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Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart
Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart
1969 | Experimental, Jazz, Rock
6.7 (7 Ratings)
Album Rating
It’s fucking nuts!!! (0 more)
It’s a hot mess of an album (0 more)
After deciding to embrace my inner hippy and introduce myself to new musical experiences I had started with Frank Zappa and the natural progression was Captain Beefheart.

After doing extensive research as to where to start, I was intrigued to read about Trout Mask Replica, especially when it was classed on several sites as unlistenable.

I like a challenge so I bought it. I have to say that it’s the weirdest album I’ve EVER listened to! Captain Beefy does a lot of bellowing and, to be honest, I found it hard to distinguish one song for the other. However! I don’t know if it’s cos I’m on the autistic spectrum and generally like weird things, but... I liked it! I think the key to enjoying it is not to overthink it while listening, just do with it. I concentrated more on the beat of the music (if you can call it that?????!!!) than the lyrics.

Normally I hate jazz but I did enjoy it. I think I’d have to listen to it more times to feel comfortable with it. I would say, if you’re a bit nervous of investing in this, listen to the whole album before you purchase - it’s not for everyone, you may decide it’s just a cacophonous mess

Joseph Mount recommended 4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey in Music (curated)

4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey
4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey
1993 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember hearing a PJ Harvey song, it might have been ‘Down by The Water’, and thinking ‘this is wicked, I’m gonna buy some of her music!’ At that age I had pocket money, about five pounds, so I went to this music shop in Exeter, found the PJ Harvey section, and all they had was this cheap cassette of 4-Track Demos. I was learning the drums around that time, and listening to the drums in a way I’d never done before, getting obsessive about it. I bought this PJ Harvey record, I put it on and thought ‘OK, the drums are gonna come in soon!’, but of course they never come in, it’s all demos. It was insanely disappointing! But I’d payed the money for this record, so I listened to it, and it became this educational thing for me of understanding that this was part of writing a song. Comparing the demos to the finished tracks, it was an interesting thing to hear and I think the most important thing I’d take from it is investing in something that deprives you of the one thing you were really excited about. It’s a good lesson, but completely unplanned, an interesting exercise to realise that the thing I feel is the most important thing, is not."

    Rich Dad Coaching

    Rich Dad Coaching

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