is the second book by Marieke Nijkamp I have read, albeit a very different story to the first. In this one, we travel with Corey back to her home village, where she had lived until a few months ago. We find out about her best friend, the one who never quite fitted in, Kyra. Now it is Corey who doesn't fit in, and she works hard to find out what happened to Kyra, who seems to have turned into the town's Oracle.

This is a great story, with an original storyline, and intrigue enough to delight anyone. It is also very sad, as we learn about Kyra, and what happened to her. Corey has to deal with a lot, the least of which knowing that she let her best friend down when she needed her the most. The town is not one that I would want to be visiting!

Well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, I was nonetheless confused by the script that appeared in the middle for no apparent reason. I couldn't see any reason for needing it like that, unless it was to just discombobulate the reader even more - in which case, it worked.

If you are looking for a mystery, with a hint of the supernatural, then I can definitely recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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