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Trapped (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #5)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book #5 in Kevin Hearne's 'Iron Druid Chronicles', this takes place 12 years after the events of [b:Tricked|106843|Tricked|Alex Robinson||102982], and thus 6 years after the in-between novella [b:Two Ravens and One Crow|15728721|Two Ravens and One Crow (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #4.5)|Kevin Hearne||21407171].

In this, Atticus's apprentice Granuaille has finally nearly finished her training, with a large part of the story dealing with Atticus's attempts to get some peace in order to do so: a peace that keeps getting interrupted by the gods and goddesses of various pantheons, a lot of whom bear a grudge against him for various reasons (with the end of the novel having Atticus trying to make amends for previous actions - personally, I felt this was a bit 'tacked on' - against the Norse pantheon)

Comic relief, as always, is provided by his Irish Wolfhound Oberon (who Atticus can mentally communicate with), providing a much needed dose of lightening to the proceedings.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The most recent (as of the time of writing this review) of [a: Kevin Hearne|4414255|Kevin Hearne|]'s 'Iron Druid series, which deals in a large part with 'daddy issues', and with the consequences Atticus faces for choosing to become the Iron Druid (iron, remember, is anathema to the faery races).

Since the start of the series, the number of Druids walking the earth has now trebled: no longer is there Atticus alone, but we now also have his apprentice Granuaile (sp?), as well as his old mentor who now goes by the name Owen Kennedy after being pulled off a time island at the start of this, after Atticus discovered him there at the end of the previous novel ([b: Hunted|17571837|Hunted|Karen Robards||24510885]).

As before, this is told in the first person narrative, largely taking it turns split between the (now three) main characters. Comic relief, as always, is provided by Atticus and Granuaile's trusty canine companions Oberon and Orlaith respectively, who the three main characters are able to communicate telepathically with. Also, as before, this ends on a decided cliffhanger to set up the next novel: one that I will, without a doubt, be picking up when it comes out.


    Kevin Hearne

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    The acclaimed author Kevin Hearne returns with a brand new novel in his epic urban fantasy series...

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final entry in Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series, that closes out the story of Atticus, Oberon and companions as they attempt to stop Ragnarok (yes, that Ragnorak: the Norse end of the world)

I have to say, I also found this one not quite as enjoyable as the previous: I'm not sure why, but for some reason this just didn't grip me as much. This one largely takes it chapter about to move between the main characters: this is no longer just Atticus (and his faithful hound Oberon) story as the earlier entries were.
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Third entry in Kevin Hearne's 'Iron Druid' series which, I felt, is a strong contender in being the best of them so far.

As the third novel, however, this is one that you would need to read the earlier entries first, as it ties up loose plot points from the first two stories and, in particular, follows on from the previous ('Hexed'), in which Atticus agreed to help the vampire Leif as well as the werewolf Gunnar to kill Thor, the Norse God of Thunder (yes, that Thor).

Fast moving, laugh out loud funny in parts and with some solid action scenes, I was mightily impressed by this entry.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Hounded in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Kevin Hearne | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard now-a-days to read urban fantasy without drawing comparisons with Jim Butchers superlative 'Dresden Files' series.

It's even harder when the story is told in the first person, and features a powerful magic-user who deals with all sorts of magical creatures.

That is most definitely the case with Kevin Hearne's 'Hounded' novel, the first in his Iron Druid series (and, I believe, also his first novel). However, unlike Harry Dresden, Atticus O'Sulivan is a centuries old Irish Druid and is already pretty powerful. Also, unlike Dresden, he does not deliberately draw attention to himself ('Wizard for hire'), nor does he have a relationship with the local PD.

Instead, Atticus is doing his best to live the quiet life, trying to stay away from the attention of a Celtic god who has hounded him for centuries and believes that Atticus has stolen a powerful magical sword from him (the sword is in Atticus possession, yes, but not stolen).

All in all, I found this to be a pleasant diversion while waiting for the next Dresden book, and will possibly read a few more to see if I 'grow into' the series any more.
Hexed (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in Kevin Hearne's 'The Iron Druid' series which, I have to say, I actually preferred over the first.

This might be because, I feel, that Hearne is beginning to find his feet more, with the series beginning to get its own distinct style rather than the very Dresden-ish feeling I got from [b:Hounded|18404329|Hounded|David Rosenfelt||26038191].

I also like the glimpses back into Atticus's history, and the plot strands left for future entries, with his world (as a whole) now beginning to develop further.

While still not (yet) up to Dresden standards, this is beginning to get there: I think I will read a few more of these :)
Hunted (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #6)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 6 in Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles, this picks up almost immediately - like, immediately, immediately - after the end of the previous, with Atticus, Oberon and Granuaile all on the run from Artemis and Diana.

It also has quite an unexpected killing-off of a major character early on - in the first chapter or so - and an unexpected event roughly about halfway through.

As before, this is mainly told from the Point of View of Atticus himself, although there are the occassional parts of the story that are told from that of Granuaille.

With the chase finally ending up in England (more familiar to me), and with the introduction of what looks likely to become a new major character at the tail end of the story, I'm looking forward to seeing where the series goes!
Hunted (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #6)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow. That was SO good! Now when can I have more?

Seriously, I need to learn that every time I get my hands in a new book from Hearne, I should just clear my calendar and explain to all and sundry that I am unavailable for the following day or so. I am wholly incapable of reading them in anything but one delicious session, rubbing sleepy eyes, skipping meals, and ignoring the phone. When I do come to the last page, I flip on, desperately hoping that there might be a little more left. Afterwards, I have to immediately visit the author's web site, seeking news of the next release.

There are very few winters whose work is so compelling to me. Jim Butcher is the other who comes to mind immediately.

If you haven't read the Iron Druid series, I strongly encourage you to do so. If you've read earlier volumes but not thus one, what are you waiting for?