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Dungeon Lords
Dungeon Lords
2009 | Economic, Fantasy, Fighting, Humor
Great visuals, fun challenge, entertaining rulebook! (0 more)
Must follow the instructions in the rulebook - including the example combat! Difficult to jump straight in without the example (0 more)
Fun and fairly quick game
I've had Dungeon Lords for a few months now. I managed to play a quick, trial game with a friend when I first got it, and it was entertaining.

It then went back in the cupboard.

At the weekend, I managed to convince my wife to give it a try - eventually, she relented. She doesnt like playing a game where at least one player doesnt KNOW the rules.

The first game, we stumbled through, easy enough, but some "creativity" with the rules (as found) meant it wasnt exactly as per the rulebook. She enjoyed it enough to ask to play it again.

Last night, we played it again. And, having muddled through the first game it was a totally different game. It was entertaining, it was creative, the rules felt like they flowed much better. With two players (and 2 "NPCs") it's a challenge but probably not infinitely replayable. Next challenge will be to use the full rules - the rules are set up as "combat examples", "basic play", then "normal play" with a bit more variation and a bit tougher.

There are lots of nice nods to other classic dungeon crawl genres and games, and the boards are clear enough for easy play.

There are LOTS of tokens and cards, so I would recommend investing in some sort of in-box storage system - I spent about £2 on the one i use, which I think is supposed to be for screws and nails!

It's a really fun game, and I am now looking at the expansion for a near-future purchase!
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