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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Irish Milkshake Murder in Books

Jan 4, 2024 (Updated Jan 4, 2024)  
Irish Milkshake Murder
Irish Milkshake Murder
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three Tales of Unlucky Milkshakes
Get ready for murder and mayhem around St. Patrick’s Day with these three fun novellas. Up first, we get “Irish Milkshake Murder” from Carlene O’Connor, which finds Tara Meehan and Danny O’Donnell’s pre-wedding party running into a storm that traps them on an island with a killer. Next up, Peggy Ehrhart takes us to New Jersey in “Murder Most Irish.” Her series characters Pamela Paterson and Bettina Fraser are on hand when a man collapses in his lunch at a local diner. But was it murder? Finally, we travel to the north pole with Liz Ireland’s “Mrs. Claus and the Luckless Leprechaun.” Spring is iceball season at the North Pole, but late after a game one night, the injured star of the local team is attacked. Can Mrs. Claus figure out who did it and why?

Since this is a novella collection, all three of these stories are fast reads. But the authors still pack in plenty of twists. They also do a good job of introducing their characters and the worlds they inhabit, so it is easy to jump in if you aren’t familiar with them. The St. Patrick’s Day theme is strong in each story as well. This is a book you’ll be happy to pull out in March and enjoy with your favorite minty milkshake. Who knows, you might even find a new series to read.

David McK (3372 KP) rated The Olympian Affair (The Cinder Spiers #2) in Books

Aug 26, 2024 (Updated Aug 26, 2024)  
The Olympian Affair (The Cinder Spiers #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, that was a long wait.

Approximately 10 years (edit: 8, to be precise) since the publication of the previous full-length entry in this series (The Aeronaut's Windlass).

So it's just as well I went back and read that recently, as well as the recently-published 'interquel' short story of Warriorborn.

I *would* advise reading that short story first, since this picks up almost immediately from the end of said story: Benedict jumps at the end of the latter, AMS Predator catches him at the start of this.

That sentence will make more sense to any who have read it.

Anyway, what we have is another full-blown Steampunk novel, with war brewing between the home Spires/nations of the world in which it is set, and with some heavy hints towards the end that it is set in 'our' world, but in the far far (and largely dystopian) future - I also got a bit of a vibe of that bit in 2005's 'King Kong' film where they are on Skull Island and surrounded by giant man-eating millipedes etc (which is why, in the story, the surface world is so feared).

Let's hope I don't have to wait so long for the next instalment

Or even for a new Harry Dresden (my favourite of Butcher's works) story

(with the author even apologising for the wait for this in his authors note at the end)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Gal Gadot Rocks! (0 more)
Villains are underdeveloped, and a bit rubbish (0 more)
After a pretty lengthy drought, we finally get another decent DC movie
As the DC TV universe continues to go from strength to strength, the DC movie universe is gradually going downhill. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked Man of Steel, despite the overloaded CGI destruction at the end. I didn’t mind Batman Vs Superman either, even with Jesse Eisenberg doing his very best to try and ruin it. But, despite successfully introducing two other major DC heavyweight characters (and not so successfully introducing a few others) and picking up steam in the final act, the movie struggled. Suicide Squad then managed to take bad to a completely new level, and was just a complete train-wreck.

Batman Vs Superman was our first introduction to Wonder Woman in the DC movie universe, and she was the most entertaining and promising aspect of the whole movie. As a child of the 70s, I grew up watching and enjoying the Wonder Woman TV show, along with re-runs of the Batman 60s show and of course the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. After all these years of countless Batman and Superman movies, it was great to not only see Wonder Woman finally on the big screen, but also to see her being portrayed so well. Now, with her standalone movie coming out a few months before the mediocre looking Justice League movie, this is not only an important movie for DC but also an important first step in finally bringing strong female superheroes to the big screen. Paving the way for Captain Marvel, a Black Widow standalone movie, and more. This had to be good.

Thankfully, it is. Although there’s still a long way to go in order to reach the level that Marvel already managed to achieve many movies ago, this is indeed a serious step up for DC. Opening with a brief scene set in present day, Wonder Woman then takes us back to Themyscira. A paradise island, hidden from view from the rest of the world, where a young Diana lives peacefully among her Amazon tribe. Despite their peaceful existence though, the Amazons are constantly preparing themselves for the return of Ares, God of War. Archery and combat training is undertaken daily on the island, under the guidance of Dianas aunt, General Antiope (Robin Wright). Diana is keen to train too and her reluctant mother, Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen), eventually agrees, requesting that General Antiope train her hard and make her the best. As Diana grows into a woman, training has clearly gone well and she’s even managing to give her aunt a good run for her money! Just in time too as World War 1 pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crashes through the invisible barrier cloaking the island and crash lands into the sea, closely followed by a bunch of Germans who are on his tail. Time for the Amazon women to put their training to good use, but not without some casualties…

Steve tells Diana of the great war that’s raging throughout the world and Diana believes this to be the return of Ares. She decides to leave her home and travel with Steve to put an end to Ares once and for all. So, she grabs her shield and lasso of truth and ‘borrows’ the sacred ‘God Killer’ sword from the tower it rests in and off they go. Leaving behind the bright, vibrant island of Themyscira and returning to the traditional, dark grey pallet of colours that we’re used to seeing in our DC movies as they head to war-torn London.

Steve takes over as charming tour guide as Diana enters the human world for the first time. Her innocence and curiosity of the modern world are played beautifully by Gadot, with plenty of fish-out-of-water style humour too. But she’s also never afraid to question and stand up for what she believes in and tackle those who try and oppose her, giving an interesting perspective on aspects of humanity which deserve to be questioned. Her drive to get to the front-line of war, to seek out Ares and supposedly end all war by defeating him, constantly driving her forward. Romance eventually blossoms between Diana and Steve, but it feels natural and believable and helps to hold the movie together during some of its slower moments.

When Wonder Woman manages to get to the front line and steps out into no-mans land, ignoring the advice of Steve and those around her, it’s magnificent. It heralds the first in a series of magnificent action sequences involving German soldiers as she puts her training to good use. Initially shielding herself from the onslaught of bullets before moving onto the offensive with some bad-ass combat moves, slo-mo back-flips, jumps, whip action and displays of pure power and strength. Everything we got a glimpse of in Batman Vs Superman, ramped up to the max, perfectly executed and accompanied by a rocking soundtrack!

Where Wonder Woman doesn’t work so well is in the handling of its villains. Whenever we switch to General Ludendorff and Doctor Poison, busily developing deadly gases to unleash, momentum seems to be lost. And as for Ares, when we do finally meet him he’s pretty laughable, with no clearly defined motivation or character. Following a bit of villain monologue, we get the general gist of what his beef is and then the last 20 minutes or so descend into the over the top CG destruction that we’re so used to seeing now in these movies. It’s a minor gripe, and not handled as badly as some previous movies, but along with the pacing issues it does affect the overall enjoyment of the movie somewhat.

None of this detracts from Wonder Woman herself though. Gal Gadot has truly made this role her own and displays the perfect mix of strength, beauty, brains, confidence, determination and general all-round girl power. She can more than hold her own in the DC universe and should hopefully be a prominent force in the upcoming Justice League movie and beyond.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
Wonderful ending to the trilogy
The Hidden World picks up a year on from the events of the last movie. After gaining a parent, then losing another, Hiccup now finds himself Chief to the residents of the Isle of Berk. But it's starting to become a little bit overcrowded - as Hiccup and friends continue to carry out raids on dragon hunters, rescuing dragons and bringing them back to the safety of the island, there's not so much room for the human residents anymore. This safe haven for dragons, along with the antics of Hiccup and his dragon rescuers, draws the attentions of an infamous, and very dangerous hunter by the name of Grimmel. He comes armed with a deadly crossbow and a set of dragons the likes of which Hiccup hasn't seen before - spewing acid like liquid which burns and destroys everything it comes into contact with, and he's out to rid the world of night fury dragons. Attempts by Hiccup to outwit and capture Grimmel backfire and it quickly becomes clear that Berk, and all of it's inhabitants, are in imminent and deadly danger.

Hiccup remembers his father telling him stories when he was a young boy, recalling tales that sailors returning home from sea had told. Stories of a hidden world, beyond the horizon at the edge of the world. Legend has it that this world is the birth place of all dragons, a wonderous place where they all live in harmony, hidden away from the world of humans. Hiccup decides that before Grimmel returns to the island with an army, they must all pack up and leave in search of the hidden world, where they can rebuild their homes and all live together in safety. But Grimmel has a very special dragon in his possession, one that he plans to use in order to capture Toothless - a female night fury, white in colour and dubbed a 'Light Fury'. This Light Fury succeeds in drawing the attentions of Toothless, who up until now was thought to be the last of his kind. And while plans are also afoot for Hiccup to marry Astrid, are our heroes finally about to grow up and go their separate ways in the name of love?

One of the biggest strong points of this series of movies is just how beautiful they are to look at, and The Hidden World is no exception. As the mating ritual between the two dragons unfolds, we spend long periods of time with little or no dialogue. From an amusing but clumsy courting dance on the beach to a beautiful flight as they become more comfortable with each other, the whole thing is just wonderfully captivating. The movie benefits from some very good action scenes too and Hiccups friends continue to bring humour to it all. It's a good mix, and never manages to feel boring at all. But this is definitely a movie about old friends, growing up and growing apart. And as the closing part of the movie trilogy, it manages to tie everything together and end it all perfectly.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Whatever you've heard about Caraval, it doesn't compare to the reality. It's more than just a game or a performance. It's the closest you'll ever find to magic in this world . . ." Caraval is this indescribable world that you just need to fall into whole-heartedly.

The setting is so vividly described from the colours, to the buildings, and the people populating the game that you are instantly transported into the game yourself. Legend's Island comes alive in your mind from the moment Scarlett passes through its gates until the final words of the epilogue. Caraval draws you in and doesn't let go.

We are introduced to two sisters, Scarlett and Donatella who have always dreamt of seeing Caraval but they never thought it would truly happen. Stuck on their island with an overbearing father and no desire to cross him, they could only wish. Imagine their surprise when, finally, they receive a response and are invited to partake in the greatest game of mystery, illusions and intrigue - Caraval.

We are faced with the same questions that Scarlett is, who is Legend, where is Tella and will she be able to complete the game? The stakes of this year's game are greater than the past, this year players must find Tella. As many race to discover the clues and don't always behave in the most respectable manner - Scarlett must win without succumbing to the debauchery of the game or else she may never see her sister again.

The author keeps you guessing about each character's motivation and desires, as Caraval sweeps you away. This book has frequently been compared to the Night Circus and while it has similarities, they are very different stories. Caraval is its own unique take on a story that's magical, mysterious and expansive. It is also more fast-paced than the Night Circus. While I believe that readers who enjoy the Night Circus will also enjoy this novel, don't expect it to be the same.

My favourite aspect of this book was the world building, as I mentioned previously. I am so impressed by the detail and love poured into this story, which is made even more impressive because this is a debut novel. The author's writing sounds more like a seasoned writer than a debut novel and it's fantastic.

The characters were well developed and diverse, adding to the atmosphere of the story. Scarlett is determined and likable, even if she occasionally makes poor decisions. You feel for her character and root for her success. Julian is enticing, but you never really know where he stands and what his motivations are so it makes it difficult to trust him. Even so, I still loved his character. Tella is less likable, in my opinion than Scarlett so I had trouble connecting to her throughout the story.

Make sure you give yourself time to read because once you pick it up, you're not going to put it down. Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy magic, fantasy, mysteries, and truly well written and expansive world building.
Searching For A Soul To Love (Manx Cat Guardians #4)
Searching For A Soul To Love (Manx Cat Guardians #4)
JP Sayle | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
I was gifted my copy of this book from the author, that I write a review was not required.

This is book 4 in the Manx Cat Guardian series, and you really SHOULD, at the very least, read book three, Where It All Began before this one. It has a direct impact on this one. Book two, When Past and Present Collide, would be helpful to know what happens to Stuart, but not as necessary as book 3.

Aadan goes to the Isle of Man to help Joe deal with his ex. His cat, Max, comes with. The minute Max lands on the island where it all began, the island that was once his home, things start happening: to Max, to Aadan, and to Greg, who works with Martin (book one) and Stuart (book 2) Can Max finally bring peace to his charges: to Olafr and Magnus, the two souls he has carried for a millennia and to Aadan and Greg?

After reading book two, I was waiting for this one, Aadan and Greg have a poweful reaction in that book and it flows over into this one. It bubbles and simmers along for a huge chunk of the book, and it's not til over 90% do they FINALLY come together! Aadan was fighting the attraction, the pull of Greg a scary thing, but once he decides to go with it?? Interruption after interruption keep them from being together! While incredibly frustrating, for them and us, I think it was right and proper it took them so long.

Greg now carries the soul of Magnus, and he feels everything that Magnus did on the fateful night in the nightmares that plague him. I said in my review for Where It All Began, that it would have been too much to hear from Magnus in THAT book. But here, Magnus has his voice, and while I stand by what I said, because it's truly painful reading, when Magnus calls to his beloved to finally end his torment, it is NECESSARY that he has his voice here. And you do need to hear what he has to say.

Max in utterly smitten (it's the best word I can find!) with Princess, and at the end of this book, he's left with an impossible choice! I could not call which way he will go, and hopefully I won't have to wait too long to find out.

Aadan's younger brother, Nick plays a part here, and his story is laid out. That could be quite explosive, given how Nick reacts to Brody, Aadan's friend!

I loved the final chapter, with both Magnus and Olafr having a say and them finally, after such a long time apart, coming together forever. OH!! Loved the little twist about when the souls were both in Max.

The author's skill continues to grow, and it shows in each and every book.

Aside from having to wait so bloody long for the main event, and for the choice Max in left with, I loved this book, so...

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Story: AVP: Alien vs. Predator starts by taking us around the world fron Antarctica to space to Nebraska to Nepal where we meet the mountain climbing expert Alexa Woods (Lathan) onto Mexico where we meet the archaeologist Sebastian (Bova) who both get a visit from Maxwell Stafford (Salmon) who represents Charles Bishop Weyland (Henriksen).

Weyland has discovered an ancient pyramid buried under the ice of Bouvetoya Island in Antarctica and has built a team including Alexa, Sebastian, Miller (Bremner), Mark (Flanagan), Joe (Rye) and Adele (Boulaye) to mention a few. To travel to the island to enter into the pyramid for what could well be a massive discovery for whoever finds it.

What starts out as a simple exhibition turns into a nightmare when above ground the men get attacked by Predators but inside the pyramid they must battle aliens in a battle for survival stuck in the middle of these iconic villains.


Thoughts on AVP: Alien vs. Predator


Characters/Performance – Alexa Woods is the expert climber hired to lead the team into the pyramid using her experience on climb ice surfaces, she reluctantly agrees knowing she is the only available person to do the job safely. Sebastian is the archaeologist that is an expert on many ancient cultures. Weyland is the man funding and seeking technology inside the pyramid. The rest of the characters get a proper introduction only to be killed off in about a ten-minute sequence.

Performance was Lathan is good and the highlight of the human characters with everyone else just coming off fine not getting the time to make an impact.

Story – When you look at this story you are left thinking this is Alien on Earth, just without any suspense, horror or interesting stuff going on. This sounds harsh because this is an easy watch and people are going to be happy to watch aliens and predators fight, the problem I have was the introducing us to countless humans only to be disposable for these villains. Certain elements of the story telling do work though, looking at the idea of ancient civilizations worshiping the predators in exchange for the pyramids I did like.

Action/Horror/Sci-Fi – The action is all what you would come to expect, large body counts and alien or predator kills we have seen before. The horror is almost gone which disappoints with the sci-fi edge working on the level it needs to only.

Settings – After taking us around the world in the opening sequences we do settle down nicely for the setting inside the pyramid under the ice with little escape.

Special Effects – We have good effects when we keep things small scale but bad effects when things get to the large scale.

Final Thoughts – This is just fine nothing more, it is an easy watch and brings together icons of film, but this just isn’t as fun as Freddy v Jason.


Overall: Easy to watch all actioner horrorless movie.
21 Bridges (2019)
21 Bridges (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Direction and Lead Performances elevate a "so-so" script
The world lost a tremendous talent when 44 year old Chadwick Boseman lost his battle with cancer. Whether it was as Jackie Robinson in 42, Thurgood Marshall in THURGOOD or as T'Challa/Black Panther in the Marvel movies, Boseman's charm and charisma lept off the screen and drew you into whatever project he is in.

This charm and charisma is very much in evidence in the by-the-book cops chasing robbers action flick 21 BRIDGES. As the cop chasing "the fugitive", Boseman elevates the proceedings to a level above what this average script had to offer.

Set in NYC, 21 BRIDGES tells the tale of Detective Andre Davis (Bozeman) who must chase down a couple of thieves - and cop killers - before they can escape New York. Told in one night, Davis makes the call to close the "21 Bridges" of the island of Manhattan so the bad guys are stuck on the island.

And...that's the first disappointment with this film, it doesn't do anything with that premise. Do the bad guys try to escape on one of those "21 Bridges"? Nope. The bridges are never really mentioned why call this film "21 Bridges"?

What does work is Boseman's performance. His Davis is competent, honest, smart and earnest and you are drawn into his work. As is the work of the person who is thrust into the action as his partner, Vice Cop Frankie Burns (Sienna Miller). You might roll your eyes when you hear Miller's name for her early career was more about being on the tabloid pages than it was about being on the screen, but she has morphed herself - and her career - into something quite interesting through turns in films like FOXCATCHER and AMERICAN SNIPER and she is as equally interesting as Bozeman in this film. The 2 make a good pair.

The rest of the supporting cast - Taylor Kitsch, Keith David and the great J.K. Simmons - are solid, if not spectacular. But there are 2 standouts. Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir in STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE 9) is interesting as the "money launderer" and Stephan James (IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK) is just as charming and charismatic as Bozeman as one of the the thieves on the run. If you are looking for a young, charismatic actor to fill the hole created by Bozeman's death, James could very well fit the bill.

I've mentioned that the script by Adam Mervis and Matthew Michael Carnahan is nothing special, but what is special is the Direction by Brian Kirk (a TV Director of such shows as GAME OF THRONES and LUTHER). This is his Major Motion Picture debut (as far as I could tell) and there were some VERY interesting shots and some taught, tense moments. He'll be a director to watch in the future.

While nothing too special, 21 BRIDGES is better than "good enough" - a cops 'n robbers film that will hold your interest for the relatively quick 1 hour and 39 minute running time.

Letter Grade: B

7 Stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)