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The Hunt (2020)
The Hunt (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Thriller
The new film “The Hunt” has arrived after being delayed due to world events and controversy over the films content and themes.

The film involves a group of people who wake up gagged in a field and soon find themselves being hunted by a group of unknown individuals.
After a bloody and brutal initial encounter; the remaining individuals head out into the surrounding area and soon becomes a situation with far more questions than answers.

One of the Hunted is Crystal (Betty Gilpin) deduces that things are much more complex then they seem and things take a turn in a new direction.

At this point in the film I was thinking that it was lacking any real tension or suspense as the characters were not overly developed and it made investing in their outcome difficult. The film then changes direction and looks at events of the past and also explains more about the Hunters and their motivations which is somewhat unexpected.

The film is a very difficult one to review as people will expect it to be an Action/Suspense film based on the trailers. That is really just a small part of the story which is actually closer to a Dark Comedy with heavy political overtones.
Those overtones are likely to be very controversial and may put people off from seeing the film. During my post-screening comments I said that I am going to need some time to wrap my head around this film as to if I liked it or not. It is easy to dismiss it as propaganda but it is an interesting hybrid that regardless of where you stand; does make you think.
“Mailbox Money Mindset is a frame of mind, a mentality, and a lifestyle in which you focus on investing in assets, over the long term, provide recurring revenue streams”

Chris Hotze shares in his book the advice he received from his father along with practical real-world applications you can become financially independent. He also helps you understand that strictly relying on the stock market investments, 401Ks and bank accounts in your retirement may not protect you in a way you would want them too. He shows you how to protect your money and have control over it by establishing revenue streams from real-estate assets. The most profound advice I found from his dad was “Paper dollars will become less valuable over time and hard assets will ultimately appreciate.” The QR codes at the end of each chapter allow you to further investigate topics you want more information about for example of This Economic Downtown.

You would be surprised to learn that this book even with its business concept is written in a way that anyone can read and learn from these concepts. Chris Hotze writes in a way that regardless of your education you can receive useful and correct information for you to start your own Mailbox Money. He breaks down what assets really are and what tangible assets are and how their use can mean in 10, 20 or even 30 years later and how they will affect your own legacy after you are gone. I would really recommend you take the time to read this book even if you believe real-estate is not for you because the concepts and ideas inside will help you understand your financial future can look like outside of real-estate.
Friend Request (2016)
Friend Request (2016)
2016 | Horror, International, Mystery
Social media has come to play a vital role in our lives. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or any other service, we cannot seem to escape the hashtags or trending topics. Social media has us feeling more and more connected with each day that passes. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for all who have access to the internet.

In Friend Request audiences are introduced to Laura, a popular college student, who befriends a lonely girl, Marina, when a friend request comes through her social media feed. She recognizes something unique about the young girl and feels the need to at least reach a hand out to her. This move proves to be a mistake as Marina becomes very clingy and eventually prompts Laura to push her away and back to her lonely existence. Laura and her friends are quickly thrown into a world where they are haunted and pursued by demonic beings.

The film is ambitious in trying to be more layered than a film with the similar premise of having the internet play an important role in terrorizing the characters. Sadly, the Friend Request becomes to complex. There are several aspects of the story that are inconsistent and raise eyebrows as it makes one question where the story is going. It disappoints in not investing enough time in making the audience actually fear the demon that Marina eventually becomes. The opportunity for a building of tension, paranoia, and claustrophobia is completely missed because of a lack of depth with the characters and a running tally on screen to demonstrate how Laura is continuously losing friends due to the meddling of Marina’s spirit hacking her interfering with her Facebook account.

Friend Request misses the mark in trying to be a truly inventive horror film as it finds itself without an identity.